---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Reindeer Pot Roast Categories: Wild game, Roasts Yield: 4 servings 1 3-pound reindeer pot roast 1 Bay leaf 1/4 lb Salt pork 4 Carrots, peeled and cubed 1/4 c Flour 4 Turnips, peeled and cubed -Salt and pepper to taste 4 Potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 1/4 c Water 6 sm Onions -Salt and pepper to taste Wipe meat with damp cloth and lard with three-quarters of the salt pork. Rub with flour, salt, and pepper. Fry remaining salt pork in dutch oven over medium heat. Brown meat on all sides in the fat. Remove meat. Brown 2 tablespoons flour in fat. Set meat on low rack in dutch oven. Add water and seasonings. Cover and simmer for about 3 hours, or until meat is nearly tender. Place vegetables around and over meat and continue cooking for about 30 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Serve roast, sliced, surrounded with vegetables. Thicken the gravy if necessary with 2 tablespoons flour blended with 2 tablespoons butter and serve with meat. Serves 4. From: Z Pegasus #2 @1219000 1 Date: 03-18-94 -----