---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.06 Title: Yorkshire Chicken Categories: Poultry Servings: 4 1 Frying chicken, 3-3-1/2 lbs, 1/4 ts Pepper Cut up 1/2 c Butter or margarine divided 1 1/3 c All-purpose flour, divided 1 ts Baking powder 2 ts Salt, divided 3 Eggs 1 ts Poultry seasoning 1 1/2 c Milk Mix 1/3 c flour, 1 tsp. salt, the poultry seasoning and pepper. Coat chicken pieces with the mixture. Brown all sides in 1/4 cup butter in large skillet. Arrange chicken in a 13-by-9-inch baking pan. Bake at 350F for 30 minutes Remove chicken. If desired, make gravy in pan, using drippings. Pour off into saucepan and keep warm. Put chicken back in pan. With electric mixer, beat together remaining flour, salt, baking powder, eggs, and milk. Add remaining butter, melted. Beat until smooth. Pour over chicken. Bake at 350F for another 45 minutes. Serve with the gravy, if used. Good served with: Green peas or broccoli and tomato salad. From: THE WHO #1 @178 -----