MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Black Beans with Bean Curd Categories: Chinese, Main dishes, Vegetarian Yield: 1 servings 1 c Dried red beans 1 tb Soy sauce 1 ts Brown sugar 1 c Stock 2 ea Cakes tofu 2 tb Oil 1 ea Green onion, chopped 1 ts Garlic, chopped 1 ea Green chili, sliced 1 tb Salted black beans 1 pn Black pepper Soak dried beans. Boil until tender. Drain & mash. Stir sugar & soy sauce into the sock & mix with mashed beans. Cut tofu into small cubes. Heat oil & stir fry gren onions, garlic & chili for 30 seconds. Add black beans, tofu & mashed red beans. Cook gently for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with pepper & serve. Jack Santa Maria, "Chinese Vegetarian Cooking" MMMMM MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Cabbage & Dumpling Soup Categories: Soups, Appetizers, Vegetarian Yield: 6 servings 1/4 lb Frim tofu 4 tb Water 1 c Whole wheat flour 1/8 ts Black pepper 1/4 ts Salt 1/2 md Head cabbage 1 tb Corn oil 8 c Boiling water 1 ea Bay leaf 1 tb Soy sauce Chopped scallions Dumplings: Blend tofu with water till smooth. Sift dry ingredients. Stir in tofu mixture. Knead for 1 minute, form into 1/2" balls & set aside. Soup: Mince core of cabbage & shred leaves finely. Heat oil in soup pot. Add cabbage & saute over medium heat til golden. Add water & bay leaf. Return to a boil, add dumplings, cover & simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. The dumplings should be floating on the top at this point. Remove bay leaf. Dilute soy sauce in a bit of the broth, add to the soup. Simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve, garnishing with scallions. Source Unknown MMMMM MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Cabbage Cooked with Bean Curd Categories: Vegetarian, Main dishes Yield: 4 servings 3 lg Shiitake mushrooms 2 ea Cakes medium tofu 1 lb Cabbage, sliced 3 tb Oil 1/2 ts Salt 2 ts Soy sauce 1 ts Mirin sauce Soak mushrooms in 3/4 c hot water for 1/2 hour. Put tofu onto a paper towel & leave to drain for 30 minutes. Remove mushrooms from water, reserve liquid. Cut off & discard stems. Slice caps into 1/4" wide strips. Heat oil in an 8" skillet. When hot, put in cabbage & mushrooms. Stir & fry for 1 minute, till cabbage wilts. Reduce heat to medium. Crumble tofu & it to the skillet. Add salt, soy sauce & mirin. Stir & fry for another 5 minutes. Madhur Jaffrey "World of the East Vegetarian Cookbook" MMMMM