---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: CHOCOLATE EGGS Categories: Easter, Candies Yield: 6 servings 1 1/3 c Hot water 4 c Granulated cane sugar 1/2 c Light corn syrup 3 oz Unsweetened chocolate, chopd 2 tb Butter Chocolate compound coating Stir hot water, sugar and corn syrup together in three quart heavy saucepan. Place over high heat and stir constantly until all sugar crystals are dissolved. Wash down sides of pan with pastry brush dipped in hot water. Clip on thermometer and continue cooking without stirring until temperature reaches 240, washing down sides twice more as mixture cooks. Remove from heat. Entire cooking process takes about 12 minutes. As soon as bubbles subside, pour mixture onto marble slab or cookie sheet. Allow to cool, undisturbed, until fondant holds the imprint of your finger and feels lukewarm, about eight minutes. Cut butter in small pieces and scatter over surface. Pour melted chocolate over fondant. Work the fondant with a scraper, lifting it up from all sides and keeping the mass in constant motion. When the fondant is stiff enough to hold the scraper straight up, it is finished. Knead briefly and place the ball of fondant in a container. Cover with a damp cloth, then cover the container. Get out as needed and knead a little before using. Shape into egg shapes and dip in chocolate coating or real chocolate. -----