---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: EGG CANDIES Categories: Easter, Candies Yield: 6 servings 14 1/3 oz Creamy frosting mix 5 tb Butter, softened 3 tb All purpose flour 1 tb Light corn syrup 1 1/2 tb Hot water 1 1/4 lb Colored compound coat, meltd Combine frosting mix, butter and flour in bowl; set aside. Combine corn syrup and hot water; add to mixture in bowl. Blend with mixer until mixture resembles fine crumbs. Press into a ball with hands. Form into small egg shapes; dip in melted coating. *NOTE* For variety, add desired amounts of melted real chocolate, candied fruit, nuts, coconut, flavoring or food coloring or use another frosting mix flavor. -----