---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.00 Title: Quick Vlf Vegan Sukiyaki Categories: Digest, July Yield: 1 servings 1 15 oz can sukiyaki no tomo (drained, 8.8 oz) 1 10 6 oz package Mori-Nu Lite Tofu (or any low fat tofu) 1 c Green onions, cut into 2" (5 Cm) lengths 1 c Celery, cut diagonally into 3/4 " (2 cm) pieces 1 c Chinese cabbage, bok choy, Or green cabbage 1/4 c Salt-reduced shoyu / soy Sauce / tamari 2 tb Mirin or sake 1/2 c Sugar (if using mirin, Reduce to 1/3 C) In a large non-stick pan, saute green onions and celery in soy sauce and mirin. Add cabbage and when getting limp, add all other ingredients. Cook about 3 minutes. Don't overcook! Serve with brown rice. Serves 2. Any green vegetables can be added to this dish. For best results, microwave o steam them about 90% done before adding, then gently stir them into the sukiyaki for the last 3 minutes. Per serving: Calories 248, Fat 2.4 g.(8% CFF), Carbohydrate 44.8 g., Protein 4.7 g. Dietary fiber 3 g. From: Dr. Neal Pinckney Fatfree Digest [Volume 9 Issue 18] July 9, 1994 Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, -----