MMMMM----- Recipe via UNREGISTERED Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Rouille - Red Pepper Mayonnaise Categories: French, Condiment, Ceideburg Yield: 2 servings Stephen Ceideburg 1/2 Red bell pepper 1 sm Slice white bread, crust -removed 2 tb Clam juice 5 To 10 Saffron threads 1 Cayenne pepper to taste 2 Garlic cloves, mashed finely 2 ts Dijon mustard 2 Egg yolks 3/4 c Olive oil 3/4 c Peanut oil 1/2 Lemon, juice only 1 Salt and freshly ground -pepper 2 tb Chopped parsley 2 ts Tomato paste This fiery red sauce, the name of which means "rust," is almost always served with bouillabaisse. Roast the bell pepper under the broiler (grill) until the skin turns black. Remove from the heat@at and place in a plastic bag for 5 minutes, or until the pepper is soft. When it is cool, peel it and discard the skin and seeds. Mash to a fine paste. Soak the bread in the clam juice with the saffron and cayenne until it is saturated. Add the mashed garlic to the bread. Combine the mustard with the egg yolks and mix well, Add the yolks to the bread with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Mix until an emulsion is formed. Combine the olive oil and peanut oil. Drop by drop, add ail the oil to the emulsion, whisking constantly. Do not add the oil too quickly and be sure that the emulsion is homogeneous before adding more oil. Season with lemon juice, ground pepper, parsley, and tomato paste. Then add the mashed pepper. Season with cayenne, lemon juice, salt and pepper as needed. Makes about 2 1/2 cups (2 fl oz/625 ml) Michael Roberts writing in the Oregonian FOODday, 1/12/93. Posted by Stephen Ceideburg Happy Cooking! Spunky :) MMMMM