MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Enchilada Casserole (Vegan) Categories: None Yield: 1 servings MMMMM---------------------------SAUCE-------------------------------- 1 Onion x Several cloves of garlic 1 16 oz. can crushed tomatoes 1 cn Chilis (I got the smallest cn Green ones) x Oregano and basil to taste MMMMM--------------------------FILLING------------------------------- 2 c Black beans 1 c Whole wheat couscous, Reconstituted 1/2 pk White Wave lowfat firm tofu, Crushed (+ sauce) x Corn tortillas Water saute the onion and garlic until brown, deglaze and continue until they reach the condition you favor. Add tomatoes and chilis. Add spices and salt and pepper to taste and simmer while you mess with the rest of the ingredients (Note: I would have added corn here, had I had it). Reconstitute couscous with hot water. Stir together couscous, beans and crushed tofu. Add sauce to create a desirable consistency. (Be sure to save enough sauce for the casserole). Squirt a 9x13 pan with cooking spray and then put a bit of sauce in the bottom and spread it around. Heat a skillet to medium and use it to soften the corn tortillas (put them on the skillet and flip them when they get a bit hot; they should wind up soft). Roll about 2 to 3 tablespoons of the filling in each tortilla (while heating the one to follow) and squeeze them tightly side by side in the pan. Cover the rolls with remaining sauce when you're done. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes and then let stand for ten minutes. Note: since I always cook for me and one fat-loving ovo-lacto vegetarian (we just got engaged!), I made extra of everything (so don't take my proportions as absolute) and filled two 8x8 pans, rather than one 9x13. I then added extra stuff to his pan of enchiladas, leaving my pan pristine. This is the way I always make lasagna too; one pan with fatty stuff added to the vlf recipe for him and the vlf version for me. Anyway, I loved my enchiladas, and he gave his an 8 out of 10. Posted by Heather Brown to Fatfree Digest [Volume 13 Issue 9] Dec. 9, 1994. FATFREE Recipe collections copyrighted by Michelle Dick 1994. Used with permission. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, using MMCONV. MMMMM MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Filet De Tofu with Apricot Dijon Sauce Categories: Main dishes, Fruits, Vegetarian Yield: 4 servings 1 sm Onion, chopped 2 ea Garlic cloves, crushed Vegetable oil 1 tb Tamari 1 ts Dijon mustard 2 c Orange juice 1 c Apricot puree or jam 2 lb Extra firm tofu -- thinly sliced MMMMM--------------------------GARNISH------------------------------- Scallions, chopped 2 pn Dill Pan-fry onion and garlic in oil. Gradually add tamari, mustard, orange juice, and apricot puree. Stir until you have a smooth sauce. In separate pan, fry tofu in oil, and add to sauce. Cook mixture over low heat until sauce reduces by half. Place tofu in serving dish, and garnish with chopped shallots and dill. Serve with stir-fried vegetables, rice, or a salad. John Paino & Lisa Messinger, "The Tofu Book" Posted by Karen Mintzias MMMMM