MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Vegetable Lasagne: Categories: Main dishes, Vegetarian, Vegan Yield: 8 servings 9 Lasagne noodles -(OR as much as needed) 1 lb Tofu 1/2 c Tomato paste (or sauce) 1 -to: 2 c Tomato sauce -(as much as desired) 1 bn Chard (or spinach) 3 tb Nutritional yeast 1/2 ts Salt 1 ts Thyme 1 ts Basil 3 tb Canola oil 3 sm Onions; -OR- 1 lb Mushrooms 3 Celery stalks 1 1/2 c Cauliflower Mash up the tofu in a bowl and add salt, nutritional yeast, spices, tomato paste. Chop the celery, caulflower, and onion finely and saute in oil. When mostly cooked add the mushrooms, sliced. When the mushrooms are done, add the vegetables to the tofu and mix well. Cook the lasagne noodles in water until done. This can be done beforehand to save time. Grease your casserole pan lightly with some oil to help prevent sticking. Place a layer of noodles down and spoon some tomato sauce over it. Put a layer of tofu/veggies down. Saute the chard (or spinach) in a pan with just a little bit of oil. When completely cooked down and soft, add half to the lasagne, spreading evenly over the layer. Add more sauce then noodles, then tofu than another layer of chard. Top with more sauce, more noodles and a large amount of sauce (to prevent any burning or drying out of the noodles when they're cooked). Preheat oven to about 350 or 375 and cook roughly 35 minutes, or until bubbly and hot. SERVE! I guarantee it'll be among the best lasagne you've ever had.... From: (Tara McDermott) @Newsgroups: MMMMM MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Baked, Pressed Tofu Categories: Vegetarian Yield: 1 servings x Tofu 1/2 c Flour x Favorite spices From: (Daniel Cross X8663 P5108). About the quickest tofu recipe I know is this one: Mix some flour (about .5 cup) with your favorite spices (I like cayenne). Press most of the water out of a block of tofu with a towel, then slice it up any old way. Dip the slices in soy sauce, then in the flour/spice mix, and place on a baking tray. Bake for 20-30 minutes (a toaster-oven is great for this). If you like them browned a little more, put them under the broiler for 5 min. before serving. From: (Sam Voeller). sort of a boring tofu user myself, but one recipe I have is so yummy I use it in all sorts of things. Preheat oven to 350 degrees (f) cut tofu (firm) into 1" cubes dip cubed tofu in soy sauce, and dust on all sides with fresh-ground black pepper set on lightly oiled (or non-stick) baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes, turning once so that all sides are browned evenly. This gives the tofu some real, chewable texture, as well as a spicey zing. I use these tofu chunks in thick stews, or just over steamed veggies. rfvc Digest V94 Issue #200 Sept. 17, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, using MMCONV. MMMMM MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Tofu Lasagna Filling (Ricotta Substitute) Categories: Vegetarian Yield: 1 servings 1 lb Tofu 1 T Garlic powder 1 t Oregano 1 t Basil 1 t Lemon juice 1 T Olive oil Blend all the ingredients well. From: (heather c. tunender). rfvc Digest V94 Issue #200 Sept. 17, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34, using MMCONV. MMMMM