INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Copy *.PYR, *.PYF, *.ASN to your SIERRA/BASEBALL/ASSN directory. Copy *.DAT to your SIERRA/BASEBALL/DATA directory. Thank you for showing interest in this effort. In an attempt to make this one of the most comprehensive association teamsets available for Front Page Sports Baseball 94, I have included not only the current 28-man big league rosters, but also a full complement of actual minor-leaguers for EACH team. Red Sox fans can thrill to Canseco now, while watching Trot Nixon develop his skills. I have also added to the game many of the more prominent players who are active in 1995, but did not play in 1994 (Ron Gant, Donovan Osborne, Duane Ward, etc.) Their ratings are based upon their last active season, and perhaps slightly adjusted depending on the severity of injury (e.g. Gant's speed was reduced a bit due to his leg injury.) Please bear in mind that many of the ratings are broad approximations of minor league talent. I have not tested it through even one full season. Therefore, I have no idea what sort of effect spring training will have on prospects like Trot Nixon. OK, now for the big disclaimer. When you load the teamset, all of the teams are set to 100% human-controlled. I have made my best attempt to get the rotations and batting orders set properly. PLEASE NOTE that if you change teams to computer-owned, the results will likely differ from the actual major league teams. Players on the current 28 man rosters will find themselves at AAA, often undeservedly. Two prime examples are Ron Gant and Otis Nixon. Gant, although his numbers at EVERY category are far better than the Reds other LF, will be placed at AAA no matter what you do. I have no explanation for this. Nixon is put at AAA due to his nonexistent Power Hitting rating. Nixon obviously has no power, even though is CH is 40+ and his speed is very high. But, he will be demoted in favor of another outfielder with 20s at both CH and PH. So, make this change at your own risk. Also of note, I apologize for any inaccuracies in the roster content. I did my best to make them accurate as of opening day, but some errors may have slipped through. I made some arbitrary changes to jersey numbers of players who were duplicated on the same team due to off-season moves. In general, 90% of the jersey #s are correct. Thanks to Steven S. Stoner (73561,2505) for creating the initial DataIn files for this teamset. While I began the project myself, I would have never been able to enter arm strength, pitch ratings, skin color, etc. with the accuracy that Steve did. Also thanks to Larry Gold who helped me identify some corrections and improvements late in the production process. Enjoy, and feel free to write with your comments! Tim Krasniewski Prodigy - VMBL25A Internet - America OnLine - TJKraz