================================================================ Title : CD-2.WAD Author : Chapman Developments (Alan Chapman) cd@k-2.com For DOOM II. Arena type layout with lots of weapons and ammo scattered all around so nobody runs out of anything. I wanted to make a level without doors so that you could always be running without having to stop for doors to open. I also did not make any "secret" walls from where one player could unfairly dominate the game. If you want to win, you're gonna have to earn it. There is, however, 1 BFG in the level located near the exit placed "out of the way" just in case you choose not to play with it. More D-Match levels to come so watch for them. Just look for the "CD". ================================================================ >> Play Information. Map : 01 Skill levels : None (all are same) Single Player : No 2-4 Multiplayer : Yes (D-Match only, NOT cooperative) New Demos : No New Sounds : Yes, many New Music : Yes New Graphics : No >> Construction Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 20+ hours (approx) Editor used : Doom Construction Kit v2.2, Wad Manipulator v1.03 >> CD-2.WAD level details NO monsters, chainsaw, or pump-action shotgun Otherwise all other weapons and ammo present, plus health and green armor. >> Copyright / Permissions Don't mess with my level please. It took many frustrating hours to get it working just right without any bugs. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.