DEhackED for DUMMIES By Nick Wightkin for questions send e-mail to => GOTO CHAPTER 6 FOR MORE DETAILS First of all, I'm not responsible for anything stupid you do. So if you totally screw up you DOOM game, don't be crying to mom and having her send a bunch of junk to me about telling me what you did wrong. CHAPTER 1 - HIT POINTS, SPEED, WIDTH & HEIGTH, MISSLE DAMAGE, and MASS First, I will start with the HIT POINTS. This will tell you how much of a wimp the thing is or how powerful it is. With HIT POINTS set to 1, this thing will drop like a rock in one shot. With it set to 1000, you better be ready to fire a heck of a lot of missles, or at least 3 BFGs. (For some reason, setting the player's HIT POINTS to 1 or 1000, doesn't do anything for you, but it does for the other players in 2-4 player modes.) Next is SPEED. This feature is pretty cool, if you set the speed low. Making it very fast makes it shoot crooked on all projectiles. But, with low speed, you can fire at an area and leave, before it blows. For tricks using this feature, go down to CHAPTER 6. WIDTH & HEIGTH Before jumping into conclusions, these settings do not make the images of the objects bigger, but they are bigger. The new size is invisible, but the original image is still there. So if you make a barrel wider, it looks the same size, but if you shoot a little of of it, you still hit the new invisible size of it. Sometimes this is a pain, since it gets in the way and is more of an obstacle. The missle is the same size, and I recommend that you keep it the same, if you are going to fire some out around corners or windows, because the missle might hit the wall and blow you up, because of its enlarged size. But, the chance of hitting someone is greater, since the rocket is bigger. MASS MASS determines how much you weigh. If you set it high, rockets and other projectiles, or bullets won't push you back on impact. But set to low, will make you fly back when they hit you. CHAPTER 2 - ALERT, ATTACK, PAIN, DEATH ACTION SOUND ALERT sounds are the sounds of projectiles firing and monsters after they heard or saw you. Press F5 to go through all the sounds and press SPACE to hear the sound. (If you don't have DOOM II, you can't hear some of the sounds.) Then go back and enter the number of the sound in the ALERT SOUNDS space. You can make the sound of shooting rocket a scream from a player dying, or enter 0 to make the shot silent. It's cool to use in DEATHMATCH, because they will never know what hit them! (This is only useful with projectile weapons.) ATTACK sounds are the sounds of projectile firing enemies, or ones that use their hands. (Imps, demons, Barons of Hell, etc..) If you get tired of hearing Imps ripping your face off, switch the sounds to something different. That's about all I can say about that. PAIN sounds are what you hear when one is injured. Instead of hearing a Trooper scream, how about hearing him roar! Turning the player's off will sometimes confuse your human opponent in thinking that he missed ya. DEATH sounds are the best ones to screw around with. By going to player's DEATH sound and changing it to 82 you will hear him blow, instead of scream. (More on this later.) ACTION sounds aren't really fun to mess with, so I'm going leave them like they are. Pressing SPACE while on this one will give you sort of an idea of what this sound is. CHAPTER 3 - ALL THE FRAMES Press F4 to look through the frames and view the ones you want. INITIAL frame is the first frame you see. (Should not be in motion.) With this you can make a rocket launcher shoot barrels or health kits. Basically, it's the first image you see of an object before it moves. (If it moves.) FIRST MOVING frame is an enemie moving or person moving. This could be used to make an enemie move like a player. The INJURY frame is the one that shows an enemie, player, or object getting injured. (Making an injury frame a death frame does show the guy die, but another one is there.) So if you do that for an Imp, you will have to kill seven of them. (On my computer, the guys are invisible after shooting on, but are not when you shoot them again. CLOSE ATTACK frame is like an Imp clawing you, or a Demon biting you. Leave these alone, thaey are no fun, unless you are changing monsters around. FAR ATTACK frame is a player, Trooper, or Sargeant, etc..,shooting at you. This is also for Imps, and other fire throwing monsters. DEATH frame has to be the best frame there is. Changing EXPLODING to DEATH will make the guy fall to pieces instead of just falling down. Changing the player's to an explosion, and editing the sounds and bits can make a player explode upon death. (This lets you take down a few on your way out.) Changing bullet puffs to explosions gives you a sure kill even with a miss. EXPLODING frames show the guys fall to pieces when hit with a rocket, or anything else that explodes. I don't know why anyone would want to change this anyway, I think that it is fine just the way it is. RESPAWN frame; who cares? should figure out what it means. CHAPTER 4 - BITS These are what really defines an object. 0 = GETTABLE THING - like a medikit or ammo pack, meaning that you can get pick it up. (Picking something explosive will give you an error.) 1 = OBSTACLE - Gets in your way, you can't go through it unless it has NO CLIPPING ON. 2 = SHOOTABLE THING - meaning that you can shoot it. This can be used to shoot items like missles or stimpacks. (Changing a player's to NO makes the enemies not move, or shoot.) 3 = TOTAL INVISIBILITY - you can't see the thing, nothing can see it. Not with iddt-iddt or anything. (To get the effect on the player, you must use multi-player. Playing alone just doesn't cut it!) 4 = AUTOMATICS - haven't you always wondered why a rocket will sort of shoot crooked to go to an enemie? Well now you got, I'm pretty sure that all projectiles have that on. 5 = SEMI-DEAF - Can't hear you shooting until it sees you shooting. 6 = IN PAIN - sees if it is in pain or not. >STUPID!< 7 = ? Still UNKNOWN 8 = HANGS FROM CEILING - self explanatory....(like a light or leg) 9 = NO GRAVITY - you don't fall, and projectiles don't drop, they keep on going. 10 = TRAVELS OVER CLIFFS - for projectiles, players, and monsters. If it can players and monsters can drop down cliffs, and projectiles can go over instead of exploding at the beginning of the dropoff 11 = CAN PICK UP ITEMS - the object is able to pick up items. 12 = NO CLIPPING - can walk through walls. (Player con only in multi- player.) 13 = UNKNOWN 14 = FLOATING - the thing floats (Can't really help you here.) 15 = SEMI-NO CLIPPING - you can't walk through walls, but can walk up high stairs or cliffs, or through windows. 16 = PROJECTILES - something that is fired or thrown. (With this OFF, the projectile will explode when you fire it, killing you!) 17 = DISAPPEARING WEAPON - when you drop a monster and take his weapon, it's not there for the other players. 18 = PARTIAL INVISIBILITY - just like in the game, or like the SPECTRE. 19 = PUFFS (VS. BLEEDS) - barrels PUFF, enemies BLEED....enough said. 20 = SLIDING HELPLESS - don't know, just a word to take place of UNKNOWN. 21 = UNKNOWN 22 = COUNT FOR KILL % = if you kill it, it counts at the talley at the end. 23 = COUNT FOR ITEM % = same as #22, but for items. 24 = RUNNING - what do you think it means! 25 = NOT IN DEATHMATCH - self explanatory 26 = COLOR 1 (BLA-BLA) - SOMETHING STUPID! 27 = SAME AS 26 28 - 31 ARE UNKNOWN CHAPTER 5 - WEAPONS/AMMO PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN SWITCH BETWEEN WEAPONS CHAPTER 6 This section would be filled with alot of cool things that you could do, and it will, if you buy the new DOOM EDIT PACK for versions 1.2 - 1.9 of DOOM >REGISTERED<. It consists of a LEVEL CREATOR, DOOM.EXE EDITORS, IMAGE EDITOR, and SOUND EDITOR. All for just $5. Or for just the complete DEhackED for DUMMIES, Send $2 to me at: Nick Wightkin 418 East Washington Pontiac, Illinois 61764 For any questions, mail me or e-mail me at DEHACKED@IXC.IXC.NET This price is to pay for the time it took to create this file and the long-distance calls I had to make to upload this file. P.S. I'm not keeping all the money, most of it is going to the authors of these programs