--------------------------------------------------------------------- TiC's WAD Review --------------------------------------------------------------------- In irregular intervals I will review a few PWADs. All reviews are totally subjective, I'll not beautify anything! If you have any suggestions, ideas or whatever; e-mail me at: denis@doomsday.shnet.org or denis.moeller@kiel.netsurf.de All files can be found on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites. DON'T ASK ME TO SEND YOU ANY FILES NOR WHERE TO GET THEM. If you want me to review a special PWAD - email me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Review date: 3. May 95 Review No.: 13 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ice Nightmare 2 Game: Doom 2 Filename: ICENITE2.ZIP Size: 65k Author: VT Ice (?) e-mail: michaelst@aol.com Maps: MAP01 Type: normal Sounds: no Graphics: no Music: no [ Level construction ] ---------------------------------------------- Really illogical key-placement (all three keys are in one room near to the exit, even though with a lot of monsters in it)... The whole level has many little blocks and steps, windows and platforms, different floor levels and pools. Very detailed, but a bit slow. Various designed places, hallways, pools of blood, open sky parts, some very dark places and a very 'light' exit. The author put a lot of ideas in this level. Nice light usage, shadows etc. [ Texture design ] -------------------------------------------------- Many misaligned textures, almost every switch is misplaced. Some very strange combinations of textures (red windows have white floors and ceilings, but blue sides) - it looks a bit too colored. However it is not that bad. Many ceiling textures are misplaced, but lamps (ceiling lights) and floors of lifts are okay. Doors and teleporters are well done too. [ Bugs ] ------------------------------------------------------------ Noticed one Tutti-Frutti-effect (a door), but no Medusa or HOM effect. [ Enemies ] --------------------------------------------------------- Like every reviewed level I played in UV only. It is not easy to kill everybody, because there are a lot of monsters. However the player will never be stuck with of ammo, this makes the level very fun to play. No Cyberdemon or Spider Mastermind. But a lot Barons and Imps. I'm not sure but I think I noticed some overload of things and dead bodies - some dead guys disapeared... [ Things ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Enough ammo, but be careful with your health. A lot of things, like trees, lamps etc. This slows the game down a bit, but it makes the level much more 'real'. If you find a large amount of ammo, you will need it right after getting it. :) [ Scoring ] --------------------------------------------------------- 70% Worth downloading. I liked playing it, but it would be much better with aligned switches and maybe less a few things (makes it faster). The author should write down a 'plan' for placing the keys before editing and do much more 'fine tuning' after completing the level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------