--------------------------------------------------------------------- TiC's WAD Review --------------------------------------------------------------------- In irregular intervals I will review a few PWADs. All reviews are totally subjective, I'll not beautify anything! If you have any suggestions, ideas or whatever; e-mail me at: denis@doomsday.shnet.org or denis.moeller@kiel.netsurf.de All files can be found on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites. DON'T ASK ME TO SEND YOU ANY FILES NOR WHERE TO GET THEM. If you want me to review a special PWAD - email me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Review date: 4. May 95 Review No.: 15 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: John's Second Level Game: Doom 2 Filename: JOHN2.ZIP Size: 45k Author: John D. Howa e-mail: john_howa@hellbbs.win.net Maps: MAP02 Type: normal Sounds: no Graphics: no Music: no [ Level construction ] ---------------------------------------------- Quite interesting, but all three keys are needed at the end (which is also the main part/trick of this level). Many hallways; you have to pass a few twice, due to the unexpected destination of some teleporters. The end 'trick' is the only puzzle in this level. Not very difficult and kinda boring after playing 50 or more PWADs. No special effects (okay, one glass effect), average light usage and some nice traps. [ Texture design ] -------------------------------------------------- More than a few misaligned textures, especially upper textures at doors, lower at stairs and a few 'misplaced' ceiling textures. [ Bugs ] ------------------------------------------------------------ No Tuttie-Frutti, Medusa or HOM effects. [ Enemies ] --------------------------------------------------------- Very easy at all. A lot of Shotgun Guys and Imps, some Heavy Weapon Dudes and Cacos etc. [ Things ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Plentyful ammo and health. Only a few 'other' things. [ Scoring ] --------------------------------------------------------- 55% One of these levels I don't know what to say about... It's not that bad, but quite boring. Worth downloading only, if you really NEED a new level. ---------------------------------------------------------------------