--------------------------------------------------------------------- TiC's WAD Review --------------------------------------------------------------------- In irregular intervals I will review a few PWADs. All reviews are totally subjective, I'll not beautify anything! If you have any suggestions, ideas or whatever; e-mail me at: denis@doomsday.shnet.org or denis.moeller@kiel.netsurf.de All files can be found on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites. DON'T ASK ME TO SEND YOU ANY FILES NOR WHERE TO GET THEM. If you want me to review a special PWAD - email me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Review date: 4. May 95 Review No.: 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Moonbase (part 1) Game: Doom Filename: MOONBAS1.ZIP Size: 75k Author: Orin Flaharty e-mail: flaharty@ix.netcom.com Maps: E2M1 Type: normal Sounds: no Graphics: a new step Music: nothing new [ Level construction ] ---------------------------------------------- At most a one-way level. Two keys used, but the red one is dumb. A lot of hallways, shot-trough windows and some stairs. Nothing new at all, could be done in early 94. Good light usage. [ Texture design ] -------------------------------------------------- Amazing. Have you ever seen a level with almost two different textures? Many misaligned textures, some missing lower textures. The doors are kinda strange, but not bad. No teleporters. The whole level looks the same, but in fact, it is not that bad, it was quite fun playing it. Good placed lights. [ Bugs ] ------------------------------------------------------------ No Tuttie-Frutti, Medusa or HOM effects. Just a few missing textures. [ Enemies ] --------------------------------------------------------- Quite easy. Shotgun Guys and Pigs are the only enemies. Oh, no, a Baron at the end of the level! The author placed a lot of barrels in the level, it is really fun to blow them, if some Guys are next to them. [ Things ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Plentyful ammo and health. Only a few torches and a lot of barrels. The only weapon is the shotgun. Mmmhh... [ Scoring ] --------------------------------------------------------- 51% One percent just to keep it worth downloading. The author should do a lot of 'fine tuning' and take a look at the editor. I'm sure he will be able to place some different enemies and weapons in it. Btw. PLEASE put all your changed resources in ONE Pwad. The author will do some more 'Moonbase' levels, hope they will be better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------