--------------------------------------------------------------------- TiC's WAD Review --------------------------------------------------------------------- In irregular intervals I will review a few PWADs. All reviews are totally subjective, I'll not beautify anything! If you have any suggestions, ideas or whatever; e-mail me at: denis@doomsday.shnet.org or denis.moeller@kiel.netsurf.de All files can be found on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites. DON'T ASK ME TO SEND YOU ANY FILES NOR WHERE TO GET THEM. If you want me to review a special PWAD - email me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Review date: 2. May 95 Review No.: 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: The Keep Game: Heretic Filename: HTHEKEEP.ZIP Size: 85k Author: Chris White e-mail: whatdo@aol.com Maps: E2M1 Type: normal level Sounds: No Graphics: No Music: No [ Level construction ] ---------------------------------------------- Huge level with a lot of ideas. Just like one of the original ones; some parts are very dark. Very hard at all, I could not complete the level. But I got the yellow key without any yellow door on the map... [ Texture design ] -------------------------------------------------- Most of the textures are good placed and aligned. Doors etc. are well done. No big mistakes at all. It's a bit difficult to keep the level in mind, because all looks the same... [ Bugs ] ------------------------------------------------------------ No Tutti-Frutti, Medusa or HOM effect. [ Enemies ] --------------------------------------------------------- A lot! Keep an eye on your ammo! (only tested skill 4) They are quite good placed, not a hundred in a room. [ Things ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Could be some more I think... health is enough, but not enough ammo. [ Scoring ] --------------------------------------------------------- 82% Worth downloading. It's hard, but fun. If you like Heretic, play this one. ---------------------------------------------------------------------