--------------------------------------------------------------------- TiC's WAD Review --------------------------------------------------------------------- In irregular intervals I will review a few PWADs. All reviews are totally subjective, I'll not beautify anything! If you have any suggestions, ideas or whatever; e-mail me at: denis@doomsday.shnet.org or denis.moeller@kiel.netsurf.de All files can be found on ftp.cdrom.com and its mirror sites. DON'T ASK ME TO SEND YOU ANY FILES NOR WHERE TO GET THEM. If you want me to review a special PWAD - email me. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Review date: 2. May 95 Review No.: 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Title: Buzzard's Delight Game: Doom 2 Filename: BUZZ01.ZIP Size: 85k Author: Paul Busby e-mail: Paulv.Busby@bbs.synapse.net Maps: MAP01 Type: normal level Sounds: No Graphics: No Music: No [ Level construction ] ---------------------------------------------- Medium - big level. Not very well planned I think. Starting in a computer-hall, silver walls in a lot of rooms. You MUST use the map to end the level, there are several doors not looking like doors, but needed to end it. I think he was designing a computerlevel and was out of ideas. Then he added a boring red 'hell'-like end. [ Texture design ] -------------------------------------------------- 70% of the level are well designed and aligned. The rest does not fit to the beginning. Switches, doors and lifts are well done. There are no 'big' misplaced textures. (How do you misalign silver and red walls?) [ Bugs ] ------------------------------------------------------------ No Tutti-Frutti, Medusa or HOM effect. [ Enemies ] --------------------------------------------------------- Another hard level. Played in UV only, of course. Good placed and sometimes a bit too hard. (Barons, Spiders and Mancubus in one room) The guys in the hallways are placed randomly... You have to kill a cyberdemon and a spider mastermind in one big room. After this, there are two Arch-Viles coming. You have to be quick! (save & reload level) [ Things ] ---------------------------------------------------------- Enough ammo and health. The most needed weapon (rocket launcher) is available much to late. [ Scoring ] --------------------------------------------------------- 70% Worth downloading. ---------------------------------------------------------------------