On distributing the Biorhythm Program ------------------------------------- Please always distribute the biorhythm program in the form of the self-extracting file BIO466E.EXE, or the like. Or, if you don't, please make sure that ALL files contained in the self-extracting file are distributed. The other files are only a help to installation etc. They are not absolutely necessary. Please do NOT distribute a version which you have "tried out". This is because the program creates/changes some files when it is run the first time: BIO4.DAT is created at the first run. PERSONS.DAT will be changed if you add/edit persons. Therefore BIO4.DAT should NOT be distributed, and PERSONS.DAT should be distributed in its ORIGINAL form. Thank you. System requirements: -------------------- IBM-compatible PC. No other special requirements. All standard screens supported, mono or color.