Updates to Previous Reviews: SafetyNet Backup v3.0 (Originally Reviewed on 5/24/95) In my review of SafetyNet I mentioned the following problem. >>>The program does have one flaw. It does not inform you if the Destination Directory you set in the Options Menu is valid or not. If you enter an invalid destination then no files are copied to your backup diskette but, SafetyNet does not inform you of this. The program acts as if everything has been backed up properly. To avoid the confusion which comes from the terms used, The Destination Directory is the name of the directory on your backup diskette that you want your backup files to go into (or if you are zipping the files it is the name of the zipped file SafetyNet will create on your backup diskette). You have to enter one for the program to work. Do not enter A:\ here (change the destination drive on the main screen not here). This was the only reason that I needed to consult SafetyNet's Help file.<<< This has been corrected. The program will now beep if either a backslash or colon is entered into the Destination Directory field. A more complete solution will be implemented in a forthcoming version. The newest version of SafetyNet Backup Utility for Windows (Version 3.1) is now available for downloading. This version corrects a problem found with zipping files across an entire drive. It is located in the Windows Forum Software Library (search on keyword "SafetyNet"). As I said in my original review, this is one of my favorite utilities. This one really makes it easy to back up those precious files of ours (especially those made all by the same application). Download it today!