* SPECIAL INTERNET CONNECTIONS: Last Update: 8/26/95 * * Compiled By: Scott Yanoff - yanoff@alpha2.csd.uwm.edu * * A + by an entry designates new entries/changes since last update * * Type "finger yanoff@alpha2.csd.uwm.edu" to find ways to receive this list! *AGRICULTURE------------------------------------------------------------------ -Agricultural Info., telnet/gopher psupen.psu.edu or telnet Family Issues, PENpages (Login: Enter your two-letter state abbrev.) Food & Nutrition. telnet caticsuf.csufresno.edu or telnet CSU Fresno ATI-NET (Login: super) telnet eureka.clemson.edu or telnet CUFAN (Clemson U Forestry & Ag. Net.) (Login: PUBLIC) telnet empire.cce.cornell.edu or telnet CENET (Cornell Extension NETwork) (Login: guest) gopher cesgopher.ag.uiuc.edu (See Also: Flood) gopher gopher.nalusda.gov National Agricultural Library of the USDA. gopher probe.nalusda.gov Agricultural Genome World Wide Web Server http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group3/agri.html Agricultural Index http://aruba.nysaes.cornell.edu:8000/biosci.htm Agriculture/Biosciences Information Sources offers: Agricultural info (livestock reports, current market prices, etc.) -Agriculture Servers gopher usda.mannlib.cornell.edu [USDA Econ & Stats] gopher esusda.gov [USDA Extension Service] gopher s27w007.pswfs.gov [Forest Tree Genome Map DB] http://www.agriculture.com/ [Agriculture Online] -Agriculture Lists ftp ftp.sura.net (get file pub/nic/agricultural.list) -Almanac mail servers mail almanac@esusda.gov or mail almanac@ecn.purdue.edu mail almanac@oes.orst.edu or mail almanac@ces.ncsu.edu mail almanac@silo.ucdavis.edu or almanac@joe.uwex.edu mail almanac@empire.cce.cornell.edu mail almanac@acenet.auburn.edu offers: Each offers different USDA market news and articles. In body of letter: send guide Other cmds: send catalog, send help haylist -GIEWS gopher gopher.cgnet.com 2070 offers: Access to food outlook for world, foodcrops, shortages, alerts. -GRIN gopher gopher.ars-grin.gov offers: Germplasm info about plants, animals, microbes, and insects. -Master Gardener http://leviathan.tamu.edu:70/1s/mg offers: How to care for vegetable crops, flowering plants, trees & shrubs. -NetVet gopher netvet.wustl.edu or http://netvet.wustl.edu/ offers: Veterinary and animal information and archives. -Sustainable Agri. gopher calypso.oit.unc.edu Select: Worlds of SunSITE -- by Subject | Sustainable Agriculture Info. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Almanac of Events finger copi@oddjob.uchicago.edu http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/M/on-this-day offers: Daily list of events and b-days in history, and sports schedules. -Archeology telnet cast.uark.edu or telnet offers: National Arch. Database information management system. (Login: nadb) http://www.usc.edu/dept/raiders/ offers: Robotic Tele-Excavation at USC (Mercury Project) -Art gopher gohper.wwa.com [Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archives] offers: ASCII art links, ASCII art FAQ and reference. http://www.yahoo.com/yahoo/Art/ [Art Index] gopher twinbrook.cis.uab.edu offers: The ASCII Bazaar. Select: The Continuum | The ASCII Art Bazaar http://www.art.net/Links/artref.html#organizations http://cybersight.com/cgi-bin/cs/s?main.gmml [CyberNet] gopher cs4sun.cs.ttu.edu (Select: Art & Images) offers: Links to thousands of animations, clip art, and images. gopher unix5.nysed.gov (K-12 | Arts... | Gallery) offers: Works of art arranged by artist. gopher olt.et.tudelft.nl 1251 [Digital Pict. Archive] offers: ASCII Clip art, access to all kinds of art sites. gopher gopher.panix.com offers: New York Art Line collection of art and art resources. -Astronomy http://marvel.stsci.edu/net-resources.html [AstroWeb] offers: Pointers to relevant resources available on Astronomy. +http://www2.ari.net/home/odenwald/cafe.html [AstroCafe] http://www.eia.brad.ac.uk/btl/sg.html offers: Guide to Stars and Galaxies, converted from CD-ROM http://zebu.uoregon.edu/text.html offers: Astronomy HyperText Book, hyperlinks to astronomy lessons. http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/CDS.html offers: Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center and databases. http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/StarTrax/Browse.html offers: Access all kinds of satellites, observatories, and telescopes. http://guinan.gsfc.nasa.gov/ offers: WebStars: Astrophysics in Cyberspace *AVIATION--------------------------------------------------------------------- -Avion Newspaper http://avion.db.erau.edu/ The 1st online Aviation/Aerospace paper, includes pics, stories & graphics. -Aviation Gophers/Web gopher av.eecs.nwu.edu gopher gopher.unomaha.edu (Select UNO Student Org...) gopher gopher.db.erau.edu (Select: Aerospace/Aviation) gopher gasnet.med.nyu.edu (Select: Aviation/) http://aviation.jsc.nasa.gov http://acro.harvard.edu/GA/ga_info.html http://www.math.ethz.ch/~zari/zari.html [European] http://usis.com/~rcecil/ [Aviation Digest] http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/rec/air/air.html offers: Acts as a repository for things on rec.aviation. (pics, stories...) -Avi. Weather Reports gopher geograf1.sbs.ohio-state.edu and select: Aviation -DUATS telnet duat.gtefsd.com or telnet offers: Aviation weather, flight planning. (Login: ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *BIOLOGY---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Biology Gophers/WWW gopher fragrans.riken.go.jp [Bio. Culture Collections] gopher dna.cedb.uwf.edu [Bioinformics Resources] gopher gopher.gdb.org [Computational Biology] gopher golgi.harvard.edu gopher muse.bio.cornell.edu [Biodiversity and Biology] gopher biodiversity.ups.edu [Biodiversity Gopher] http://expasy.hcuge.ch/ [Molecular Biology Server] http://www.gdb.org/hopkins.html [Bio-Informatics Page] http://arnica.csustan.edu/ [CSU BioWeb] [Dictionary of Cell Biology] http://gc.bcm.tmc.edu:8088/bio/bio_home.html http://www.gene.com:80/ae/ [Access Excellence] http://info.er.usgs.gov/network/science/biology/index.html -Biological Services mail grail@ornl.gov ("help" in body of message) offers: Service predicting intron-exon splice sites in vertebrate genes. telnet atcc.nih.gov or telnet offers: American Type Culture Collection (Login: search Password: common) gopher life.anu.edu.au offers: Access to lots of biological sciences information. -Frog Dissection http://george.lbl.gov/ITG.hm.pg.docs/dissect/info.html http://curry.edschool.Virginia.edu:80/~insttech/frog/ offers: Images of frog from various views and stages of dissection. -Genetics Banks mail gene-server@bchs.uh.edu mail retrieve@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov mail blast@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ("help" in body of message) mail genmark@ford.gatech.edu mail blocks@howard.fhcrc.org mail cbrg@inf.ethz.ch ("help" in body of message) mail QUICK@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE mail NETSERV@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE Subject: help offers: genetic database/nucleic acid/protein sequence. -Genomic Databases http://www.informatics.jax.org/ offers: Genomic Database of the Mouse. (Login: guest) gopher gopher.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk or gopher gopher una.hh.lib.umich.edu (Sci.| Life...|Genetics...) gopher pdb.pdb.bnl.gov -Molecular Modeling http://www.nih.gov/molecular_modeling/mmhome.html offers: Molecules R Us - interactive interface to view molecular data. -Museum of Nat. Hist gopher gopher.peabody.yale.edu offers: Museum of biodiversity and biological information. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ [London] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *BOTANY----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Botanical Gardens gopher gopher.mobot.org [Missouri Botanical Garden] http://indri.cns.udel.edu/udgarden.html -Botany Databases gopher smithson.si.edu (Select: Botany...) gopher kaos.erin.gov.au (Select: Biodiversity) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *BUSINESS/ECONOMICS/FINANCIAL------------------------------------------------- -Business Resources gopher gopher.nijenrode.nl (Select: Business Resources) -Canadian Business http://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/u/nckwan/index.html gopher cban.worldgate.edmonton.ab.ca [Business Pages] http://cibd.com/cibd [Canadian Internet Biz Directory] -Currency Exchange gopher caticsuf.csufresno.edu offers: Currency Exchange Rates. Select: ATLS | Daily Exchange Rates -ECHO telnet echo.lu or telnet offers: European Commission Host Org., free databases! (Login: echo) -Economic BBS telnet ebb.stat-usa.gov or telnet gopher una.hh.lib.umich.edu (socsci | Econ | Dept...) offers: Interest rates, foreign exchange rates, price indices, stats. -Economics Gophers gopher gopher.lib.umich.edu Choose: Social Sciences Resources | Economics gopher niord.shsu.edu (Choose: Economics) gopher wuecon.wustl.edu 671 gopher ecix.doc.gov [US Commerce Department] -Economics Resources http://econwpa.wustl.edu/EconFAQ/EconFAQ.html -Enterprise Develop. http://www.fed.org/fed/ offers: Equity compensation, employee involvement, business strategies. -Entrepreneurs WWW http://sashimi.wwa.com/~notime/eotw/EOTW.html offers: A place where entrepreneurs can find useful business information. -FINWeb http://riskweb.bus.utexas.edu/finweb.html offers: Financial economics WWW servers. -Internet Biz Center http://www.tig.com/IBC/index.html offers: WWW for information specifically related to biz use of the 'net. -Int'l Trade Info. telnet itis.bus.utexas.edu (Login: bulk1 Password: tradeinfo) -IRS http://www.ustreas.gov/treasury/bureaus/irs/irs.html offers: Tax FAQs, forms and instructions, where to file. -Mutual Funds http://www.ai.mit.edu/stocks/mf.html [Charts] http://networth.galt.com/www/home/nav/netnav.htm offers: Free Mutual Fund quotations direct from NASDAQ http://networth.galt.com/www/home/mutual/mutualmn.htm offers: The Mutual Fund Market Manager -Patent Searching http://sunsite.unc.edu/patents/intropat.html -Personal Finance http://nearnet.gnn.com/gnn/meta/finance/ -Small Business Admin gopher www.sbaonline.sba.gov offers: Small Business Administration programs, services, and lists. -Stock Market Reports telnet a2i.rahul.net or telnet offers: Select n, "Menu: Current Info", then "Market Report" (Login: guest) http://www.secapl.com/cgi-bin/qs [Quote Server] http://www.ai.mit.edu/stocks.html [Experimental Data] mail Martin.Wong@eng.sun.com to receive daily quotes -Vienna Stock Exchange telnet fiivs01.tu-graz.ac.at (Login: BOERSE) -Stock Market Simul. telnet castor.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de (Logn: games) telnet mammon.media.mit.edu 10900 -Wall Street News http://Wall-Street-News.com/forecasts/index.html +http://www.wsrn.com/ -WAYS Biz Magazine http://www.cyberplex.com/CyberPlex/WaysMag.html offers: Info. about profitable business methods for the technology age. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Career Centers Online gopher occ.com or http://www.occ.com/occ/ mail occ-info@mail.msen.com offers: Jobs database, resume listing service, search by location/keyword H.E.A.R.T. telnet career.com or telnet offers: Search for jobs by company, position, or state. MedSearch gopher gopher.medsearch.com 9001 offers: Free access to articles, free resume uploading, employer profiles. gopher aps.acad-phy-sci.com [Acad. Physic. & Scientist] +http://www.adasmonline.com/ [Adams Online] http://www.careermag.com/careermag/ [Career Magazine] http://www.careermosaic.com/cm/ [Career Mosaic] http://www.cweb.com/ [Career Web] http://www.espan.com/ [Interactive Employment Network] http://www.intellimatch.com/intellimatch/ojc.html +http://www.jobcenter.com [JobCenter] http://www.ct-jobs.com/pascale/ [Job Postings] http://www.jobtrak.com/ [JobTrak] http://www.onramp.net/ron/ [Recruiters OnLine NetWork] http://rescomp.stanford.edu/jobs.html http://galaxy.einet.net/GJ/employment.html http://www.io.org/~jwsmith/listing.html gopher gopher.nationjob.com [NationJob Network] http://www.jobweb.com/ [The Job Board] http://www.wpi.edu/~mfriley/jobguide.html http://www.micromedia.co.uk/ten/default.htm telnet dice.com or telnet -CARL telnet pac.carl.org or offers: Online database, book reviews, magazine fax delivery service. *CHEMISTRY-------------------------------------------------------------------- -Chemistry gopher acsinfo.acs.org [American Chemical Society] http://www.chem.ucla.edu/chempointers.html offers: Virtual Library of Chemistry http://rpinfo.its.rpi.edu:80/dept/chem/cheminfo/chemres.html http://www.latrobe.edu.au/chejs/chem.html [WebChemstry] -Periodic Table telnet camms2.caos.kun.nl 2034 or 2034 offers: electronic periodic table of elements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *COLLEGE PREP----------------------------------------------------------------- -College Prep Page http://www.tpoint.net/~jewels/college.html offers: Collection of resources for planning your education. -Princeton Review gopher www.review.com or http://www.review.com/ offers: Resource on test preparation, admissions info, school profiles. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Communication http://www.uark.edu/depts/comminfo/www/ACA.html offers: American Communication Association. gopher cios.llc.rpi.edu [ComServe Gopher] *COMPUTERS-------------------------------------------------------------------- -Amiga User Area gopher gopher.unomaha.edu (Select UNO Student Org...) offers: Lots of useful information for Amiga owners. +Computer Events Dir. http://www.kweb.com/ -Cyberspace Tools http://pimpf.earthlink.net/~eburrow/tools.shtml offers: Links to great WWW and telnet software for multiple platforms. -Internet Goodies http://www.ensta.fr/internet/internet.html -Internet Providers http://thelist.com/ -Macintosh telnet amdalinz.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at or offers: Austrian Mac group. UserID/Password (hit return). http://power.globalnews.com/ppchome.htm [Power PC News] http://rever.nmsu.edu/~elharo/faq/Macintosh.html offes: The Well-Connected Mac Server -PC http://ici.proper.com/1/pc [PC Index] http://www.ziff.com/~pcmag/ [PC Magazine] offers: Extensive info that relates to the personal computer. -Programming http://www.iftech.com/iti/itioltc.htm [C/C++ Tutorials] +Shareware Search http://vsl.cnet.com/ offers: Search and download nearly 40,000 programs -Software Exchange http://www.hyperion.com/usox/ offers: Buy and sell used software for almost any platform. -Unix Reference Desk http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/unix.html -Windows Archives http://coyote.csusm.edu/cwis/winworld/winworld.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CONSUMER/COMMERCIAL INFORMATION AND RESOURCES-------------------------------- -AT&T 800 Number Dir. http://att.net/dir800 -ALLDATA gopher or http://www.alldata.tsb.com/ offers: Car recall and technical service bulletins -Catalog Mart gopher catalog.savvy.com or http://catalog.savvy.com/ offers: 10,000 catalogs you can order FREE, covering over 800 topics. -Classified Ads http://www.imall.com/ads/ads.shtml http://ep.com/ offers: Posting and browsing ads for free. -Consumer News/Info http://www.gsa.gov/ [Consumer Information Center] -Commerc. Sites Index http://www.directory.net/ -Internet Mall finger taylor@netcom.com /ftp ftp.netcom.com/pub offers: List of commercial products online, from CDs to Sunglasses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Criminal Justice gopher ncjrs.aspensys.com 71 offers: National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) -Dance Resources http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/summer94/group4/dance.html -DataBase Via Finger finger help@dir.su.oz.au offers: Query databases, find newsgroups, access archie, etc., via finger. -Dictionary Servers +http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/ mail wsmith@wordsmith.org (w/ subject: help) mail infobot@infomania.com (with subject: #HELP) offers: Dictionary/Spelling service. Type "HELP" for info. (ALL CAPS!) *EDUCATION/TEACHING/LEARNING-------------------------------------------------- -Celebrity Lectures gopher web.msu.edu (Select: About MSU | MSU Celeb..) -Child/Family Network http://www.efn.org/~cfinn/ -Dewey School of Ed http://ics.soe.umich.edu/ offers: Facilitates communications among students worldwide. -Distance Ed. Dbase telnet ndlc.occ.uky.edu or (Login: ndlc) telnet acsvax.open.ac.uk or telnet (Username: ICDL Account Code: usa Password: aaa) -Education Gophers gopher schoolnet.carleton.ca [Canadas SchoolNet] gopher gopher.ed.gov [U.S. Dept. of Education] gopher chronicle.merit.edu [Chronicle of Higher Edu.] gopher gaia.sci-ed.fit.edu [Florida Tech Edu. Gopher] gopher informns.k12.mn.us [Internet for Minn. Schools] gopher goldmine.cde.ca.gov [California Dept. of Edu.] gopher gopher.ed.uiuc.edu [UIUC: College of Education] gopher shiva.educ.kent.edu [Deaf Education Resources] gopher info.asu.edu (ASU-CWI | Col. of Ed | Other...) Empire Schoolhouse gopher nysernet.org or gopher offers: K-12 resources, discussion groups, etc. (Also see: Econ. BBS) -FEDIX/MOLIS/HERO telnet fedix.fie.com or telnet offers: info. on scholarships, minority assistance, etc. -IKE gopher/http ike.engr.washington.edu offers: IBM Kiosk for Education User Discussion Forums. -Instuct. Development gopher ids.cwis.uci.edu 7029 offers: Over 200 teaching tips as well as pointers to other resources. -Internat'l Ed. BBS telnet nis.calstate.edu or telnet offers: Program listings, resources, government information. (Login: intl) -Internet Public Lib. http://ipl.sils.umich.edu/ -K-12 Outpost gopher k12.cnidr.org or gopher offers: Collection of what's out there for K-12. -K-12 Resources http://edu-52.sfsu.edu/dit_home.html http://www.tc.cornell.edu/Kids.on.Campus/KOC94/ http://edweb.cnidr.org:90/ [EdWeb K12 Resource Guide] http://gsn.org/ [Global Schoolhouse Project] http://www.electriciti.com:80/~rlakin/ [Teachers Info] http://www.manymedia.com/show-n-tell/ [Show-n-Tell] http://web66.coled.umn.edu/ [Web 66] http://www.uoknor.edu/oupd/kidsafe/start.htm offers: Help K12 educators learn how to set up their own WWW pages -KidLink Gopher telnet kids.ccit.duq.edu or telnet offers: Telecomm. project aimed at 10-15 year olds. (Login: gopher) +KidsCom http://www.kidscom.com/ offers: A communications playground for kids ages 8-14. -Learning Link telnet sierra.fwl.edu / (Logn/pwd:newuser) telnet (Login: slonc Password: guest) offers: Electronic info. & communication service for educators. -MathMagic! http://forum.swarthmore.edu/mathmagic/what.html offers: problem-solving project w/ teams of students "talking" about math -MicroMUSE telnet michael.ai.mit.edu or telnet MariMUSE telnet pc2.pc.maricopa.edu 4228 or 4228 offers: Educational Multi-User Simulated Environments. (Login: guest). -Nanaimo SchoolsNET telnet crc.sd68.nanaimo.bc.ca or telnet offers: Education-based BBS (Login: GUEST) -Nat'l Education BBS telnet nebbs.nersc.gov or telnet offers: A limited-access system for NESP educators. (Login: new) -Newton telnet newton.dep.anl.gov or telnet offers: BBS for those teaching/studying sci., CS, math. (Login: bbs) -Plugged In http://www.pluggedin.org/ offers: educational opportunities to children from low-income communities. -QUERRI telnet exnet.iastate.edu or telnet offers: Questions on Univ. Extension. Regional Research Info(Login: querri) -Schools via WWW http://toons.cc.ndsu.nodak.edu/~sackmann/k12.html http://hillside.coled.umn.edu/others.html [Map] +http://www.sp.utoledo.edu/colleges.html [Colleges] +http://www.sp.utoledo.edu/twoyrcol.html [2-Yr Colleges] -Teaching & Learning http://tecfa.unige.ch/edu-ws94/ws.html gopher access_eric.aspensys.com 74 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Environmental Servers gopher gopher.econet.apc.org gopher nceet.snre.umich.edu or telnet gopher envirolink.org or http://envirolink.org/ offers: Info. on current environment concerns, voting records, non-profits. http://ftp.clearlake.ibm.com/ERC/HomePage.html http://www.igc.apc.org/nrdc/ [Nat'l Resources Defense] http://ecosys.drdr.virginia.edu/Environment.html offers: Virtual Library of Environmental Information -Fax via Internet mail tpc-faq@town.hall.org (FREE fax to ltd. locations) -Finger via Telnet telnet site 79 (example: telnet alpha2.csd.uwm.edu 79) "site" is the place you are fingering. Once connected, type the username. via Mail mail infobot@infomania.com with subject: #HELP *FTP-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Archie telnet archie.sura.net or [USA [MD]] telnet archie.unl.edu or [USA [NE]] telnet archie.ans.net or [USA [NY]] telnet archie.rutgers.edu or [USA [NJ]] offers: Searches all ftp sites for any program you want. (Login: archie) Recommended get client from: ftp ftp.cs.mcgill.ca (cd /pub/archie/clients) -Archie Mail Servers mail archie@ Subject: help offers: alterative Archie access to those w/o ftp or telnet. -FTP via EMail mail ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com or ftpmail@cs.uow.edu.au mail bitftp@pucc.princeton.edu or ftpmail@lth.se mail bitftp@dearn or to bitftp@vm.gmd.de (Europe only) mail ftpmail@ftp.uni-stuttgart.de mail ftpmail@grasp.insa-lyon.fr or ftpmail@ieunet.ie mail bitftp@plearn.edu.pl or bitftp@plearn (Europe) mail ftpmail@doc.ic.ac.uk or ftpmail@sunsite.unc.edu Body-of-letter: help or ftplist for a list of anon. ftp sites. -FTP Sites/Archives ftp ftp.ocf.berkeley.edu or ftp offers: cd /pub/Library for great lib. of docs, bible, lyrics, etc. ftp wuarchive.wustl.edu or ftp sunset.cse.nau.edu offers: Gifs, Sights, & Sounds! ftp ftp.uu.net or ftp rtfm.mit.edu offers: You name it, it's here! (Archives, FAQs, how-to's, etc.) ftp archive.umich.edu or sumex-aim.stanford.edu offers: Software for MS-Dos computers, Mac, Amiga, Apple2, Apollo... ftp oak.oakland.edu offers: A huge software archive for PCs and UNIX. ftp ftp.sura.net (/pub/nic) or ftp quartz.rutgers.edu offers: How-to's about internet (email, ftp, telnet, etc.) (/pub/internet) ftp quartz.rutgers.edu or ftp cathouse.org offers: All the text/humor files you'd want (tv, sex..) cd pub/humor -Recommended get NcFTP client from: cse.unl.edu (cd /pub/mgleason/ncftp) -FTP via Telnet telnet grind.isca.uiowa.edu or telnet offers: Access UIowa's huge FTP site via telnet! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *GAMES/FUN/CHAT/HUMOR--------------------------------------------------------- -Backgammon Servers telnet fraggel65.mdstud.chalmers.se 4321 (Login: guest) -Bolo Tracker telnet gwis.circ.gwu.edu 50000 or 50000 offers: Location of current bolo games. -Build-A-Card http://holodeck.infopages.com/card/ -Chat Clients ftp ftp.santafe.edu (4M Chat Service: /pub/SIG/4m) ftp cs-ftp.bu.edu (cd /irc/clients ICB: cd /irc/icb) Get chat client program from ftp sites, compile program (make) and execute. -Chat Servers - IRC telnet exuokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu 6677 or telnet wildcat.ecn.uoknor.edu 6677 telnet wildcat.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766 telnet skywarrior.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766 telnet skyhawk.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766 telnet skyraider.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766 telnet intruder.ecn.uoknor.edu 7766 telnet caen.fr.eu.undernet.org 6677 or telnet caen.fr.eu.undernet.org 7766 (For dumb terminal) telnet obelix.wu-wien.ac.at 6996 or 6996 telnet irc.tuzvo.sk 6668 or telnet 6668 telnet irc.nsysu.edu.tw (Login: irc) TRY compiling own client rather than using these. (See above) (Login: irc) -Chat Services +telnet english-www.hss.cmu.edu telnet explorer.clark.net 1420 Virtual Cafe telnet simpsons.acs.nmu.edu 1420 Somewhere Else telnet 2010 FootHills telnet toybox.infomagic.com 2010 or 2010 Underworld telnet dismayl.demon.co.uk 2010 or 2010 The Coffee House telnet 2525 Olohof's BBS telnet morra.et.tudelft.nl 2993 or 2993 Clover Gardens telnet 3000 DS9 telnet 3000 Forest telnet ftoomsh.socs.uts.edu.au 3000 or 3000 Surfers telnet 3232 Mansion II telnet 4000 Elec. Night Club telnet 4001 (Evenings Only) Vineyard telnet end2.bedrock.com 4242 or 4242 Mu Mu Land +telnet cronus.oanet.com 4321 Theatre telnet acad.stedwards.edu 4444 Club House telnet 5000 CyberEden telnet 5000 Multiple Worlds telnet lintilla.df.lth.se 5000 or telnet telnet islandnet.com 7000 or 7000 Dragon's Lair 7777 Davenport Beach telnet 7777 The Tower telnet tower.press.southern.edu 8008 or Greenfield telnet mary.iia.org 12345 or 12345 Gwynedd telnet mathlab.sunysb.edu 12345 -Chess Servers telnet anemone.daimi.aau.dk 5000 or 5000 telnet dds.hacktic.nl 5000 or telnet 5000 telnet lux.latrobe.edu.au 5000 or 5000 telnet iris4.metiu.ucsb.edu 5000 or 5000 telnet coot.lcs.mit.edu 5000 or telnet 5000 telnet ics.onenet.net 5000 or 5000 telnet chess.unix-ag.uni-kl.de 5000 -Chinese Chess telnet coolidge.harvard.edu 5555 or 5555 telnet hippolytos.ud.chalmers.se 5555 or -Comics on the Web http://www.yahoo.com/yahoo/Entertainment/Comics/ http://www.phlab.missouri.edu/HOMES/c617145_www/comix.html -Crossword Server telnet next7.cas.muohio.edu 8888 or 8888 telnet eel.st.usm.edu 7777 or 7777 http://iquest.com/~pinnacle/index.html [Daily Crosswrd] offers: Internet server devoted to crossword games such as Scrabble. -Diplomacy mail brad@cfar.umd.edu w/subj "openings list" for list offers: Lists openings in email games of Avalon Hill's Diplomacy. -Fingers for Fun finger info or drink or graph@drink.csh.rit.edu finger coke@cs.cmu.edu or finger coke@xcf.berkeley.edu finger pepsi or cocacola@columbia.edu finger coke@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au offers: Status of drink and candy machines for fun. finger cyndiw@magnus1.com or cyndiw@ offers: Weekly Trivia -Games Domain http://wcl-rs.bham.ac.uk/GamesDomain offers: FAQs, walk-throughs, magazines, reviews, and FTP sites. -Game Server telnet herx1.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de offers: Tetris, Moria, Nethack, MUDs, Text Adventures, etc. (Login: games) -GO Server telnet igs.nuri.net 6969 -Humor Archives http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~nathan/humor.html +MUD Connector http://www.absi.com/mud/ -Multi-Trek telnet mtrek.internex.net 2112 telnet hal-alt.hal.com 2112 telnet mtrek.omega.com 2112 -Othello/Reversi telnet faust.uni-paderborn.de 5000 or ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Generation X http:/www.spectracom.com/yazone/ offers: Popular culture, music, fads, wordwall, and relevant conversation. *GEOPHYSICAL/GEOGRAPHICAL/GEOLOGICAL/GEOSCIENCE------------------------------- -A. Wegener Institute http://www.awi-bremerhaven.de/ offers: Polar and Marine Research info, including ozone info. -Ask-A-Geologist mail ask-a-geologist@octopus.wr.usgs.gov offers: Mail the geologist of the day who will reply to within a day or 2 -Earthquake Info. finger spyder@dmc.iris.washington.edu [WORLD] finger quake@gldfs.cr.usgs.gov [UNITED STATES] finger quake@seismo.emr.ca [CANADA] finger quake@geophys.washington.edu [Wash., Oregon] finger quake@fm.gi.alaska.edu [Alaska] finger quake@scec.gps.caltech.edu [Southern Calif.] finger quake@slueas.slu.edu [Eastern MO & Southern IL] finger quake@seismo.unr.edu [Nevada and Eastern CA] finger quake@andreas.wr.usgs.gov [Northern California] finger quake@eqinfo.seis.utah.edu [Utah, Wyo., Montana] finger quake@tako.wr.usgs.gov [Hawaii] telnet geophys.washington.edu (Login/password: quake) telnet bison.cc.buffalo.edu (select INDX 4 Bib. server) offers: Recent quake info (location, time, magnitude, etc.) -Geographic Server telnet martini.eecs.umich.edu 3000 or 3000 offers: Info by city or area code (Population, Lat./Long., Elevation, etc). -Geological Gopher gopher info.er.usgs.gov offers: US Geological Survey Gopher -Global Land Info Sys telnet glis.cr.usgs.gov or telnet offers:Land use maps of U.S., graphs/data of geological info (Login: guest) -US Geo. Survey http://info.er.usgs.gov/USGSHome.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *GOPHER----------------------------------------------------------------------- -Gopher Sites telnet consultant.micro.umn.edu or telnet telnet infoslug.ucsc.edu or [INFOSLUG] telnet infopath.ucsd.edu (Login: infopath) offers: Telnet-able access to the great gopher tool. (Login: gopher) Recommended get client from: ftp boombox.micro.umn.edu (cd /pub/gopher) -Gopher Greats gopher english-server.hss.cmu.edu offers: Most comprehensive gopher I've seen so far, it gets its own entry! -GopherMail mail gophermail@ncc.go.jp or gophermail@calvin.edu mail gopher@solaris.ims.ac.jp or mail gopher@earn.net offers: Email access to gopher for those with mail-only access to Internet ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *GOVERNMENT/POLITICS---------------------------------------------------------- -ACE mail info@ace.esusda.gov w/ "send help" in body of msg gopher ace.esusda.gov and Choose: Americans Comm... offers: Americans Communicating Electronically. (Gov't documents) -Air Pollution BBS telnet ttnbbs.rtpnc.epa.gov or telnet offers: Various BBS' that cover a wide range of Air Pollution information -American Politics gopher toby.scott.nwu.edu offers: Campaigns, speeches, state info, branch info, political parties. -Census Information gopher gopher.census.gov offers: Access to U.S. government's census information. -Clinton Watch gopher dolphin.gulf.net 3000 offers: Info. on Clinton's policies and scandals. -Congress Email/FTP mail congress@hr.house.gov and ftp ftp.senate.gov gopher gopher.house.gov -C-SPAN Gopher gopher c-span.org offers: Great political, educational, and historical information. -DOSFAN gopher dosfan.lib.uic.edu offers: US Dept. of State Foreign Affairs Network -Federal GPO BBS telnet federal.bbs.gpo.gov 3001 or 3001 offers: BBS with lots of gov't and congressional files. tn3270 pucc.princeton.edu Tab to COMMAND field, enter "folio", enter "select", enter item # for GPO -FedWorld Gateway telnet fedworld.doc.gov or telnet offers: Access to lots of gov't databases, files, libraries, etc. -FDA BBS telnet fdabbs.fda.gov or telnet offers: News releases, AIDS info, vet. medicene news, etc. (Login: bbs) -GOP Online http://www.gop.org/ offers: National, state, and local US Republican Information -Gov't Agencies/Depts http://www.law.vill.edu/fed-agency/fedwebloc.html offers: The Federal Web Locator. One stop point for federal gov't info. gopher wiretap.spies.com gopher aclu.org 6601 [American Civil Liberties Union] gopher stats.bls.gov [Bureau of Labor Statistics] gopher cpsc.gov [Consumer Product Safety Commission] http://www.dtic.dla.mil/defenselink/ [Dept. of Defense] http://www.eren.doe.gov/ [Department of Energy] gopher gopher.usdoj.gov [Department of Justice] gopher gopher.epa.gov [Environmental Protection Agency] gopher fcc.gov [Federal Communications Commission] gopher gopher.financenet.gov [FinanceNet] gopher gopher.gsa.gov [General Services Administration] gopher gopher.os.dhhs.gov [Health & Human Services] gopher gopher.hud.gov [Housing and Urban Development] gopher town.hall.org [Internet Town Hall/SEC EDGAR] gopher gopher.nara.gov [National Archives & Records] gopher ntiaunix1.ntia.doc.gov [Nat'l Info. Infrastrc.] gopher gopher.stat-usa.gov [National Trade Data Bank] http://www.osha.gov/ [Occupational Safety & Health Ad.] gopher quasar.tach.net [...also has OSHA information] gopher dewey.tis.inel.gov 2013 [Safety and Health] gopher gopher.ssa.gov [Social Security Gopher] -Iowa Polit. Stk Mkt telnet iem.biz.uiowa.edu or offers: Buy & sell shares in political candidates and other stuff. -Israel Info. Service gopher israel-info.gov.il offers: Latest developments in Israel, gov't info., peace relations, maps. -Legislative Info gopher gopher.legislate.com telnet thomas.loc.gov or (Login: thomas) offers: Info. about all 103rd Congress bills & resolutions, & Fed. Register -Libertarian Web http://w3.ag.uiuc.edu/liberty/libweb.html -Library of Congress telnet locis.loc.gov or telnet offers: Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS) Offers access to lib. of congress, legislative info, and copyright info. telnet/gopher marvel.loc.gov or telnet offers: LOC gopher, with access to lots of gov't docs. (Login: marvel) -Political Science http://www.trincoll.edu/pols/home.html offers: The Political Scientist's Guide to the Internet. -Project Vote Smart gopher gopher.neu.edu 1112 offers: Enormous system of factual information on over 2,000 candidates. -State Info. Highway gopher info.texas.gov or gopher offers: Info. about Texas, but access to other state's information too! -Telecommunications telnet ntiabbs.ntia.doc.gov or telnet offers: National Telecommunications & Information Administration BBS. gopher bell.com gopher unix5.nysed.gov offers: Office of Telecommunications Policy Analysis and Development. -White House Releases mail Clinton-Info@Campaign92.Org with the subject: Help http://sunsite.unc.edu/white-house/white-house.html http://www.whitehouse.gov/ [White House tour, etc] offers: Subscribe to White House press releases (news, speeches, etc.) -White House Summary mail almanac@esusda.gov (in msg: subscribe wh-summary) http://www.tamu.edu/whitehouse/ [Archives] offers: Daily mailing of summary of White House press releases. -Window on Gov't telnet window.texas.gov or telnet offers: Government-related info, and lots of info on state of Texas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Ham Radio mail info@arrl.org / ftp oak.oakland.edu (pub/hamradio) http://www.acs.ncsu.edu:80/HamRadio/ [Radio WWW Server] offers: Ascii files about Amateur Radio and electronics. See also: Shortwave In Body of letter: help, info, send or quit (ie send prospect) -Ham Radio Callbooks telnet callsign.cs.buffalo.edu 2000 / 2000 telnet ns.risc.net or (Login: hamradio) telnet pc.usl.edu 2000 or telnet 2000 mail infobot@infomania.com with subject: #HELP offers: National ham radio call-sign callbook. (Also: Amateur Radio above) -History Databases telnet ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu or telnet offers: History databases (Login: history) and CIS info (Login: ex-ussr) ftp byrd.mu.wvnet.edu / ftp offers: Docs, archives, comprehensive history server. http://www.msstate.edu/Archives/History/index.html offers: The Historical Text Archive at Mississippi State University -Hobbies Index http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group12/hobbies.html -HP Calculator BBS telnet hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com or telnet offers: BBS for HP Calc. users, with chat mode. (Login: lynx) -Hytelnet Servers telnet access.usask.ca or telnet offers: univ. & library catalogues around the world. (Login: hytelnet) Recommended get client from: ftp ftp.usask.ca (cd /pub/hytelnet) -IEEE SPAsystem telnet stdsbbs.ieee.org or telnet offers: Standards Process Automation System. (Login: guest) -Internet Guides/Docs gopher una.hh.lib.umich.edu (Select: inetdirs) http://www.rpi.edu/Internet/Guides/decemj/text.html http://www.brandonu.ca/~ennsnr/resources.html -InterNIC telnet rs.internic.net or telnet offers: Gopher, WAIS, Whois, finger, TONS of Internet info, book orders, etc -IP Address Resolver mail resolve@cs.widener.edu mail dns@grasp.insa-lyon.fr (body of letter: help) usage: in body-of-letter: site
Mails you IP address of site. *LAW-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -CALI gopher cali.kentlaw.edu offers: Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction -Law Servers telnet fatty.LAW.cornell.edu or telnet telnet gopher.LAW.csuohio.edu or telnet telnet lawlib.wuacc.edu or (Login: washlaw) gopher gopher.droit.umontreal.ca [Canadian] gopher gopher.usdoj.gov [U.S. Department of Justice] offers: Law info. via gopher. (Login: gopher) http://www.counsel.com/lawlinks [LAWlinks] http://virgo.gem.valpo.edu/~medic/law.html offers: Legal Resource Network, list of available resources. -Law Library telnet liberty.uc.wlu.edu or telnet ftp sulaw.law.su.oz.au (cd /pub/law) offers: Law libraries and legal research. (Login/password: lawlib) Offers copies of laws for each state/computer laws, and more! telnet lawlib.wuacc.edu or telnet offers: American Association of Law Libraries Info. System (Login: aallnet) -Law Resources List ftp ftp.midnight.com (get /pub/LegalList/legallist.txt) offers: List of law libraries, law mailing lists, and so on. -LawNet telnet lawnet.law.columbia.edu or telnet offers: Law/Judicial info and catalogs access. (Login: lawnet) -Legal Directory gopher or telnet offers: Biographical info. on over 500,000 attorneys & law firms in USA. -Practicing Attorneys http://users.aimnet.com/~ils/main.html offers: Resources for attorneys needed on a daily basis. -Supreme Court Rulings ftp ftp.cwru.edu offers: ASCII files of Supreme Court rulings in directory /hermes -WWW Law Servers telnet www.LAW.indiana.edu or telnet telnet fatty.LAW.cornell.edu or telnet telnet law.wuacc.edu [Law Library Reference Desk] offers: Hypertext access to legal documents (Login: www) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Library Services gopher tcsul.texshare.utexas.edu (select Lib. Services) offers: Comprehensive gopher of gov't services, lib. catalogs, etc. telnet alix.loc.gov 3001 or telnet 3001 offers: ALIX: Automated Library Information Xchange. -LIBS telnet info.anu.edu.au or telnet telnet garam.kreonet.re.kr or (Login: nic) telnet cc.utah.edu or telnet offers: Access to nearly all online services seen in this list (Login: LIBS) +List of Listservs ftp crvax.sri.com or ftp http://newsroom.hitc.com/home/cviana/cgi-bin/listservform.pl offers: List of interest groups/email lists in interest-groups. *LITERATURE/LANGUAGES/BOOKS--------------------------------------------------- -Alex gopher gopher.ox.ac.uk or telnet rsl.ox.ac.uk offers: Catalogue of all texts (Select: World | Gopherspace | Alex) -Dartmouth Library telnet library.dartmouth.edu or offers: Divine Comedy and reviews. (connect dante) Read/Find passages in the King James Bible (select file bible) Read/Find passages in Shakespeare's plays (select file s plays) Read/Find passages in Shakespeare's sonnets (select file s sonnets) -French Lang/.Lit. http://tuna.uchicago.edu/ARTFL.html -Human-Languages Page http://www.willamette.edu/~tjones/Language-Page.html offers: German-to-English and vice-versa dictionary, Japanese lessons, etc -Leeds Db of Verse telnet bcmsv.leeds.ac.uk or telnet offers: Database of Eng. poetry in the 17/18th c. (Login/Password: bcmsv) -Online Book Initiat. ftp ftp.uu.net or file://ftp.std.com/obi http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/Web/books.html offers: Contains over two hundred authors' works. (cd doc/literary/obi) -Poetry Archives http://sunsite.unc.edu/dykki/poetry/home.html http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/Poetry.html http://www.cs.brown.edu:80/fun/bawp/ -Project Gutenberg ftp mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu or ftp offers: Many books in print and almanac files. (cd pub/etext) -Science Fiction http://thule.mt.cs.cmu.edu:8001/sf-clearing-house/ offers: Speculative Fiction Clearinghouse has pointers to sci-fi & fantasy -Virtual Lit. Library http://sunsite.unc.edu/ibic/IBIC-homepage.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *MATH------------------------------------------------------------------------- -E-Math telnet e-math.ams.com or offers: Am. Math. Soc. bbs w/ software & reviews. (Login/Password: e-math) -GAMS telnet gams.nist.gov or telnet offers: NIST Guide to Available Mathematical Software. (Login: gams) -Math Answers mail dr.math@forum.swarthmore.edu offers: The 'Math Swat Team' will answer your K-12 math questions. -Math Gophers gopher archives.math.utk.edu offers: Math archives (software, teaching materials, other gophers) gopher gopher.maa.org [Math Assoc. of America] -Math Journals http://nyjm.albany.edu:8000/mathjours.html -Math Topics http://euclid.math.fsu.edu/Science/math.html http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/General.html -NetLib mail netlib@ornl.gov or mail netlib@uunet.uu.net offers: Math (usually Fortran) prgms via email Body-of-letter: send index -Sequence Server mail sequences@research.att.com say: lookup Example: lookup 4 9 16 25 36 -StatLib Server mail statlib@lib.stat.cmu.edu Mail with line: send index offers: Prgs, datasets, etc. for statisticians ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *MEDICAL/HEALTH--------------------------------------------------------------- -AIDS Information gopher odie.niaid.nih.gov gopher cdcnac.aspensys.com 72 [AIDS Clearinghouse] gopher gopher.hivnet.org [HIVNET] See Also: FDA BBS, Health Gopher, Queer Resource Directory, CHAT. http://cornelius.ucsf.edu/~troyer/vanews/ [Newsletter] http://patents.cnidr.org/ [AIDS Patent Project] http://www.teleport.com/~celinec/aids.htm [Resources] http://aspin.asu.edu/~jvagner/aids offers: Rethinking AIDS Journal archives online. -Anesthesiology gopher eja.anes.hscsyr.edu gopher gasnet.med.nyu.edu [GASNET] offers: Lots of medical info, archives, and positions, neuroanesthesia. -Cancer Info. mail cancernet@icicb.nci.nih.gov offers: Cancer info. statements thru email. Body-of-letter: help or spanish gopher gopher.nih.gov (Health & Clinical Information/) telnet gopher gan.ncc.go.jp (Login: gopher) gopher cancer.med.upenn.edu [Oncology Resources] gopher nysernet.org [Breast Cancer ClearingHouse] telnet txcancer.mda.uth.tmc.edu or telnet offers: Texas Cancer Data Center. (Login: TCDC) -CHAT telnet debra.dgbt.doc.ca 3000 or 3000 offers: Interactive AIDS & Epilepsy docs, simulated conversations. -Child Health Policy gopher Mchnet.ichp.ufl.edu offers: Health, nutrition, education, family issues, book reviews, etc. -Death gopher gopher.rivendell.org 9004 [GriefNet] offers: Death, Dying, Bereavement and Loss Resources http://www.islandnet.com/~deathnet [DeathNet] offers: Death, end of life issues, living wills, euthanasia, etc. -Diabetes Knowldgbase http://islet.medsch.wisc.edu/ -Disability & Rehab. ftp handicap.shel.isc-br.com or ftp offers: anonymous ftp of software and medical info. gopher disserv.stu.umn.edu [Disability Gopher] gopher trace.waisman.wisc.edu offers: Great page of disability and rehab. info. (Select Other...) gopher vienna.hh.lib.umich.edu offers: Select Social Issues & Social Services, then Disability... gopher hawking.u.washington.edu offers: Access to the DO-IT Program, and Disability-Related Resources gopher val-dor.cc.buffalo.edu offers: CODI: Cornucopia of Disability Information gopher dixson.slnsw.gov.au [Deafness Resources] http://www.computel.com/deafworld/ [Deaf World Web] http://www.aip.org/aip/urls/disable.html offers: Resources for the Disabled -Drug Index (GenRx) http://www.icsi.net/GenRx.html [Physician's GenRx] -Health gopher/http healthline.umt.edu 700 offers: Drug & alcohol info, sexuality/AIDS info, etc. (Login: health) http://tito.hyperlink.com/balance/ offers: Balance is a monthly health, fitness and lifestyle magazine. gopher gopher.health.state.ny.us offers: Info. on communicable diseases, consumer health info., etc. offers: Public Health Information Guide, links to many health resources. http://cornelius.ucsf.edu/~troyer/safesex.html offers: The Safer Sex Page, answers to questions, important information. http://www.ihr.com/ offers: Internet Health and Fitness Resources. -HSTAT telnet text.nlm.nih.gov or telnet offers: Health Services/Technology Assessment Text database (Login: hstat) -Homeopathy List http://www.dungeon.com/home/cam/interlst.html -HungerWeb http://www.hunger.brown.edu/hungerweb offers: devoted to hunger and poverty crises, and developing nations. -Interactive Patient http://medicus.marshall.edu/medicus.htm -Medical Gophers gopher gopher.med.harvard.edu offers: Links to literature, databases, images, library services, tools. gopher caldmed.med.miami.edu offers: Discipline and Disease Specific Sources...great library. -Medical Resources http://cancer.med.upenn.edu:3000/ [Health Newsletter] http://www.biostat.wisc.edu/homepage.html [InfoLink] http://www.hooked.net/users/wcd/listmed.htm +http://www.dhmc.dartmouth.edu/ -MEDIC http://hyrax.med.uth.tmc.edu/ offers: Medical Education Information Center (MEDIC) -Nursing Gophers gopher nightingale.con.utk.edu gopher gopher.csv.warwick.ac.uk 10001 offers: Nursing info on research, practice, education, publications, etc. -Pharmacy Resources http://pharminfo.com/ [PharmInfoNet] http://www.mcc.ac.uk/pharmacy/ [PharmWeb] -Radiology http://www.rad.washington.edu/ offers: Access cases, online teaching modules, materials, and textbooks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Military http://www.btg.com/janes/ offers: Lookup aircraft and military technology from Jane's CD-ROM -Missing Children http://www.scubed.com:8001/public_service/missing.html http://www.gems.com/kids/index.html -Museums gopher ulkyvm.louisville.edu (Some Other... | Museums) gopher ucmp1.berkeley.edu [Museum of Paleontology] gopher gopher.exploratorium.edu [Explor. of Sci./Art] http://www.mos.org/ [Boston Museum of Science] http://turnpike.net/emporium/C/celestial/epsm.htm http://www.exploratorium.edu/ [Exploraorium of Science] http://www.bvis.uic.edu/museum/ [Field Muse. of Chic.] http://sln.fi.edu/ [Franklin Institute Virtual Museum] http://www.kbt.com/gc [Grand Canyon Nat'l Park] http://www.macom.co.il/museum/index.html [Israel Muse.] http://www.nhm.ac.uk/ [London Museum of Nat. History] http://cmp1.ucr.edu/ [Museum of Photography] http://meteora.ucsd.edu:80/~norman/paris/ [Paris] http://turnpike.net/emporium/C/celestial/epsm.htm http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/scripts/JASON.html [Trips] http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/other/museums.html offers: The Virtual Library of museums. *MUSIC/SOUNDS----------------------------------------------------------------- -CD Databases/Clubs http://www.btg.com/~cknudsen/xmcd/query.html http://biogopher.wustl.edu:70/1/audio/bmg http://gemm.com/ or gopher/telnet gemm.com -Guitar Chords/TAB ftp ftp.nevada.edu or ftp offers: Tablature/Chords for guitar in /pub/guitar. Also at ftp.uu.net -Lyric/Music Server ftp ftp.uwp.edu or ftp ftp.sunet.se http://vivarin.pc.cc.cmu.edu/lyrics.html offers: Lyrics, chords/tablature, and music pictures. (/pub/music/...) -Musi-Cal http://calendar.com/concerts/ offers: Music events calendar that lists concerts by location. -Music & Brain D-base telnet mila.ps.uci.edu or telnet offers: Research on music related to behavior.(Login: mbi Password: nammbi) -Music Library http://www.music.indiana.edu/ -Music Newsletter mail listserv@vm.marist.edu (internet) or mail listserv@marist (bitnet) Body-of-letter: SUBSCRIBE upnews offers: Reviews, intviews -Music on the Web http://www.art.net/Links/musicref.html [References] http://american.recordings.com/wwwofmusic/ offers: WWW of Music, includes the Ultimate Band List -Music Reviews mail ringo@media.mit.edu with body of message: help http://jeeves.media.mit.edu/ringo/ offers: Personal recommendations of musicians from other Internetters. -The Piano Page http://www.prairienet.org/arts/ptg/homepage.html -Sid's Music Server mail ssowder@copper.ucs.indiana.edu Subject: BOOTHELP offers: Lists of rare live recordings, cd's for sale. -Sound Databases http://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/multimed/sounds/ http://www.nd.edu/StudentLinks/jkeating/links/sound.html http://www.aristosoft.com/ftp/Sounds/ -Used Music Server mail used-music-server@wang.com w/ subject: help offers: Users can buy/sell/trade CDs/LPs/Tapes or subscribe to the list. -Virtual Radio http://www.microserve.net:80/vradio/ offers: The latest in new music, downloadable in radio-quality format ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *NEWS------------------------------------------------------------------------- -China News Digest gopher cnd.org -Daily Sources http://www.helsinki.fi/~lsaarine/news.html offers: Daily sources of business and economic news. http://ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu/carrie/news_main.html offers: Omnivore, pointers to daily news and information. -Electronic Journals gopher gopher.enews.com (Login: enews) offers: Access to MANY electronic journals (Select Elec. Serials) gopher mag-browse.com offers: Tables of Contents of 167 leading magazines. -Global Net. Navig. http://gnn.com/gnn.html offers: O'Reilly's GNN, accessable with URL above via Mosaic or Lynx. -International News http://www.cs.vu.nl/~gerben/news.html gopher ftp.voa.gov offers: CNN Headline News, European news and weather, Voice of America. gopher gopher.nstn.ca offers: CNN, Stock Reports, UPI Choose: Cybrary | Reading Room | Daily News -News Mail Servers mail news-group-name@cs.utexas.edu mail news.group.name@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca mail news.group.name@nic.funet.fi offers: Post to Usenet news via email (Note: not all newsgroups supported) mail listserv@blekul11.bitnet with body: /nnhelp offers: Read newsgroups via mail, it sends list of articles you can choose -Newspapers On-line telnet kanga.ins.cwru.edu or telnet yfn2.ysu.edu or (Login: visitor) offers: USA Today Headline News, Sports, etc. (Must be registered to use) http://sun.bucknell.edu/~boulter/crayon/ http://sfgate.com/examiner/ [Electric Examiner] +http://www.usatoday.com/ [USA Today] http://www.newslink.org/ [WWW NewsLink] http://www.nando.net/epage/htdocs/links/newspapers.html offers: Links to various on-line newspapers. -Russia/America News telnet solar.rtd.utk.edu or telnet offers: Provides news, weather, geog., etc for each nation. (Login: friends) -Time, Inc. http://www.timeinc.com/pathfinder/Greet.html offers: Articles from Time, Vibe, and Entertainment Weekly magazines. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Oracle mail oracle@cs.indiana.edu w/ subject: help offers: The Usenet Oracle answers all your questions! -Outdoors http://www.gorp.com/ offers: Great Outdoor Recreation Pages *PARANORMAL/OCCULT/SPIRITUAL/ASTROLOGY---------------------------------------- -Archive X http://www.declab.usu.edu:8080/X/ offers: A series of Web pages devoted towards Paranormal Phenomena. -Astrology http://www.realitycom.com/cybstars/stars.html -AwareNET gopher awarenet.com offers: Sections on: Earth Changes, Edgar Cayce, UFOs, Spiritual Nature -UFO Archive http://www.iinet.net.au/~bertino/alien.html -SPIRIT-WWW http://zeta.cs.adfa.oz.au/Spirit.html offers: Sections on: UFOs, astrology, OBEs, yoga, channelings, and healing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Personal Ads gopher personalsusa.com mail info@nook.com (auto-replies with instructions) http://www.apk.net/cupid/ [Cupid's Network] http://wwa.mall2000.com/ [Face to Face] http://www.match.com/ [match.com] http://wwa.com:1111/ [Virtual MeetMarket] http://www.public.com/personals/ http://www.netmedia.com:80/date/ [Web Personals] offers: Classified personal ads for gay and straight community in the USA -Philosophy gopher apa.oxy.edu or gopher offers: American Philosophy Association's BBS for philosophers. http://power.stu.rpi.edu/~oms/org/ [Objectivism Guide] *PHYSICS---------------------------------------------------------------------- -Nuclear Data Center telnet bnlnd2.dne.bnl.gov or telnet offers: National nuclear data. (Login: nndc) -Particle Information http://pdg.lbl.gov/ offers: Lookup information on any particle! (Login: pdg_public) telnet durpdg.dur.ac.uk or telnet offers: Data, listings, references. (Login: PDG Password: hepdata) http://physics7.berkeley.edu/home.html offers: Center for Particle Astrophysics -Physics http://www.pppl.gov/ [Plasma Physics Laboratory] gopher mentor.lanl.gov [Los Alamos] gopher granta.uchicago.edu gopher gopher.hep.net [High Energy Physics Center] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Psychology gopher panda1.uottawa.ca 4010 gopher gopher.hanover.edu (Select: Public | APS Dir.) http://matia.stanford.edu/cogsci/ [Psychology Index] http://psy.ucsd.edu/otherpsy.html [Psych Pages] http://www.gasou.edu/psychweb/psychweb.htm [Psych Web] http://mail.bcpl.lib.md.us/~sandyste/school_psych.html -Queer Resource Dir. gopher gopher.qrd.org or ftp ftp.qrd.org (/pub/README) offers: AIDS info/gay rights info. Home Page: http://www.qrd.org/QRD -Recipe Archives ftp gatekeeper.dec.com (cd pub/recipes) ftp mthvax.cs.miami.edu (cd pub/recipes) ftp ftp.neosoft.com (cd pub/rec.food/recipes) ftp cs.ubc.ca (cd pub/local/RECIPES) http://www-sc.ucssc.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/recipes/ offers: Anonymous ftp site for MANY food recipes. *RELIGION--------------------------------------------------------------------- -Anglicans Online http://infomatch.com/~haibeck/anglican.html -Atheism Web http://www.mantis.co.uk:80/atheism/ -Baha'i Faith http://oneworld.wa.com/bahai/ http://www.bcca.org/glittle -Chabad Lubavitch gopher lubavitch.chabad.org or gopher offers: Info on Jewish mysticism, the Moshiach, and so on -Christian Resources mail YellowPageDir@XC.org ftp iclnet93.iclnet.org offers: List of WWW, FTP, emails (/pub/resources/christian-resources.txt) http://www.ocf.org:80/OrthodoxPage/ offers: The Orthodox Christian Page. -Gabriel's Horn telnet twinbrook.cis.uab.edu 7777 or 7777 offers: Returns a Bible verse from the Old or New Testament -Hinduism http://rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu:8080/hindu_universe.html -Jerusalem One Gopher gopher gopher.jer1.co.il offers: Electronic Jews library, info on Jewish orgs, travel, Israel info. -JewishNets telnet www.huji.ac.il or telnet gopher shamash.nysernet.org (This also is WWW address) http://sleepless.acm.uiuc.edu/signet/JHSI/judaism.html http://jewishnet.net/ offers: WWW w/ info. on mailing lists, restaurants, etc. (Login: JEWISHNET) +Mormon Resrouces http://www.primenet.com/~kitsonk/mormon.html -Muslim http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/ offers: Muslim Students Association Islamic Server -NY-Israel Gopher gopher israel.nysernet.org 71 offers: Jewish libraries, lists, projects, holocaust info, etc. -Religion on the Web http://www.einet.net/galaxy/Community/Religion.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Science Pages http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/amasci.html http://www.hia.com/hia/pcr/ [Science Education Project] -Shortwave/Radio http://itre.uncecs.edu/radio/ -Social Sciences http://ssdc.ucsd.edu/ [UCSD Data Collection] offers: A collection of large numeric datafiles & programs *SOFTWARE--------------------------------------------------------------------- -Info/Software Server telnet rusinfo.rus.uni-stuttgart.de or offers: journals, unix stuff, recipes, online cookbook, etc. login: info -Software Server(ASK) telnet askhp.ask.uni-karlsruhe.de or offers: On-line software search. (Login/password: ask) -ZIB Electronic Libr. telnet elib.zib-berlin.de or telnet offers: Library of software, links to other libraries. (Login: elib) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPACE------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Astro-2 http://astro-2.msfc.nasa.gov offers: High-tech observatory flying for 16 days in the Space Shuttle -CASS gopher cass.jsc.nasa.gov or gopher offers: Center for Advanced Space Studies. Catalogs, images, newsletters. -EnviroNet telnet envnet.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet offers: Space environment resource. (Login: envnet Password: henniker) +Europe Space Agency http://www.esrin.esa.it/ offers: Access ESA PID (Prototype Info Dir) & ESIS (Eur. Space Info System) -FIFE telnet pldsg3.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet offers: Science, etc. databases from satellites, etc. (Login: FIFEUSER) -NASA Headline News finger nasanews@space.mit.edu offers: Recent press releases from NASA. (See also: SpaceNews) -NASA SpaceLink gopher spacelink.msfc.nasa.gov or gopher offers: Latest NASA news, including shuttle launches and satellite updates. -NASDA telnet nsaeoc.eoc.nasda.go.jp or telnet offers: National Space Development Agency of Japan (Login: nasdadir) -NED telnet ned.ipac.caltech.edu or telnet offers: NASA Extragalactic Database. Bibbliographies, info. (Login: ned) -NODIS telnet nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet telnet nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov or telnet mail archives@ndadsa.gsfc.nasa.gov w/ Subject: HELP offers:Menu-driven access to Nat'l Space Science Data Center (Login: nodis) -SEDS Gopher/WWW telnet/gopher seds.lpl.arizona.edu or offers: Images, software, satellite elements, etc. (Login: gopher or www) -SEEB http://satori2.lerc.nasa.gov/ offers: Space Environment Effects Branch -SETI http://www.seti-inst.edu/ offers: Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. -SDDAS telnet geordi.space.swri.edu or offers: SW Research Data Disp. & Analyis (Login: sddas Password: !sddas*) -Shuttle Payloads Prg gopher sspp.gsfc.nasa.gov offers: Information and images on shuttle small payloads programs. -SpaceNews finger magliaco@pilot.njin.net offers: Weekly publication of space news. (See also: Nasa Headline News) -STInfo telnet stinfo.hq.eso.org Also: gopher stsci.edu offers: Reports about Hubble Telescope, press releases (Login: stinfo) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPORTS/RECREATION------------------------------------------------------------ -Baseball Servers ftp etext.archive.umich.edu (cd pub/Sports/Baseball) http://www.nando.net/baseball/bbmain.html +http://ssnet.com/~skilton/baseball.html [Links] http://www2.pcy.mci.net/mlb/index.html [@Bat] offers: Weekly updates of stats and archives of rec.sport.baseball. -Basketball Servers http://www.netgen.com/sis/NBA/NBA.html -Biking gopher cycling.org / gopher [Cycling Gopher] http://xenon.stanford.edu/~rsf/mtn-bike.html offers: WWW page on Mountain Biking, info on trails, lists, shows. -Collegiate Nicknames http://www.vaxu.org/college -Fishing http://www.geo.mtu.edu/~jsuchosk/fish/fishpage -Football ftp ftp.vnet.net (cd /pub/football) offers: Info on arena, fantasy, pro, software for football fans. http://www.netgen.com/sis/NFL/NFL.html offers: Pro football server, with schedules, draft info, super bowl info. http://www.cis.ksu.edu/~chiefs/nflstat.html offers: Weekly schedules, team-by-team information. http://www.math.ufl.edu/~mitgardt/rsfc.html offers: College Football server -Gymnastics http://rainbow.rmii.com/~rachele/gymnhome.html -Hockey http://terrapin.umd.edu/nhl.html [NHL Page] http://www.netgen.com/sis/NHL/NHL.html [NHL Server] http://maxwell.uhh.hawaii.edu/hockey/hockey.html -Olympics http://www.linc.or.jp/Nagano/index.html [1998 Olympics] http://www.mindspring.com/~royal/olympic.html [1996] http://www.sun.com/OL/OL94-mirror.html [1994 Olympics] -Paddling Sports http://www.recreation.com/paddling/ http://salk.edu/~preston/kayak/ http://ssnet.com/~bef/BrucesPaddlingPage.html offers: Info on canoeing, kayaking, and rafting. -Running http://sunsite.unc.edu/drears/running/running.html http://www.cris.com/~thompete/tri-drs/tridrs.shtml offers: Races, marathons, training tips, magazines, clubs, etc. -Sailing http://community.bellcore.com/mbr/sailing-page.html offers: FAQs, movies, mailing lists, sailing opportunities, texts, museums http://www.ac95.org/ [America's Cup '95] -Scores/Standings finger robc@xmission.com [Baseball/Football] finger jtchern@headcrash.berkeley.edu [Baseball] offers: Baseball, football scores, standings, and next week's schedule. -Skateboarding http://skateboard.com http://www.enternet.com/skate/skate.html http://www.cps.msu.edu/~dunhamda/dw/dansworld.html http://xx.acs.appstate.edu/~jh13875/skate.html http://www.xs4all.nl/~huphtur http://er3.rutgers.edu:8001 http://monet.ccs.itd.umich.edu/~wdean/wes.html http://www.state51.co.uk/state51/knowhere/skindex.html http://www.ecf.toronto.edu/ecf/staff/steve/sk8.html -Skiing http://diamond.sierra.net:80/SkiWeb/ -Skydiving http://www.cis.ufl.edu/skydive/ -Soccer http://www.atm.ch.cam.ac.uk/sports/ -Sports on the Web http://tns-www.lcs.mit.edu/vs/vssportsbrowser.html http://www.mit.edu:8001/services/sis/sports.html http://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/gate/sports.html http://sfgate.com/sports/ http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group12/title.html http://espnet.sportszone.com/ [ESPNET SportsZone] http://www.sportsline.com/ [SportsLine USA] -Sports Schedules NBA:telnet culine.colorado.edu 859 / 859 NHL: telnet culine.colorado.edu 860 / 860 MLB: telnet culine.colorado.edu 862 / 862 NFL: telnet culine.colorado.edu 863 / 863 finger copi@oddjob.uchicago.edu for sports schedules offers: Schedules on-line. 'help' for help, 'return' for today's games -Stadiums & Arenas http://www.wwcd.com/ -Surfing http://sailfish.peregrine.com/surf/surf.html -Tennis http://arganet.tenagra.com/Racquet_Workshop/Tennis.html http://www.tenniscountry.com/ [Tennis Country] http://www.xmission.com/~gastown/tennis/ [Tennis World] -Volleyball http://www.cup.hp.com/~vball/ -Weightlifting http://www.cs.odu.edu/~ksw/weights.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *TELEVISION and MOVIES/TV and MOTION PICTURES--------------------------------- -Hollyweb http://www.ingress.com/users/spease/hw/hollyweb.html offers: Studio briefings, this week's box office, movie/video reviews +Media Yellow Pages http://www.webcom.com/~nlnnet/yellowp.html -Movie Databases mail movie@ibmpcug.co.uk with "HELP" in body of message http://alpha.acast.nova.edu/movies.html http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/Movies/moviequery.html offers: Info on actors, directors, movies, etc. -Movie Reviews gopher ashpool.micro.umn.edu (Select: Fun | Movies) http://sfgate.com/~sfchron/movies/videoguide.html offers: Reviews for current video releases. -Movie/TV Studios http://www.disney.com/ [Buena Vista Pictures] offers: View Disney, Touchstone, and Hollywood pictures movie previews. http://www.paramount.com/ [Star Trek/Paramount] http://www.mca.com/ [MCA/Universal Studios] http://www.cbs.com/ [CBS' Eye on the Net] -Nielsen TV Ratings gopher gopher.doc.ic.ac.uk Select: media | tv | collections | tardis | lists | nielsens | current -Satellite TV Info http://xan.esrin.esa.it:2602/satellite.html offers: European satellite info (charts, guides, channels) http://itre.uncecs.edu/misc/images/images offers: Random satellite tv images. Very interesting. -Theatre http://www.thegroup.net/diana.htm [Theatre Reviews] http://www.fsz.bme.hu/opera/main.html [Opera Server] http://www.cs.fsu.edu/projects/group4/theatre.html offers: The Home Page of Theatre, links to many theatre places http://www.teleport.com/~cdeemer/scrwriter.html http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~rknop/dramex.html offers: Pages for playwrights and screenwriters. -TV & Movie FTP Site ftp quartz.rutgers.edu (cd /pub/tv+movies) -TV Guides http://www.tvnet.com/ITVG/itvg.html [TV Index] http://www.tvnet.com/UTVL/utvl.html [Ultimate TV List] http://metaverse.com/vibe/tvtonite/tonite.html mail circulation@paperboy.com offers: write: subscribe and receive TV guides in email. -TV News Archive gopher tvnews.vanderbilt.edu -TV Net http://tvnet.com/TVnet.html offers: Retrieve info on cable and TV stations worldwide ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *TRAVEL----------------------------------------------------------------------- -City.Net http://www.city.net/ offers: Info. on cities from around the world. -Roadside America http://www.wired.com/ offers: US travelers upload results to WWW. -Subway Navigator telnet/http metro.jussieu.fr 10000 offers: Search subway routes of major cities, in French or English. -Traffic Watch http://www.scubed.com:8001/caltrans/watch.html offers: Real-time traffic information for San Diego, CA, & USA freeways. -Train Schedules gopher gwis.circ.gwu.edu (Select: General | Train...) offers: Current Amtrak train schedules for U.S. http://www.viarail.ca/ offers: Canadian Railway Information http://rzstud1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/~ule3/info-trn.html offers: Timetables to German railway stations & 4,000 other European cities http://www.mcs.net/~dsdawdy/cyberoad.html offers: Cyberspace World Railroad Page, with Chicago Metra timetables, etc gopher gopher.cam.ac.uk offers: British Rail timetables (Select: Misc | British Rail...) -Travel Info. Library ftp ftp.cc.umanitoba.ca or ftp http://www.digimark.net/rec-travel/ offers: Travelogues, guides, FAQs. cd to the directory "rec-travel" -TravelWebs http://www.travelweb.com/ offers: Trip-planning information and hotel reservations. http://www.biztravel.com/guide/ [Business Traveler] http://travel.gpnet.com/ [Going Places] http://www.lonelyplanet.com.au/ [Lonely Planet Travel] +http://travelassist.com/ [TravelASSIST] http://wings.buffalo.edu/world [Virtual Tourist] -Virtual Chevrolet http://www.std.com/NE/usatour.html offers: See the USA in your virtual chevrolet! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -UNC BBS telnet launchpad.unc.edu or telnet offers: Usenet News, Lib. of Congress, nationwide libs. (Login: launch) -UPS Parcel Service http://www.ups.com/ offers: United Parcel Service package tracking, etc. *USER LOOKUP SERVICES/WHOIS SERVICES------------------------------------------ -Mail Srvr/Usr Lookup mail mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu in body of mail message: send usenet-addresses/[name searching for] -Netfind User Lookup telnet bruno.cs.colorado.edu or telnet telnet cobber.cord.edu or telnet telnet pascal.sjsu.edu or telnet telnet mudhoney.micro.umn.edu or telnet telnet redmont.cis.uab.edu or telnet telnet ds.internic.net or telnet telnet netfind.oc.com or telnet telnet archie.au or telnet telnet netfind.anu.edu.au or telnet telnet netfind.if.usp.br or telnet telnet netfind.ee.mcgill.ca or telnet malloco.ing.puc.cl or telnet telnet netfind.vslib.cz or telnet telnet nic.nm.kr or telnet telnet lincoln.technet.sg or telnet telnet nic.uakom.sk or telnet telnet monolith.cc.ic.ac.uk or telnet telnet lust.mrrl.lut.ac.uk or telnet telnet dino.conicit.ve or telnet offers: Given a name and org./school, finds a user for you (login: netfind) -Whois Services telnet rs.internic.net or telnet mail service@rs.internic.net (w/ subject: help OR send RFC-xxxx.TXT, with xxxx being the RFC number) telnet info.cnri.reston.va.us 185 (Knowbot Info Serv.) telnet garam.kreonet.re.kr or (Login: nic) telnet paradise.ulcc.ac.uk or (Login: dua) ftp sipb.mit.edu (pub/whois/whois-servers.list) offers: Way to find internet address given a keyword. To access type: whois ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -UUCP map entries by mail: mail dns@grasp.insa-lyon.fr (body: help) usage: in body-of-letter: uucp uucp_site Mails you UUCP map entry -WAIStation telnet quake.think.com or telnet telnet wais.com or telnet telnet swais.cwis.uci.edu or telnet sunsite.unc.edu or telnet telnet info.funet.fi or (Login: info) telnet wais.nis.garr.it or (Login: wais) offers: Wide Area Info. Service. (Login: swais) *WEATHER/ATMOSPHERIC/OCEANIC-------------------------------------------------- -Auroral/Solar Report finger aurora@solar.uleth.ca finger solar@solar.uleth.ca finger daily@solar.uleth.ca offers: Auroral activity warnings/watches/sightings, updated hourly. Solar = 3-Hourly solar & Geophysical report, daily is the daily one -Avalanche Forecast mail snowfall@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk with a blank message -Emergency Info. telnet oes1.oes.ca.gov 5501 or 5501 offers: State of Cali. - Governor's Office of Emergency Services gopher vita.org offers: Disaster Information Center with disaster reports and data. gopher hoshi.cic.sfu.ca 5555 offers: Emergency Preparedness Information eXchange -Flood Gopher/Info gopher cesgopher.ag.uiuc.edu telnet exnet.iastate.edu or telnet offers: Tons of files for coping with floods and hurricanes. (Login: flood) -NOAA gopher gopher.esdim.noaa.gov or telnet offers: Nat'l Oceanic and Atmos. Admin. Lots of data! -Oceanography gopher gopher.cms.udel.edu or http://www.cms.udel.edu/ offers: OCEANIC Information Center http://www.whoi.edu/html/www-servers/oceanography.html offers: Index to oceanography WWW servers. http://kingfish.ssp.nmfs.gov/home-page.html offers: National Marine Fisheries Service -Tropicl Strm Forecst finger forecast@typhoon.atmos.colostate.edu offers: Seasonal forecast for Atl. Ocn. Also: finger forecast@ -Weather Services telnet downwind.sprl.umich.edu 3000 or http://www.weather.net/ [Freese-Notis Weather Page] offers: Commodities trade reports as related to weather http://www.mit.edu:8001/usa.html [WWW Weather Map] http://cirrus.sprl.umich.edu/wxnet/ [WeatherNet] http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/ferret/main-menu.html offers: Live access to climate data mail infobot@infomania.com with subject: #HELP offers: City/State forecasts, ski conditions, earthquake reports, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Women's Studies/Rsrcs gopher peg.cwis.uci.edu 7000 (Choose Women's Studies..) gopher path.net 8101 [Women's Wire] gopher gopher.weq.gov.bc.ca [Women's Equality Gopher] http://www.clark.net/pub/s-gray/feminist.html offers: Web site offering Feminist Activist Resources on the Net http://www.vix.com/menmag/ [M.E.N. Magazine] http://www.voiceofwomen.com/ [Voices of Women] http://www.women.com/ [Women's Wire] -World-Wide Web mail listserv@mail.w3.org with body: help offers: Mail access to the WWW! http://turnpike.net/metro/mirsky/Worst.html offers: Worst of the Web http://www.charm.net/~web/Vlib.html offers: How to develop WWW pages, setting up servers, evolution of WWW. +http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~banister/submit-it/ offers: Submit It! Submit your web site to all the major WWW links. http://www.nlightn.com/ [NlightN search utility] http://www.yahoo.com/ offers: Yahoo's List, the most comprehensive WWW list. http://www.stpt.com/ offers: Starting Point for WWW exploration. http://www.intbc.com/sleuth/ offers: The Internet Sleuth is a collection of over 450 searchable indexes Recommended get Lynx (text) client at: ukanaix.cc.ukans.edu (/pub/WWW/lynx) Recommended get NetScape client from: ftp.mcom.com (cd /netscape) * NOTE: NO LOGIN NAMES OR PASSWORDS ARE REQUIRED UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE! * NOTE: FOR FTP SITES, LOGIN AS anonymous, password is your email address. * (C) Copyright 1995 Scott Yanoff. No CHANGES are to be made to this document without the author's written consent. Reproduction/distribution without my permission IS ALLOWABLE so long as it is for NON-PROFIT purposes.