ShareDebate International 1990 Abstracts & FTP Pointers to Individual Issues

((Shift-Click--or however you do in your Web browser--on individual filenames to ftp-obtain the full, zipped, magazine.)

Volume 1, Issue 1, Release 1, Spring 1990

The debate forums established in the first issue deal with a National Interest Project-Level Stock Market; Occupational Representation vs. Geographical Representation; Computer Modeling Future Cities; Japanese vs. U.S. Patent Law; Economic Impact of Corporate Income Tax; and the Existing Cost of Government Intervention in Health Areas.

In MS-DOS Hypertext (not HTML, reader software is provided) form, the filename is: SI/DBATE001.ZIP. An ASCII image of the Hypertext magazine is available for Macintosh and Unix users: SI/DBATE01A.ZIP.

Volume 1, Issue 2, Release 2, Spring 1990

Issue 2 introduces 4 new debate topics & Ben Bova contributes! New debate topics: Supreme Court's 3/27/90 divided ruling that the majority of voluntary assemblies do not have free speech rights; Entrepreneurial Democracy; Futuristic currency systems to fight drug abuse; a private insurance plan for S&L depositors. Includes a built-in note-processor. Letters to the editor include feedback from a Japanese University.

In MS-DOS Hypertext (not HTML, reader software is provided) form, the filename is: SI/DBATE002.ZIP. An ASCII image of the Hypertext magazine is available for Macintosh and Unix users: SI/DBATE02A.ZIP.

Volume 1, Issue 3, Release 3, Fall 1990

Issue 3 introduces 2 new debate topics & Science Fiction Award-winning author Ben Bova and Nobel Prize winner, Milton Friedman, contribute. New topics: Electronic Digital Media Publishing with an excerpt from Bova's novel, Cyberbooks; and, Against Value-less Education. Friedman analyzes the National Interest Project-level Stock Market proposal (NIPS). In response to Friedman's input, NIPS is privatized and is now called FIPS (Future-Interest Project-level Stock market).

In MS-DOS Hypertext (not HTML, reader software is provided) form, the filename is: SI/DBATE003.ZIP. An ASCII image of the Hypertext magazine is available for Macintosh and Unix users: SI/DBATE03A.ZIP.

Volume 1, Issue 4, Release 4, Winter 1990/1991

Issue 4 includes material by InfoWorld's & Byte's Jerry Pournelle, Ben Bova (President, Science Fiction Writers of America), Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman, Prometheus-winner J. Neil Schulman, Economists George Gilder & Murray Rothbard, & futurist R.H. Martin. 7 more debate topics are added to the 12 previous topics. The full text of a recent law authorizing the government to get involved with Shareware & Public Domain Software is included.

In MS-DOS Hypertext (not HTML, reader software is provided) form, the filename is: SI/DBATE004.ZIP. An ASCII image of the Hypertext magazine is available for Macintosh and Unix users: SI/DBATE04A.ZIP.

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Last updated July 19, 1995