ShareDebate Int' & Imprimis Online

ShareDebate International and Imprimis Online magazines

Made Available Electronically by Applied Foresight, Inc.

The Two Most Interesting, Electronic Free-Market Magazines And In Existence Online For Over Three Years Now!

Both magazines are electronically published and distributed by Applied Foresight, Inc. These are two outstanding electronic magazines devoted to promoting the traditional American wisdom and principles of limited government and liberty amidst present and future conditions. (This outlook is now considered a political outlook midway between conservativism and moderate libertarianism.) The magazines are both distributed by SDN on Fidonet worldwide reachable through over 22,000 BBS systems.

ShareDebate International is a copyrighted freeware diskette magazine of nonfiction and fiction, original and reprints, edited by Roleigh Martin. The BBS online version of Imprimis Online is edited by Hillsdale College, Michigan -- a monthly free newsletter whose paper edition published by Hillsdale College has over a 585,000 circulation.

To contact Applied Foresight, Inc., write the editor (and President), Roleigh Martin, at 5511 Malibu Drive, Edina MN 55420 USA, or email him at Compuserve ID: 71510,1042 --- Internet:

ShareDebate International

The online magazine where Milton Friedman, SF authors, economists & others debate liberty-based ideas that have an immediate & long term perspective

(Computer modem or internet connection not required -- diskette versions exist to be printed or read on your computer.)

ShareDebate International is an international quarterly forum, started in 1990, concerned about the present & the future, carrying non-fiction & fiction, original & reprints. It is edited by Roleigh Martin & distributed by SDN which feeds Fidonet's 22,000 BBS systems worldwide. It can be downloaded free of charge. (Orders include a list of local BBS's that should carry it.)


Doug Bandow, Ben Bova, Warren Brookes, Stuart Butler, George Gilder, Milton Friedman, David Kelley, Leonard Peikoff, Jerry Pournelle, Sheldon Richman, Murray Rothbard, Steven Schlossstein, Joseph Sobran, Joseph Stumph, Masanobu Taniguchi, William Tucker, Sam Wells, Republican Liberty Caucus, Japan Economic Institute, League for Programming Freedom, 3 Prometheus winning SF authors & many others.


[*] A National-Interest Project-Level Stock (NIPS) Market--a tax free alternative to NASA, NSF & NIH (Milton Friedman participates!). For projects designated by the NIPS-subsidizers (e.g., an association of banks or investment firms) in the long- term market interest, businesses could offer stock offerings at the project level. During the years when no revenues exist, the NIPS-subsidizers could issue a 5-year guaranteed annual dividend to NIPS purchasers who would be required to hold the stock for at least 5 years. Businesses engaged in massive projects (e.g, space manufacturing, starfish-shaped 3-D cities) can use the long-term secured investments as leverage to borrow more money to maximize seed capital & minimize risks. Additionally, the NIPS-subsidizers could receive a common stock interest in the subsidized companies & transaction fees from market activity. Overall, the NIPS-subsidizers & investors should profit.

[*] Contrasting 2 representative institutions: the Olympics & Legislatures--or--Why Occupational Representation v. Geographical Representation may improve Legislatures.

[*] Is the Japanese Patent Law more just & conducive to economic growth?

[*] The hidden cost & economic impact of the Business Profit Tax--Doing a multi-level Bill of Material Product Costing Tax Rollup--or how a 35% tax can become a 75% rolled-up tax.

[*] Why Asian countries have advanced so fast.

"Electronic publishing has arrived!  ShareDebate
International is a bold, exciting venture that deserves
the attention and support of everyone who seeks to
create a better tomorrow."
                                             --Ben Bova
                        former editor of ANALOG and OMNI
                        former President, National Space Society
                        award-winning author of 60+ books
                        President, Science Fiction Writers of America
[*] Preserving economic privacy while using game theory & newer forms of money, such as "smart cards," to fight money- motivated crimes--the debate favors crypto anarchy with families being the enforcing power monitoring delinquent spending behavior while the electronic conversion of cash destroys the market for burglary.

[*] The myopic vision of carte blanche drug legalizers: Do they forget the violence that devastated China after the British forced heroin legalization in China? Will free will (freedom) exist when the Mafia can legally hire the best scientists with supercomputers to design 100% addictive/alluring drugs? Better approaches are debated.

[*] Scientific evidence of higher dimensions & an afterlife.

[*] Aren't health costs so high because of massive government intervention? Listen to economists & over 25 doctors present the free market side.

"ShareDebate International is a terrific magazine, well edited
and executed.   I am very interested in the nexus between
Economics, Freedom and technology. Add Philosophy and it is a
powerful brew.  It is the paradigm of the publication of the
information age."  -- George Cordahi,  Ontario
[*] Is government & environmental groups the biggest threat to a growing mankind? Two reasons: a treaty with Russia prohibits private property ownership in outer space-- guaranteeing nil future interest in space by the private sector- -the only sector that pushes history positively forward. Government not businesses control city designs--yet years ago two Operations Researchers foresaw greatly enlarged Mall of Americas--privately owned/operated 3-D city systems optimized for low overhead, competitive businesses, & a high standard of living, supporting more people while enhancing the environment.

[*] Majority-voting guarantees mediocre decisions yet there are computer-based voting systems where group choices are smarter than the smartest person in the group. How? Details given.

[*] Supreme Court attacks group free speech rights. Justice Scalia reads his dissent outloud from the bench, proclaiming the majority ruling an "Orwellian announcement." He starts: "Attention all citizens."

"ShareDebate International is one of the most
interesting developments on the electronic-publishing
scene, proving that large circulation and big-name
writers are no longer available only to publishers with
large corporate backing.  The day of grassroots mass-
market publishing is here at last."
                                     --J. Neil Schulman
       Prometheus award winner (Alongside Night, and
       The Rainbow Cadenza; President of SoftServ
       Publishing, Inc. (an electronic publishing firm).
[*] Entrepreneurial Democracy: "That government is best which is legislatively structured the best, voluntarily funded the most, & taxes the least". ("voluntary funding" as in stock, bond & loan markets.)

[*] The killing-nature of affirmative action--it's literally killing more Blacks than the KKK ever did, creating inter-racial strife & within Blacks, it's benefiting the top 20% while impoverishing most.

[*] Blasting freedom-lovers: statists continue to win elections because they stick together while conservatives & libertarians run away from common ground.

[*] Political Correctness among Conservatives & Libertarians.

[*] The myth that Social Security is being ripped off by the elderly--the truth is shown in privatized plans elsewhere.

[*] Coverage on the 10th Amendment & the Ultimatum Resolution Referendum movements.

[*] Privatizing Welfare by funding it with a multiple-value tax deduction.

[*] The unfair myth of unfair Japan-US trade.

[*] The false myth that unilateral free-trade is harmful.

[*] The myth that citizens should be pleased with deficit- reduction: in the private sector when a company is extremely in debt, creditors do not tolerate continued but less overspending in continuing years. Overspending is stopped & the debt gets pared gradually--citizens should tolerate nothing less with the Government. How to reduce the debt & lower taxes.

[*] And much more, including great SF fiction, of interest to Conservatives and Libertarians.

Imprimis Online

From the college that defies Federal control...

Imprimis Online is the electronic edition of Hillsdale College's Imprimis, the most pro-free market college, whose monthly paper version has a 600,000 circulation. It is free, features many famous authors & can be downloaded from nearly any BBS that carries SDN files.

Some of Imprimis Online Past Writers: Dick Armey, Elena Bonner, James Bovard, Chuck Colson, Jeffrey Coors, Richard Ebeling, Malcolm Forbes, Jr., Richard McKenzie, Michael Medved, Leonard E. Read, George Roche, J. Patrick Rooney, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Polly Williams, & more.

ShareDebate International orders issues include free of charge Imprimis Online, & a list of local BBS's that should carry it.

The back issues of ShareDebate International and Imprimis Online, even in ZIP form, are over 7 mb in total. Unless you have a T1 or ISDN connection to the Internet, you're best off ordering back issues by mail. Regardless, choose one or all of the choices below to learn more or to obtain, now by FTP is you want, any or all issues todate of these two magazines!

[*] Abstracts & FTP pointers to ShareDebate International.

[*] Abstracts & FTP pointers to Imprimis Online.

[*] Order form for those who do not want to take the time to ftp 7mb worth of back issue material of ShareDebate International and Imprimis Online.

Both publications are electronically published by Applied Foresight Inc., 5511 Malibu Drive, Edina, MN 55436.

Return to beginning of home page.

Last updated July 19, 1995