                       SHAREDEBATE INTERNATIONAL
                          ABOUT THE MAGAZINE,
                          DISTRIBUTION POLICY,
                          COPYRIGHT STATEMENT,
                           SUBSCRIPTION &/OR
                           BACK-ISSUE ORDERS
                         Roleigh Martin, Editor
                Copyright 1994 by Applied Foresight Inc.
                          All Rights Reserved.
                    (Material by Individual Authors
                    May Be Copyrighted Differently)
                              Published by
                        Applied Foresight, Inc.
                             P.O. Box 20607
                       Bloomington MN 55420, USA
                         Last updated 10-27-94
        -- A Freeware Diskette-Magazine of Nonfiction & Fiction ---
        ------ Original & Reprints -- Published Twice Yearly ------
        ------                                               ------
        ----- "An International Debate Forum for Computer Users ---
        -------- Concerned about the Present and the Future" ------
        "Electronic publishing has arrived!  ShareDebate
        International is a bold, exciting venture that deserves
        the attention and support of everyone who seeks to
        create a better tomorrow."
                                                     --Ben Bova
                             (President, SF Writers of America;
                                former editor of OMNI & Analog;
                      former President, National Space Society)
        "ShareDebate International is one of the most
        interesting developments on the electronic-publishing
        scene, proving that large circulation and big-name
        writers are no longer available only to publishers with
        large corporate backing.  The day of grassroots mass-
        market publishing is here at last."
                                             --J. Neil Schulman
                             Prometheus award-winning SF author
         How does ShareDebate International compare with other
            pro-free market, independent-thinking magazines?
        "ShareDebate International is a terrific magazine, well
        edited and executed.   I am very interested in the
        nexus between Economics, Freedom and technology. Add
        Philosophy and it is a powerful brew.  It is the
        paradigm of the publication of the information age."
                                              -- George Cordahi
                               subscriber to American Spectator
                                            for nearly 20 years
                                           Mississauga, Ontario
                                  (S.I. has advertised in A.S.)
             Applied Foresight, Inc. publishes ShareDebate
        International (ISSN 1054-0695), a diskette-magazine.
        Formerly a shareware semi-annual magazine, it became
        copyrighted freeware with the double-disk issue #7-8.
        Between 550 to 1,450 listed Bulletin Boards  (BBSs) or
        Shareware dealers in 25 countries distribute the
        magazine.  It is an international debate forum--over 25
        debate topics now--for computer users concerned about
        the present and the future, carrying non-fiction &
        fiction, original and reprints.
        Jonathan Adler,       Competitive Enterprise Institute;
        Doug Bandow,  Cato senior fellow, syndicated columnist;
        John Perry Barlow,                   (writer for Wired)
        George Benston, Economist & Professor   (Contributor to
                             Public Interest & other journals);
        Ben Bova      (President, SF Writers of America; former
            editor of OMNI & Analog; former President, National
                                                Space Society);
        Warren T. Brookes, deceased, famous newspaper columnist
                                for the Detroit News and author
                                        of The Economy in Mind;
        Stuart M. Butler,            V.P., Heritage Foundation;
        Dan Druck,               Council on Domestic Relations;
        Milton Friedman,                        Nobel laureate;
        Ian Geldard,        Institute of Economic Affairs (UK);
        GEnie management;
        George Gilder  (author & regular contributor to Forbes,
                    Wall Street Journal & the National Review);
        Paula Goldman,                          Attorney-Sysop;
        Rt.Lt.General Daniel Graham    (Director, High Frontier
                             Inc. & Assoc. Ed., J. of Practical
                                        Applications in Space);
        George Kaufman,   Economist & Professor (Contributor to
                             Public Interest & other journals);
        David Kelley,                       Executive Director,
                             Institute for Objectivist Studies;
        Richard Koman,                  Editor, I-media Center;
        Victor Koman,       Prometheus award-winning SF author;
        Stephen D. Leonard, M.D., F.A.C.S.,
                                  Freelance author and surgeon;
        Paul Levinson                       (Author & Director,
                                   New School On-Line Program);
        Libertarian Party;
        Ben Lieberman,        Competitive Enterprise Institute;
        Dr. Christopher Lyon, M.D.;
        Roleigh Martin,       ShareDebate International editor;
        Timothy C. May, Internet Writer-Encryption Philosopher;
        Robert E. Moffit,    Writer for Policy Review Magazine;
        Douglas Ostrom              (Japan Economic Institute);
        Leonard Peikoff,       Author of the book, Objectivism;
        Policy Review Magazine -- letters to the editor from 25
                    doctors and medical experts on health care;
        Jerry Pournelle,                   SF author & computer
                              columnist (for Byte & InfoWorld);
        Republican Liberty Caucus;
        The League for Programming Freedom;
        Sheldon L. Richman        (writer for The Free Market);
        Murray Rothbard,                 Libertarian economist;
        Steven Schlossstein,      Author, Asian Economy Expert;
        J.Neil Schulman,    Prometheus award-winning SF author;
        Thomas E. Smith   (writer for National Review, Analog);
        L.Neil Smith,                  award-winning SF author;
        Ed Snook (Liberty Network) and Kevin Starret,  drafters
                   of a proposed Oregon Property Ownership Act;
        Joseph Sobran,                    syndicated columnist;
        Steven Schlossstein    (Asian affairs expert, author of
                          several nonfiction and fiction books)
        Joseph Stumph,          Author of the legal resolution:
                                       The Ultimatum Resolution
        Ike C. Sugg,          Competitive Enterprise Institute;
        Masanobu Taniguchi, former Japanese journalist, alumni-
              Columbia University (M.A., International Affairs)
        William Tucker      (writer for National Review & other
              conservative magazines, author of several books);
        Dr. Tim Urell, D.O.;
        Sam Wells,                  contributor to The Freeman;
                             DEBATE TOPICS
           This section ("Debate Topics") will appear
        infrequently in this file, SI_MISC.TXT.  If this is the
        only paragraph in this section, please refer to a past
        or future issue for the list of debate topics and which
        issues covered what (the "debate thread history").
           The topic debate areas all have a long sentence
        description and a short phrase title.  For each topic,
        the debate can be in the areas of Background Reading,
        Concerns, Prospects, or Better Solutions. Treatment can
        be in the form of non-fiction or fiction.
        Topic  Short & Long
        Number    Title    Debate Thread----------------------
         #1   Short Title: The NIPS Debate.
              Alternates:  The NIPS/FIPS Debate.
                           The FIPS Debate.
              Long Desc.:  Funding long-range and/or large
                           scale projects with a National-
                           Interest Project-level Stock market.
              Note: An alternate concept, FIPS, for Future-
              Interest Project-level Stock market, was
              introduced in issue 3, in response to Milton
              Friedman's critique.
        Notes: "Thread" refers to the sequential treatment of
        the debate throughout the multiple issues of
        ShareDebate International.  "1[V.1(1)]/3" means BBS
        filename DBATE001, Volume 1, Issue 1, Article (that
        is, menu choice) #3. Volumes are incremented
        annually.  Issue numbers are reset annually.  BBS
        Filenames increment from day one and are never reset.
        All articles are non-fiction unless specified as
        fiction.  When the menu choice is "From the Editor's
        Desk," the topic inside the column is provided.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           1[V.1(1)]/3  R.Martin    (Introduced)
           2[V.1(2)]/6  B.Bova      (Background Reprint)
           3[V.1(3)]/3  M.Friedman  (Concerns)
           3[V.1(3)]/5  R.Martin    (Response to Friedman)
           4[V.1(4)]/5  B.Bova      (Background Reprint)
           4[V.1(4)]/9  J.Pournelle (Background Reprint)
           5[V.2(1)]/4  T.Smith     (Response to Martin)
           5[V.2(1)]/5  P.Levinson  (Background Reprint)
           7[V.2(3)]/A  J.Schulman  (Alternative Proposal)
           7[V.2(3)]/2  T.Smith     (Response to Martin)
         #2   Short Title: Occupational Representation
              Long Desc.:  Contrasting two representative
                           institutions: the Olympics &
              Legislatures --or-- Why Occupational
              Representation may improve Legislatures.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           1[V.1(1)]/4  R.Martin    (Introduced)
           2[V.1(2)]/7  T.Husted    (Letter to the Editor)
           2[V.1(2)]/7  R.Martin    (Editor's Response)
         #3   Short Title: Compact City Modeling Debate.
              Long Desc.:  Computer modeling cities that
                           counter the Greenhouse effect and
                           strengthen the economy
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           1[V.1(1)]/5  R.Martin    (Introduced)
         #4   Short Title: Japanese VS American Patent Law
              Long Desc.:  Is the Japanese Patent Law more just
                           and more conducive to economic
              growth than America's Patent Laws?  A side aspect
              to this topic is the fairness and economic impact
              of America's patent laws. A side question to this
              debate is are there even better patent systems
              than Japan's existing - where?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           1[V.1(1)]/5  R.Martin    (Introduced)
           3[V.1(3)]/8  M.Friedman  (Letter to the Editor)
           7[V.2(3)]/2  R.Martin    (Reprint of letter to
                                    Forbes Editor)
         #5   Short Title: Business Income Tax Impact Debate.
              Long Desc.:  The hidden cost and economic impact
                           of the Business Income Tax.  An
              important subset would be "the impact on personal
              income tax rates and political impact if the
              Business Income Tax was eliminated."
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           1[V.1(1)]/5  R.Martin    (Introduced)
           2[V.1(2)]/2  R.Martin    (Revised)
           2[V.1(2)]/7  J.Szechtman (Letter to the Editor)
           4[V.1(3)]/4  R.Martin    (See topic "Side_
                                    Response" for Asian
         #6   Short Title: Government's impact on Health Costs
              Long Desc.:  Health Costs in a Truly Free
                           Marketplace - Will Costs Be More Or
              Less And How Much? An important side topic, what
              is the hidden cost of government intervention or
              taxation in the health services industry?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #    Author      Article Type
           1[V.1(1)]/5   R.Martin    (Introduced)
           2[V.1(2)]/2   R.Martin    (Literature Review;
           7[V.2(3)]/6   T.Urell     (Analysis)
           7[V.2(3)]/7   R.Martin    (Proposal for Pharmacy
           7[V.2(3)]/B   C.Lyon      (Contrast to British
                                     Socialized Medicine)
           8[V.2(4)]/2   R.Martin    Last Minute Update
           11[V.3(4)]    Whole Issue
           12[V.3(4)app] Whole Issue
           15[V.4(2)]    Three Reprints
         #7   Short Title: Debate on the Right of Free Speech
                           for All Voluntary Assemblies.
              Long Desc.:  Free speech: Unprotected now for
                           majority of voluntary assemblies per
              Supreme Court? -- Austin v. Michigan Chamber of
              Commerce March 27, 1990 in a 6-3 decision
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           2[V.1(2)]/3  R.Martin    (Introduced)
         #8   Short Title: Entrepreneurial Democracy debate.
              Long Desc.:  Entrepreneurial Democracy asserts
                           "That government is best which is
              legislatively structured the best, voluntarily
              funded the most, and taxes the least".  (The
              voluntary funding concept principally refers to
              the voluntary purchase mechanism used in the
              retail market and stock and bond markets.)
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           2[V.1(2)]/4  R.Martin    (Introduced)
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin    (Short Rehash, see topic
           4[V.1(4)]/4  R.Martin    (Followup: Future Voting)
           13[V.3(4)]/1 R.Martin    (Followup: Parkinson on
                                     private legislative
         #9   Short Title: Futuristic Currency Systems
              Long Desc.:  Preserving economic privacy while
                           using game theory and newer forms
              of money, such as "smart cards," to fight drug
              abuse & other money-motivated crimes.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           2[V.1(2)]/5  R.Martin    (Introduced)
          14[V.4(1)]    T.C.May     Alternative Viewpoint,
                                    Reprint on Crypto
         #10  Short Title: Debate a private deposit insurance
                           plan for Savings & Loan deposits.
              Long Desc.:  The U.S. Savings and Loan $400
                           billion fiasco.  Could a free-market
              deposit insurance program have prevented the
              massive defaults?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           2[V.1(2)]/2  R.Martin    (Introduced)
           6[V.2(1)]/4  G.Benston+  (Background Reprint)
         #11  Short Title: Electronic Digital-Media
              Long Desc.:  The shapes and impact of electronic
                           digital-media publishing: software,
                           hardware, strategy, impacts.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           3[V.1(3)]/5  B.Bova      (Introduced via Fiction)
           1[V.1(1)]/2  R.Martin    (See topic "Why Diskette
                                    Media for the Magazine?")
           5[V.2(1)]/6  R.Martin    (Relevant software; re:
                                    defending against viruses)
           6[V.2(1)]/5  B.Bova      (Relevant Reprint:
         #12  Short Title: Against Value-less Education.
              Long Desc.:  Against Value-less Education:
                           Introducing Denomination-Neutral
               Values Into Our Educational Curriculum To Reduce
              The Nation's Suicide and Murder Rates.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           3[V.1(3)]/6  R.Martin    (Introduced with a reprint)
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin    (See topic,
          14[V.4(1)]    W.Tucker    Monogamy & Its Discontents
         #13  Short Title: Converting Communist Societies to a
                           Free Democracy.
              Long Desc.:  How should Communist Societies
                           progress towards a free democracy?
                           What kind of foreign aid can help
                           them towards this goal?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           3[V.1(3)]/7  M.Friedman  (Introduced with a reprint)
         #14  Short Title: Laws that do harm or are unethical.
              Long Desc.:  What laws are counterproductive, --
                           that is, when does a law make the
              problem it addresses worse?  What laws are
              unethical and or unjust?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           4[V.1(4)]/3  M.Friedman  (Introduced with a reprint)
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin    (See topic
           5[V.2(1)]/2  R.Martin    (See topic "Debate 14
         #15  Short Title: The Socio-Economic Importance of
              Long Desc.:  Liberty, its meaning, and the
                           importance of it for economic and
                           social growth, including education.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author       Article Type
           4[V.1(4)]/8  G.Gilder     (Introduced via a reprint)
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin     (See topic "Gilder_Essay")
           6[V.2(1)]/C  J.N.Schulman (Fiction Excerpt)
           7[V.2(3)]/5  J.Sobran     (Reprint; Essay)
          14[V.4(1)]    B.Woolsey    (Reprint; Tutorial)
         #16  Short Title: Government & Economic Development.
              Long Desc.:  What aspects of government
                           negatively and positively affect or
              color economic and social development?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           4[V.1(4)]/6  M.Rothbard  (Introduced with a reprint)
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin    (See topic
           7[V.2(3)]/9  M.Friedman  (Reprint; analysis)
         #17  Short Title: Towards a better copyright law.
              Long Desc.:  Towards a modern, sensible and
                           ethically justifiable copyright
              X-ref notes: See debates # 4 and #17 too.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           4[V.1(4)]/7  N.Schulman  (Introduced with a reprint)
           2[V.1(2)]/4  R.Martin    (See topic, "12_Reasons,"
                                    reason 7, paragraph "To
                                    some extent, recent...")
           3[V.1(3)]/8  M.Friedman  (Letter to the Editor)
          14[V.4(3)]    R.Koman     Reprint
         #18  Short Title: Is government growth condemning
                           our children to economic
              Long Desc.:  Given the size and growth of the
                           existing government v. the gross
              national product (GNP), are we condemning our
              children to economic impoverishment?  If so, how
              much? If not, what is your proof that we aren't?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin    (Introduced; see topic,
         #19  Short Title: What is the impact of affirmative
              Long Desc.:  Do affirmative action programs
                           retard or advance racial progress
              and what is the socio-economic impact on the
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin    (Introduced; see topic,
         #20  Short Title: New ideas for solving the Israeli-
                           Palestinian crisis.
              Long Desc.:  Same as the short title.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           5[V.2(1)/3  R.Martin    (Introduced with a
         #21  Short Title:  Gulf War Analysis
              Long Desc.:  Gulf War Analysis: Lessons
                           from History and for the Future
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           5[V.2(1)]/7  R.Martin    (Introduced with a
           6[V.2(1)]/A  D.Graham    (Relevant reprint)
         #22  Short Title: Imagining a Churchill analysis of
                           the Gulf War
              Long Desc.:  How would Winston Churchill had
                           analyzed the Gulf War Crisis,
                           starting from the period that Iraq
                           invaded Iran thru 1991?
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           5[V.2(1)]/7  R.Martin    Introduction
         #23  Short Title:  Programming Freedom
              Long Desc.:  Intellectual property law &
                           programming freedom.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           6[V.2(1)]/6  League for  Membership Solicitation
           6[V.2(1)]/7  Programming Article on Patents
           6[V.2(1)]/8  Freedom     Article on Copyright Law
           6[V.2(1)]/9  R.Stallman  Update on Pending Treaty
        #24  Short Title:  Miscellaneous Events
              Long Desc.:  Miscellaneous Events, of
                           interest to ShareDebate
                           International readers.
                            Debate Thread:
              Issue #   Author      Article Type
           6[V.2(1)]/B  P.Goldman   News on a FCC activity
           4[V.1(4)]/2  R.Martin    See topic "Shareware Law"
           7[V.2(3)]/2  R.Martin    See topic "In support of
                                    much not not all of the
                                    Libertarian program."
           7[V.2(3)]/2  R.Martin    See topic "Good news about
                                    the environment & global
           7[V.2(3)]/3  Libertarian 1991 Libertarian Party
                        Program     Program
           8[V.2(4)]/5  R.Martin    Analysis: Political
                                    Correctness on the Right
                                    and with Libertarians
           8[V.2(4)]/6  E.Rittberg  Essay: Practical Ways in
                                    which Libertarians can
                                    influence the GOP
           8[V.2(4)]/7  GEnie Mgmt. Paper: New FCC Cost
                                    Increase Threatens Computer
           9[V.3(1)]/2  D.Bandow    Homes for America -- How to
                                    Create a Housing Crisis: A
                                    Primer for Bureaucrats
           9[V.3(1)]/3  R.Martin    The Myth about Social
                                    Security Myths
           10[V.3(2)]/3 S.L.Richman Eqalitarianism
           12[V.3(4)]/2 W.T.Brookes The National Press and the
                                    Statist Quo
           12[V.3(4)]/3 L.N.Smith   Unanimous Consent and the
                                    Utopian Vision
           14[V.4(1)]   J.Barlow    Critique of Clipper, Reprint
           14[V.4(1)]   J.Stumph    Ultimatum Resolution
                                    Referendum Movement
           14[V.4(1)]   D.Druck     Colorado State Sovereignty
           14[V.4(1)]   J.Donald    ACLU supports hush Rush Bill
           14[V.4(1)]   K.Brook     Global Warming Didn't Occur
           14[V.4(1)]   Unknown     Satirical Bill of Rights
           15[V.4(2)]   R.H.Martin  Privatizing Welfare By
                                    Funding It With a Double-
                                    Value Tax Deduction
           15[V.4(2)]   I.Geldard   Global Warming:
                                    Apocalypse or Hot Air?
           15[V.4(2)]   J.Schulman  On the Meaning of
                                    the Second Amendment
           15[V.4(2)]   E.Snook,+   Proposed Oregon
                                    Property Ownership Act
           15[V.4(2)]   D.Druck     Govt. Planned Dual Currency
           15[V.4(2)]   D.Druck     Colorado State Sovereignty
           16[V.4(3)]   D.Druck     State Sovereignty Update
           16[V.4(3)]   D.Druck     Against Lobby Disclosure
           16[V.4(3)]   J.Adler     Greenhouse Gambit
           16[V.4(3)]   I.Sugg      Environmental Overprotection
           16[V.4(3)]   I.Sugg      GAO Cover Up
           16[V.4(3)]   B.Lieberman Bad Science Effects
           16[V.4(3)]   R/A Osborn  Why Home Schooling
           16[V.4(3)]   V.Imrich    Why not vote Libertarian
           16[V.4(3)]   G.O.P.      Republican Contract
           16[V.4(3)]   B.Baugh     Libertarian Christian List
           16[V.4(3)]   D.Mataconis Another Market Triumph
           16[V.4(3)]   Official Pubn. of Special Forces Underground
           16[V.4(3)]   R.Martin    The Myth about Social
                                    Security Myths
           16[V.4(3)]   GNN         Oct. 94 GNN Internet Announcement
         #25  Short Title:  The U.S. and Japan
              Long Desc.:  The U.S. Relationship with Japan
           7[V.2(3)]/8  S.Wells     (Analysis)
           8[V.2(4)]/2  R.Martin    (Literature Review)
           8[V.2(4)]/3  R.Martin    (Analysis)
           8[V.2(4)]/8  D.Ostrom    (Analysis)
           9[V.3(1)]/1  M.Taniguchi (Analysis)
          14[V.4(1)] S.Schlossstein (Analysis)
          16[V.4(3)] S.Schlossstein (Analysis)
         #26  Short Title:  The Abortion Debate
              Long Desc.:  The Abortion Debate: New
           8[V.2(4)]/4  V.Koman     (Fiction Excerpt)
                          COPYRIGHT STATEMENT:
           The written material in Sharedebate International
        (S.I. hereafter) is fully copyrighted, either by
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        articles in the magazine (which will be clearly stated
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            copyrighted-commercial product.
           Articles in ShareDebate International not written by
        R.H. Martin mostly are copyright-owned by someone else.
        Although the entire magazine can be distributed as
        defined above, individual articles need to be
        separately negotiated for.  As for articles written by
        R.H. Martin, permission to reprint will almost always
        be granted to reprint it on a non-exclusive basis as an
        individual article reprint.  Contact me ahead of time
        and I can provide you with the article's text in an
        easy to use word-processing form, assuming permission
        is granted.  I do seek fairness and if your standard
        reprint policy is to pay a small sum, I expect the
        same.  If your standard reprint policy is to pay
        nothing, I would not expect any money but I would want
        two copies of the publication.  In your request for
        reprinting, provide me with a sample copy of your
        publication.  I will provide you with the proper credit
        line to use.
           There may be other situations not covered by this
        license.  Contact me and we'll talk about it.  But
        this license does not authorize any such distribution
        without express, written permission from me in advance.
                              NO WARRANTY:
           S.I. is distributed without warranties of any kind,
        express or implied, including, but not limited to, the
        implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
        particular purpose.
           However, defective diskettes, if returned within 30
        days or a direct back-issue order, will be replaced
        once free of charge.  (Afterwards, an additional
        shipping and diskette cost will be requested.)
             As a convenience to those without modems or to
        those with modems who don't want to download nearly 2MB
        of existing magazines, back issues are available on
        diskette.  The content is freeware but diskettes,
        postage, packaging, and handling isn't. To get it free
        one has to obtain it from the multitude of no-charge
        BBSs that carry it.  According to the project leader
        for SDN, the main Fidonet feed BBS's (a few thousand)
        for the 22,000 fidonet BBSs carry the SDN files, which
        include ShareDebate International (scan for
        DBATE*.SDN).  Also carrying the magazine are any BBS
        that carries the latest PC-SIG CD ROM (disk #s 2121,
        2260, 2390, 2749, 2750, 2753);  BIX (IBM.UTILS
        filearea); or GEnie (IBMPC RT Applications library).
        Search for the filename pattern, DBATE*.*.  As of this
        date, all of these carry the existing 8 issues.  PC-SIG
        has or will shortly release issues 7-8.  The POLITICS
        forum on Compuserve carries most if not all of the
        issues as of issue 9.  (Note: issue 12's addendum--
        DBATE013--isn't carried on Compuserve as it only
        contained Clinton's legislation for his Health Act
        which is otherwise available in POLITICS.)
           Pre-existing subscriptions or future subscriptions
        ordered on the basis of information in old copies of
        the magazine will be honored and those subscribers will
        be sent the future number of S.I. issues that they
        ordered, and if their order included getting back
        issues, they'll be sent too.
           Otherwise, S.I. orders are only solicited for
        current year and back issue copies (for most persons,
        obtaining the back issues on diskette will be cheaper
        than your phone/computer charges to download all back
        issues). What you will be paying for is not the content
        of the magazines, but the packaging, shipping, time and
        costs incurred.  Your costs will vary depending upon
        (a) your country location and (b) the quantity ordered.
        See the next paragraph for specifics.
             Special back-issue deal for owners of an IBM
        PC/compatible or Macintosh (who MUST have be able to
        read 1.44 MB diskettes).  Reference this filename and
        where you obtained it, and for $25, you will get all
        the existing issues of ShareDebate International.  As a
        freebie, you'll also get 1992-1994 back issues of
        Imprimis Online, a freeware electronic publication
        packaged by Applied Foresight for Hillsdale College,
        the publisher of the paper-based, 505,000 circulated
        Imprimis -- the most pro-free market college monthly in
            Indicate the highest capacity diskette you can take
        and whether you have a hard disk or not.  Canadians,
        add $2; International orders, add $5.  Pay in US $
        against a US bank.  Visa/MC accepted (include
        expiration date & name as it appears on the card).  MN
        residents add 6.5 % sales tax.  2 to 6 weeks delivery
        time.  EMAIL orders accepted.  Write or Email to the
        Applied Foresight, Inc. address given above.
            (Mac users have to have the 1.44 MB diskette
        because Mac users are actually serviced on an IBM
        computer that uses the Mac-n-DOS software which can
        only format and read/write with 1.44 diskettes.)   Mac
        users need to have in their possession already an UNZIP
        utility capable of handling version 1.1 and 2.04g
        versions of PKZIP files -- such utilities are widely
        available on MAC BBSs -- if you don't have an UNZIP
        utility, then please don't order the MAC version of
        ShareDebate International.
           Note: ShareDebate International did not publish any
        Issues in 1992, so there are only the 1990, 1991, 1993
        & 1994 issues available.
           My post office electronic mail addresses are given
        below, in case you have questions.  I check the mail
        per the following averages, except when I am on
        vacation or away on a business trip. (I, like you, have
        a normal straight job.)   Posting this list does not
        guarantee that I'll maintain these online accounts
            BBS         NAME       MAIL ID     CHECKING FREQUENCY
        CompuServe    R.H.MARTIN  71510,1042   2-3 times/week
        Internet      R.H.MARTIN  71410.1042@compuserve.com