Welcome to DOSSBOSS.... ----------------------- The DOSSBOSS screen contains a wealth of information. Once you get used to the display, you'll be glad that you have all the information you need on one screen and don't have to flip through menus or commands all the time to see what you need to see or do what you want to do! It's a unique display, designed for maximum efficiency and productivity. The simultaneous display of tool, directory and file windows on the screen is partly what makes DOSSBOSS so powerful and allows it to effectively integrate file management AND program tool launching capabilities. Where else can you find a program that allows you to tag multiple files in a file window and run tools that YOU designed against all those files with just ONE keystroke!? Of course, some tools you may want to run only once regardless of how many files you have tagged (like a calculator tool). No problem, DOSSBOSS tools are flexible enough to handle such situations! But that's just the tip of the iceberg! Another unique aspect of this seamless integration of menuing and file management capabilities is variables. Every tool has access to 12 variables which include information about the names of files selected in the file window, their attributes & their directory name; as well a name of a target directory (if needed). There are also variables for prompting the user for information, storage areas for file names etc. These variables can be manipulated within a tool, checked for particular values or passed as input to applications or whatever else you can think of! The most useful of these variables is the input variable %i. It contains the name(s) of the selected file(s) in the file window. Normally it is used as input to tools (if input is needed). However the contents of %i can easily be over-ridden when you launch a tool (either emptied or switched with another variable) by simply pressing the key when you run the tool! Well it's hard to show the whole iceberg here! Especially with all the specialized commands available to you when you are writing tools (like calling other tools, passing keystrokes to applications, traversing directories from within a tool, etc. etc.) To get an idea of the power of tools, you can check out the section entitled 'Some Examples of Tools' in the DOSSBOSS manual. You will soon discover the power of DOSSBOSS. I haven't even mentioned the job scheduling, prioritized to-do-list or popup reminders yet. And then some people just like DOSSBOSS for its file and directory management capabilities and commands.