Name: PInstall Version 1.01 by Paul Amonson File: PINST101.ZIP Type: Install Application for Windows 3.1/3.11 (shareware). EMail: Paul Amonson SysOp: This file superseeds Location: Index Blurb: PInstall: an application installation program. PInstall 1.01 - A simple installation program designed for small applications or tools (Requires Windows 3.1+). Features include: * Subtree creation of directories. * Conditional installation based on processor, windows mode, windows version number, and DOS version number. * User supplied message in first dialog box. * User supplied title for install backdrop. * User supplied title for most of the dialog boxes. * Files can be installed on several conditions. 1. By date: If file is old it is replaced. 2. Always: Always ovewrite file. 3. Never: Never overwrite file. 4. Ask: Ask if user wants to overwrite file. 5. Version: Install if windows version is less than number. * Files can be uncompressed or compressed using the Microsoft(tm) compress utility (not supplied because it would violate copyright). * Files can be installed into any of the directories created or the windows or windows system directories. * Drivers can be installed into the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file. * Any value can be placed in any section of any .INI file (except the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file). * Icons can be installed in any group or a default group of the program manager or any shell supporting the DDE program manager interface. If the shell you are using does not support DDE and is not the program manager then the program mangager is run, icons installed, and closed! * PInstall will prompt user to restart windows if any drivers are installed. * PInstall will start windows and rerun itself if in DOS. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Create a new directory (preferably C:\PINSTALL). 2. Copy the file to the new directory. 3. Unzip the file. 4. Optionally delete the zip file. 5. Documentation is in two files: sample.inf, pinstall.doc. 6. Enjoy. Upload from SimTel or a mirror as "SimTel/win3/install/". Shareware. Uploaded by the author. Paul Amonson