10 files found in Library "Religious"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
BCOMP510.ZIP No 193879 07-30-95
A BIBLE COMPANION - Electronic handbook A
handy and informative Bible study tool
containing: 1) daily Bible reading plan, 2)
Charts, 3) Maps (with city/ region word
search), 4) Dictionary, 5) Poetry & riddles,
6) translations, and hermeneutics. Plus more.
BIBHLP12.ZIP Yes 58981 06-15-95
TSR Bible Help v1.2 - Answers to most of
life's troubles according to the bible.
BUPROV10.ZIP Yes 37466 07-08-95
Boot-Up Proverbs v1.0 Displays a random
Proverb from the King James version of the
Bible each time your computer is booted.
CHRISTIA.ZIP Yes 326252 05-26-95
PROPHECY.ZIP v. 1.0. The Past Will Happen
Again is a book on Bible prophecy that
promises to be like none you have read.
GODSWORD.ZIP Yes 540791 07-21-95
An Exposition of The Fables And Mythology of
The Bible And of The Impostures of Theology
by Joseph Wheless. Opinion.
HFC141.ZIP Yes 109115 08-12-95
HEBREW FLASCHARDS - Learn Hebrew language An
introductory program to assist the beginning
Biblical Hebrew student learn the letters of
the Hebrew alphabet, vowel pointing, letter
order, and Bible words. Words are coded to
Strong's Concordance. English
transliteration and quizzes are available.
Requires graphics. Vers. 1.41
WITBTL11.ZIP Yes 170285 09-27-95
When were the gospels written? Who ruled
Babylon and Egypt during Biblical times?
BIBLE TIMELINES/WIT lets you sort and selects
individual people and events, or groups and
factions, to develop new insights and trace
patterns across different eras and cultures.
You can modify or expand any of the datasets.