* * * B O O B Y T R A P * * * RELEASE History 12/26/95 ver 4.2 - Will not process InterBBS score files not of the current month. - Will save MASTER.* to MASTER.PRV and score file to *.PRV. 8/01/95 ver 4.1 - Cleaned up a couple of bugs with the IBBS score files. 6/13/95 ver 4.0« - There was a chance that when game was reset it would error out when trying to clean up files before initializing new game. That is fixed. 6/10/95 ver 4.0 - Added in InterBBS play. Add in ability to turn off Sysop Feedback by putting a file by the name of NOFEEDBK in the Booby Trap direcotry. 2/05/95 ver 3.4 - Fixed a bug in the Feedback feature. It only stored the first line of the feedback. - Added in the ability for the Sysop to read and kill the Feedback log from the main menu. - Fixed a bug in the Bonus Score. It was giving the highest bonus for all 3 bonus scores. 1/11/95 ver 3.3 - Added in the Feedback Option. This allows players to leave feedback to the sysop about the game. The message is appended to the text file BOOBYTRP.MSG in the game directory. 14 lines of comments are available. - Added in bonus points for finding all the booby traps before set times. Between 120 & 100, 300 points. Between 100 & 80, 400 points. Less than 80 you get a 500 point bonus. - Fixed it so that the clock does not start until after the first move. 1/01/95 ver 3.2 - Fixed problem where an error would be generated if NO was selected to continue with starting BT when near the Midnight event. - Added in Timer Feature so people can compete for fastest time. In the next version you will get a bonus if all the traps are found before a set time is reached. 7/17/94 ver 3.1 - Fixed display with Help File - Moved some graphics from internal to external *.slb file - Started work on semi-automatic clearing of squares (ver 3.2 maybe)11/22/93 ver 3.0 11/22/93 - Added in RIP detection to eliminate the schrunched vidio look. - Added in support for environmental variables so that only one *.cfg file is needed for multi-node configuration. - Added Fossil detection. - Built in Setup program. 04/15/93 Ver 2.3 Updated Door Info to reflect new door and pricing 03/20/93 Ver 2.2 Fixed a problem with the Setup program not running when BOOBYTRP.EXE was run from the DOS prompt. The name of the Setup Program was wrong in the .EXE file. Added information for ordering Game Packs with credit cards. 01/24/93 Ver 2.1 Fixed the display of the Score Card. Players above #10 would show three spaces to the left of the first 9. Fixed the problem with the game not working if the bulletin lines in the .CFG file were left blank. They lines still have to be there but they can be blank if bulletins are not wanted. Up-dated register form to show new game and pricing structure. 12/23/92 Ver 1.6 Added the ability to toggle the color of the numbers that are displayed inside the squares. This was requested because of the low contrast of the red on black. 01/01/93 Ver 2.0 Only one major feature added...the ability to make up prior missed games. 12/20/92 Ver 1.5 Changed the screen colors and removed the color background. The black background has increased the speed of the squares clearning. Fixed the problem where it appeared the game would not return from chat mode. The screen is now re-drawn when exiting Chat. Added a [T]oggle so the color of the squares can be changed to one of the 3 colors available. 11/25/92 Ver 1.4a Put the C to clear the square back in. Left out by mistake in 1.4 11/05/92 Ver 1.4 Fixed bug that would allow a player to win a game and quit without viewing score, keep the score but not have the game counted as being played. 07/27/92 Ver 1.3b Squished a bug that only showed itself if someone started to play when the time was close to Midnight and said No that they did not want to continue. There was a possiblity of a lock up. 06/03/92 Ver 1.3 Just cleared up a few minor things. Put a notice on the board screen that the Safe Square is Active or Not. Fixed it so that the Safe Square is always a blank square instead of just one without a booby trap. That's about it. 05/26/92 Ver 1.2 Demo Key requirment eliminated!. Game is fully playable without a demo key. To incourage registration, but also give the Sysop as much time as needed to evaluate the game, a few features are only active on the registered version. Bullitons will not be created and the score board will reset every 25 days. If player leaves the game but still has games left for that day, he can now go back and finish them. Sysop option for "Safe" square at start of each game. Sysop option for Dedication line on opening screen. (Registered ver only) Sysop option for "Nag" line on opening screen. (Non-Registered ver only) Corrected bug where player could flag 25 squares and select [D]one and get 2500 points. 12/22/91 Ver 1.1 Max number of squares that can be flagged now limited to 25. Before, a player could flag all squares, then trip one to be able to get 2400 points. Game fixed so player can only go in once a day. Before a player could leave and then come back in to play another set of games. Sometimes the number of played games would go into the negative, allowing the player to play more than allowed. I think this is fixed but will have to keep an eye on it. Several cosmetic changes made. Offical Release 11/23/91 Ver 1.0 Beta release: 11/08/91 - V007: - Activated ability for Sysop to increase/decrease time with the F1/F2 keys. - Game now gives time warning starting at 4 minutes. 11/19/91 - V008: - 500 bonus points added if game won. - Added flag toggle/un-toggle by using flag key. * * * S U P P O R T B B S * * * Com-Dat BBS 2001 N.E. Hyde St. Hillsboro, OR. 97124 BBS Node 1 - (503) 681-0543 14.4 HST BBS Node 2 - (503) 640-0278 14.4 V.32 BBS Node 3 - (503) 681-8324 Hayes 28.8 FIDO 1:105/314 105/317 1:105/330 First time callers have access to Door Files. File requests accepted from anyone, listed or not.