* Important! < please read sysop.doc for setting up and other information > < and PLEASE read the readme.1st file > An Epic, Fast Paced, Strategy, and RolePlaying Medieval Game! Hottest and Newest Door that will add a touch of war, a touch of blood, a touch of nobility and fantasy to your BBS! Requirements: atleast 6 megs of HD.. the game may take up to 11 megs or more during heavy playing... Exitilus only uses at most 80k of memory BRIEF DESCRIPTION: LORD (legend of the red dragon), Usurper, Lore, Arrowbridge etc are all fine medieval type door games.. But now, the BBS world must accept a new and epic arrival: EXITILUS! Exitilus combines strategy and role-play, producing a fine combination for possibilities of player killing, monster killing, wars, civilwars, merchants... proffessions and much more, In an attempt to create a little world complete with features like its own voting booth and graffiti walls... LONG DESCRIPTION: (you may want to spare your self the pain to read that much but you will make me sad if you don't *sob* *sniff* ) Welcoming a fast paced game with about 300 monsters, kingdoms, wars, civilwars, proffession, dual-class, dual-race, criminals, kings, princes, merchants, investments, and even Quests! We'd like to announce that the game prmotes friendship, peace, and harmonious interactions between players.. BUT WE CAN'T From what we've seen from beta tests, Wars, raged thru out the realm.. Rebels and Kings constantly started civilwars, criminals burned to their delights... Often the game was thrown in turmoil making it hell for merchant investments.. Of course once in a while a powerful king can maintain a 'nice' kingdom, but thats often short lived.. EXITILUS IS A MESH OF STRATEGY AND RPG! -=[ RPG ASPECT OF EXITILUS ]=- - dual race, dual class seletions from a variety of races and classes.. - Proffessions like knighthood and sorceryhood, where you advance in rank. Go from a fighter to a hell knight, or a white mage to a crystal mage. - Over abundance of weapons, armors, shields, helmets, and rings and gauntlets and more and more.. Unlike LORD, you have more than 200 weapons to choose from. ranging from $500 - $1,000,000,000,000,000,000 - many many spells for black and white mages and special items like RUNES... - not one forest to fight monster, but have your choice of > 20 places to fight monsters... and no level restrictions, so if you are bold and daring, you may go way past your skills... - More than 300 monsters! - Fast paced... and features two kinds of level ups... - Normal match someone or DEATH match them and risk losing all equipment and money... and mutilation of corpse! - Quests! a new concept! allows players to go on 2-8 days of special adventure and gain special items or great fortune. - Write your own quests! its like writing a story, just need enthusiastic users.. -=[ STRATEGY ASPECT ]=- - Become a king and tax players inyour kingdom! control their lives! and protect them! - Access huge national treasuries and embezzle to your hearts content - diplomatic relations like alliance and defense pacts! - Buy cannons, knights, and hire soldiers to build your army and to defend your kingdom! (and of course to kill and plunder with) - Promote players to become your baron, counts.. etc and options for dual kingship. - stuff like criminals and merchant investments to make money - THE GAME even has its OWN voting booth and graffiti wall like a mini BBS within your BBS... UNLIKE most other games, you don't just 1) fight monster 2) level 3) fight some other guy 4) goto step 1 in exitilus Theres plenty of parallel action and options. EXITILUS also has future promises.. INTER-BBS support is underway! and exitilus does not have delays or crippling actions if unregistered it allows 15 days of perfect play... and then disables minor features like depository and very high level monsters and quests.... COME and SUPPORT the new enthusiastic BBS programmers! put up your copy of EXITILUS today and make the word SPREAD! and get those on-liners into OUR world! (above is the greatest hype we have created.. but Exitilus is well worth the hype... we have spend a LONG time in programming.. thank you for your support)