FUEL 1.0 (8.12.1995) What is FUEL? FUEL is a tool for VGA-PLANETS. It is based on the PHOST formulas. FUEL calculates for a given distance the best combination of warp factors which is the one where the less fuel is needed. For instance, it might be better to fly at 5-6-6-7 speed instead of flying constantly at warp 6. However, the best is not to carry more fuel than will be consumed until arriving, i. e. the mass of the ship at every moment has to be as little as possible. FUEL takes into consideration (as PLANETS does not!) the loss of weight by fuel consumption. This is going to happen in intervals or steady if 'accurate fuelmodel' has been chosen. Fuel consumption is also influenced by the engine's techlevel, ship mass and the number of turns the journey is meant to last. If you follow FUEL's suggestions PLANETS' ETA may show a red 'never'. Do not care! This is going to switch into soothing green just before the arrival. PHOST and TimHOST Since FUEL is based on the PHOST formulas it is most appropriate to PHOST based games. Though PHOST tells itself identic to TimHOST in all points that are not explicitly mentioned, this does not turn out to be true with regard to fuel consumption. To be more exactly calculation of both the waypoints and fuel consumption differs little from TimHOST's. But to reassure you: The differences, however, are very little and are probably caused by TimHOST's rounding behavior. As my experiences were in comparing PHOST with TimHOST, the differences can even be told insignificant. It never occured that a ship did not arrive (as long as there are gravity wells this should not be a problem anyway). However, if your game is PHOSTed calculation of fuel consumption is exact. Except from calculating waypoints and fuel consumption FUEL also shows temporary waypoints. This becomes important if the destination point lies out of PLANETS' scan window. Those temporary waypoints are marked with a little star (*). How to use FUEL The use of FUEL is much self-explanatory. To avoid errors during run time I have protected fields from incorrect input and put reasonable limits on it. MASS: 30-4999 KT WARP: 1-9 TURNS: 1-19 FROM/TO x/y: 0-3999 FUEL may be used by mouse and/or keyboard. Using the keyboard, fields and buttons are selected with plus . jumps from field to field. To put the focus on the input form, mouse-click on it or just press any button. Drag&Drop is enabled for the x/y-coordinate fields. With FUEL may be reduced to a comfortable size. and are available in both sizes of the form and effect the same result. IMPORTANT!!! FUEL is free and may be used and copied without limitation for non- commercial purpose. Nevertheless I would be very happy to get email from any person using FUEL and finding it reasonable (even if he has not yet succeeded in becoming a happy creature for that very reason ;-) ). Please do not hesitate to send me your comments. email: michael_moetje@hh2.maus.de (Michael Moetje)