----------------------------------------------------------------------- Lord Life version 1.12b beta ... DOCUMENTATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE PUT LORD LIFE IN IT's OWN DIRECTORY -- I hate a cluttered lord directory!!! ---Many IGMs need to go into Lords directory -- BUT NOT THIS ONE!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Updates --------------- --Corrected a small bug...which could cause big problems in earlier versions--pre version 1.05e --Corrected a problem with the INFO.1 FILE....Lord life will now handle lord's info.1 file properly. Before this version (ver 1.12a (beta)) Lord Life tended to mess up the doorway info file lord makes called info.* ex info.1 --HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU HAD THIS PROBLEM? Well the bbs would most likely crash some time after running life --Whenever it read in the info.* file...sometimes in lord and sometimes when another IGM is executed...This should all be fixed now though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION ------------------ Congradulations on picking up lord life. I hope it does everything you could ever ask an IGM to to, and I hope it works with your bbs system! Note: This version of Lord Life is still in beta testing mode... It SHOULD be free of errors but may not be. NO WARRANTIES are given for this product...BUT THIS VERSION CANNOT BE REGISTERED... IT IS TOTALLY FREE FOR NOW... That may not continue...but registration will not be too expensive when later versions need to be registered. :) Lord life should be fully multi-node compatable. It uses strict file locking procedures. Note:Life should be immediatly compatable with whatever lord is. Life uses the path to drop file provided by lord's node.1 file. Whatever drop file odoors v5 and lord can use...so should lord life be able to use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 INSTALLATION <------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: This will change very soon...to become much easier. But for now...do this: step 1: At the dos promt run: life.exe -You give it the path to lord and the path to life and it creates a file called lifevals.cfg... BE SURE TO ENTER IT IN THE FORMAT THE EXAMPLE IS GIVIN BY THAT I MEAN MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A \ backslash AT THE END OF THE PATH YOU SUPPLY. Note: If an error ever develops with lifevals.cfg erase it before running life again to reset it. step 2: Since the configuration program has not really been created yet you need to add two lines to the file: 3rdparty.dat which is located in your lord directory... So edit that file and add the full command line for lord life including a star after to tell lord to insert node ie: C:\LORDLIFE\LIFE.EXE * Then add a line that the users will see... ie: `1Lord `9Life `%v`9er`21.00a beta step 3: Simply run it with lord. or if the dorinfo1.def file supplied in this zip is still here you can run life /l for local or the local bat from dos. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 Custimization... At the moment there really is no REAL config program to speak of... But that is not really a problem at present with LORD LIFE! Lord life is 100% configurable! Everything can be changed just with Edit...If you know how... * THE FILES TO LOOK AT ARE CALLED: MAINTXT.DAT TRISTXT.DAT MYSTTXT.DAT WEAPTXT.DAT BANKTXT.DAT INNTXT.DAT BARTXT.DAT ARMTXT.DAT PUBTXT.DAT TRAINTXT.DAT JOUSTTXT.DAT WARNING: YOU WILL SCREW IT UP EVENTUALLY IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES...IT IS KINDA CRYPTIC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Info on how these files work is supplied in: PROEDIT.TXT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * THERE IS BACKUP FILES FOR EVERY *.DAT...they are contained in the backups.zip...if you unzip that in your life directory all dats will return to the way they were when you recieved lord life. ie: so if you mess up your dats...unzip that file in your life directory and all dats will work again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is all for now...gotta get back to programming this thing! :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------