COLOR: All colors can be BRIGHT or PLAIN and flashing or not flashing. If you want a BRIGHT color, preface the code with a lower case `b for BRIGHT. Each color code must begin and end with the ` stroke next to the number 1 key. MOONCHAT COLOR CODES: This shows bright blue and plain blue. `b bl` = bright blue `bl` = blue `f b bl` = flashing bright blue `b f bl` = bright flashing blue (same thing, different order) Here are the rest of the colors: `bl` = blue `g` = green `c` = cyan `r` = red `m` = magenta `b y` = yellow `y` = orangeish brown `br` = brown (same as orangeish brown) `b w` = white `w` = grey `f` = flashing `gy` = grey (same as plain white, above) `b bk` = dark grey (bright black)