Welcome to Quantum Jump! New in this version, Quantum will check your spelling and give you up to three extra chances if you match at least half the letters in the name correctly. This version of Quantum Jump will support up to 99 players! The UNREGISTERED version will only cycle through the first 30 questions. Meaning that the game will keep repeating the first 30 question data base until registered. Quantum will also not start asking the second part of the questions until the second data base begins (round two). Once registered your SysOp will receive the new question data bases. There is a good reason for this. When I coded Quantum Jump, I never imagined that the data bases would take me three times as long to write as the program did! They require a lot of research and planing...... ** If you are a serious Quantum Jump fan Please read the note at the end of this short instruction file. ** Quantum Jump is a fast, easy game to play. When you make your Jump You will be shown a paragraph of information on your surroundings. You must ascertain from the clues given, whose body you have jumped into. DataBase 1 is mostly historical figures. The scenarios start out relatively easy and get harder as you go along. The game also gets harder as you move through the databases. In the next database (Registered Version) you must figure out who you are AND make am important decision in that persons life! You will receive 2 points when you answer both parts correctly. For every correct answer you will receive a point. For every correct answer you make in under 60 seconds you will receive a bonus point! You will also receive a bonus point when you answer 3 questions in a row correctly. In the REGISTERED version you must answer both parts of the question correctly to earn the under 60 second bonus. Also, you must answer both parts of the question correctly to update the 3 in a row counter. If you get 1 part of the question wrong then your counter is reset to zero! Both parts of the question each count for a point. You can play one scenario every day or play once a week and do all your Jumps at one time. Quantum Jump will always let you catch up to everyone else. Just keep track of how many rounds have been played! You may miss the end of the game!! Read below...... Once 30 rounds have been played. Quantum Jump will reset the game, delete the player files, write a Winner bulletin and set up for the next round. Quantum Jump does not automatically recycle to the next round every day. It will not recycle unless someone signs in and plays the game. This is to avoid players miscounting how many days are left in the current round. The only problem that could occur with this setup is that you may decide to only play once a week. If all other players (not likely) decided to do this and NO one played for a week, you would sign in and find that the game is only on the next round, instead of seven rounds completed from the last time you played. If this doesn't work out well, I will write a cycle program that your SysOp can run at night to cycle the game everyday. Once the question or paragraph is shown on the screen, your record of how many questions you have answered has already been updated. I had a few smart beta testers drop carrier and look up the answer while off line. Then call back in with the correct spelling. I fixed them in the end by updating their record of questions before Quantum showed the question. When they called back in they found that they had already had their turn and lost the points they may have gotten that day. SPELLING counts! NEW in version 2.20 I added a routine that looks at your answer and checks to see if you have matched at least half the letters in the name. If you do, then you can earn yourself up to three (3) extra chances to spell the name correctly. You will also notice that where only asterisks showed up to clue you in on how many letters are in the name, now it will show you which letters you entered correctly to help you along. You can now also enter QUIT in the answer blank if you are so frustrated that you can't continue and the game will end. Entering a blank by pressing the [ENTER/RETURN] key will will take you to the next question. Player Name Correct Answers Bonus points SCORE InARow Jumps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Wendling 30 30 60 2 30 In the above example of the score card. The first two are fairly obvious. Score is Correct answers plus all bonus points. InARow refers to your 3 in a row counter bonus point. When you sign into the game, you can always check the score card to determine how many correct questions you have in a row. Jumps refer to how many questions you have answered. There are 30 rounds to a game. I think that's about it! If you have any suggestions, comments or BUG reports please send them to me. Dave Wendling N.U.G.I. ConSorTium (Home of Terra-Firma!) BBS: 413-684-0145 FiDoNeT: 1:332/107 InTerNet: dwendlg@bcn.net MODEM: 28.8 v34 WEB http://www.bcn.net/~dwendlg FTP bcn.net /usr/home/dwendlg/public_html ***** Quantum Jump Fans note! ****** My plan for future databases is to include the names and favorite bbs's of any Quantum Jump fan who sends me a real puzzler that I can include in the database. You will notice while playing the game that Quantum displays the name of the question writer as well as their favorite BBS! Send me your best stumper or really funny situation that our un-named hero can Jump into. You can become famous along with your favorite BBS's name and phone number. I will include this info right into the database so that it can be shown with the scenario! Remember, you can include a situation where the player has to guess who they are and make some kind of important decision! I can be reached at the above numbers and addresses. I also monitor the Quantum Jump fidonet echo along with the FiDoNet echos, DOORWARE, DOORGAMES and ON_LINE_GAMES. I will also have available very shortly a program for sale which will convert standard ASCII text files into the database format for Quantum. This will enable sysops or regular users to write their own databases for Quantum Jump. This program should be available shortly after I release Quantum Jump. This will let you write and sell your own Quantum Jump data bases. It will come for free in the registered version. Or you can charge it on my BBS for $10.00.