DATABOX HISTORY.TXT =================== 11-27-1995 15:11 v2.00 DATABOX.PPE ---------------------------------- - Completely re-wrote the DATABOX.Ppe program 11-16-1995 v1.12 DATABOX.PPE SETUP.PPE -------------------------------------------- - Logged all Daily Maintenance to the the callers log. 11-15-1995 2:28 v1.11 DATABOX.PPE SETUP.PPE -------------------------------------------- - Added a pack date to the Security Level sends and the ALL user file sends. - The program will now perform daily maintenance and pack any file(s) and users on a specified date. 11-14-1995 16:48 v1.10 DATABOX.PPE SETUP.PPE --------------------------------------------- - The USERS.DAT file was not being deleted after the LIST of ALL users was used. - Added the send a file to ALL users module. - Added the Delete ALL users datafiles module. - Modified the Databox.Ppe program to work with the send to ALL module. 11-10-1995 03:38 v1.09 SETUP.PPE -------------------------------- - Added a DELETE file menu. - Also created a module to delete users and the file for security specific levels. - Added a users listing. 11-05-1995 07:23 v1.08 DATABOX.PPE SETUP.PPE --------------------------------------------- - Program will now LOG any file transfers from DATABOX to the callers log. - Corrected a problem with the security level send module. It was not checking the path and filename correctly. 11-04-1995 16:15 v1.07 SETUP.PPE -------------------------------- - The setup program was not properly calling the SEND module. Needed to rename SEND.MOD to SEND.PPE 11-04-1995 13:48 v1.06 DATABOX.PPE ---------------------------------- - The code modification to detect any security level specific files was not working correctly. FIXED 11-04-1995 12:19 v1.05 DATABOX.PPE SETUP.PPE --------------------------------------------- - Added a "SEND FILE" menu. - Added a send module that allows files to be sent to a certain security level. - Modified DATABOX program to search for files sent by security level. 10-29-1995 12:02 v1.04 SETUP.PPE -------------------------------- - Added REMOVE module to delete private files 10-29-1995 06:37 v1.03 DATABOX.PPE SETUP.PPE --------------------------------------------- - Centered Display Bar (Percentage) Lineup - Fixed a problem with the SEND Module. It seemed that when the module was used "online", it would not let you exit. After sending a file if you pressed ENTER to exit instead of entering another users name, the last name you used was being saved in the buffer or a keyboard stuff. 10-28-1995 13:38 v1.03 DATABOX.PPE SETUP.PPE --------------------------------------------- - Released into Wide Beta