We offer many services. Some services are offered by several other places, but some services aren't even offered by other places. Internet Email: When you sign up for this, one of our basic services, you will be assigned your own sub-domain. For example, if your sub- domain was mybbs, your complete address would be: mybbs.compubyte.com In addition, we will assign you an auto-reply address. An auto-reply address is a special address that will send back a standardized responce when a person Emails it. Your auto-reply address will be your subdomain at compubyte.com. Continuing with the example of your sub-domain being mybbs, your auto-reply address will be mybbs@compubyte.com. You can have auto-reply address send back any message you want it to. You, or whoever you wish, will also be notified when someone Emails your auto-reply address. UseNet Newsgroups: When you sign up for this, you will be able to send and recieve messages to/from newsgroups. Since we are just beginning, we don't carry many newsgroups, but we will start carrying more newsgroups as we get more people signed up for this service. You will be able to subscribe to and unsubscribe from newsgroups simply by sending a message to a special address. You will also be able to recieve a current list of all newsgroups available by sending a message to one of the auto-reply addresses. We presently have three ways to send and recieve Internet Email and UseNet newsgoups. You can use the UUCP -g protocol found in Waffle's (tm) UUCICO.EXE, Clark Developement Company's UUXFERL.EXE, and other similar programs. You can use a FidoNet type front end mailer, such as FrontDoor and QFront. In addition, you can also use .QWK/.REP packets. If you want to use the UUCP -g protocol, you will be given help writing the the CHAT script. If you want to use a front end mailer, you will be assigned a node number, probably using zone 99. If you want to use .QWK/.REP packets, you will be assigned a logon on our BBS, which you can use to exchange messages. Please take a look at the file called PRICES.TXT to look at our low, very competitive prices. Thanks for your interest!