********************************* NOTICE ********************************* LinkUp has been tested on many systems and appears to function properly on all systems that helped test it, however it does have an occasional problem with QEMM(Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Quarterdeck Office Systems), and will occasionally generate the exception 13 error, at this time there is nothing I can do to fix that, however I have been told that SLIGHTLY changing certain QEMM options will often remedy the problems, without loosing much(if any) memory as a result... I suspect that the "forms" system(actually the way they are compiled) I use in LinkUp is the cause of this, as most of the problems that do occur do so during(or sometimes right after) accessing them... The problems that occur should(see DISCLAIM.DOC) not hurt anything on your system but may cause complete lock ups, and/or other errors... Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause! Chavous Camp