Beats me why I never started a history file before now, but I didnt, so this one is starting with version 1.5.......:) Version 1.5 02/27/95 Added multi-file capability to SFPJ. If a particular user has more than one file flagged by SFPJ, *ALL* the files will now be included in their .QWK packet, and those flags will be cleared. SFPJSEND will now verify that you have spelled the name right when dding a single file flag. It does so by checking your SF user database, and will need to locate your SF files. You WILL need to have the SFPATH= statement in your environment variable, or SFPJSEND will abort. Group file lists are not checked for accuracy at this time, so I will assume that you will double check these since you will likely only be entering them once. I will likely add some checking for the group lists sometime in a future version.