ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Shuttle Software Releases ³ ³ for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ -=ð S H A R E W A R E ð=- By: Guy Damlovac - gdamlova@iquest.net http://www.engr.iupui.edu/~gdamlova Copyright (C) 1995 Shuttle Software All Rights Reserved Time Banker 4.5 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above ----------------------------------------- wcCODE Application that allows your users to save some of their time online for later use. Fully configurable to allow the SysOp to set the Maximum Balance, Maximum Transaction, Entries per day, and Gambling. Gambling feature allows your users to wager their time saved! You may configure upto three Security Levels and Users that will NOT have access. Complete seperate database stores all your users information. SysOp definable menu in registered version. Easy to install, and it's not crippled! Shareware $15 InterNet Site List 3.6 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above ------------------------------------------------ wcCODE Application that stores seperate lists of FTP (File Transfer Protocol), WWW (World Wide Web), IRC (InterNet Relay Chat), UseNet (Newsgroup List), TelNet (Remote Connect), and E-Mail (Electronic Mail) InterNet Sites. Your users can add new sites online, list the available sites, search for a specific site, or download the lists for later use. Configurable to allow the SysOp to lockout upto three Security Levels and Users that will NOT have access. SysOp definable menu in registered version. Easy to install, and it's not crippled! Shareware $15 Liners 2.4 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above ------------------------------------ wcCODE Application that allows your users to enter a one line comment to the next caller. SysOp configurable to allow the selection of how many "Liners" you want stored & displayed, and their default colors. Also configure upto three seperate Users and Sec Levels that will NOT have access. Profanity filter rejects liners that have one or more SysOp definable bad words in them! Users are prompted to change the color of their liner in the registered version. Run from LOGINx.WCX, or as a menu keypress. Easy to install! Not crippled! Shareware $10 Custom SysOp Pager 4.1 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above ------------------------------------------------ wcCODE Application that replaces the standard SysOp Page function. It will prompt the user for upto a two line reason as to the nature of their page. Twit filter allows the SysOp to select upto three seperate Sec Levels and Users that will NOT have access to the Pager. Writes to the Activty Log showing you their reason for the page. SysOp definable menu in the registered version. Easy to install! Not crippled! Shareware $10 Post 2 File Credits 2.0 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above ------------------------------------------------- wcCODE Application that allows the SysOp to give free upload credits to users that post messages. Fully configurable to allow the setting of the ratio between Messages Written per upload credit. Completely seperate database used for message tracking! Configure upto three Sec Levels and Users that will be skipped by this program. Run as a menu keypress or from LOGONx.WCX. Optional SysOp definable screens to show your boards message policies, etc. Easy to install! Not crippled! Shareware $10 User Alias Lister 3.1 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above ----------------------------------------------- wcCODE Application that allows the SysOp and/or Users to list the Real Name, Alias Name, Security Level and User ID of everyone on the system. Find feature with full intelligent searching allows you to jump to any point in the database! SysOp configurable to allow the lockout of upto three seperate Sec Levels and Users that will NOT have access. Also configure upto three Sec Levels that will NOT be displayed in the listing. Easy to install! Not crippled! Shareware $10 All Users List 2.0 for Wildcat! 4.01 & Above -------------------------------------------- wcCODE Application that lets the SysOp create upto five different User Lists used for group mailing. Works great with the internal WC group mailer or PostMaster. Fully configurable to allow you to setup seperate GROUP1 - GROUP5 lists. GROUP1 defaults to all users on the system. GROUP2 - 5 can be tailored to suit your needs by Sec Level. Easy to install! Not crippled! Shareware $10 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ InterNet E-Mail: gdamlova@iquest.net ³ ³ World Wide Web: www.engr.iupui.edu/~gdamlova ³ ³ ³ ³ RIME - RelayNet: ->1733 ³ ³ ³ ³ Main Support BBS: (317) 887-5665 ³ ³ Alt Support BBS: (317) 838-0445 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ