AceComm(tm) for Windows --- Copr 1994-1995 MGP Software All Rights Reserved MGP Software; PO BOX 75965; St Paul, MN 55175-0965; USA Internet: Compuserve: 75120,3306 ***************************************************************** ** Please see the file ACECOM.TXT for a description of AceComm ** ***************************************************************** *** STANDARD INSTALLATION *** Follow this easy one-time installation procedure: 1) Run the new INSTALL.EXE from Windows or at the DOS prompt type: Win INSTALL. INSTALL will guide you along the installation process. AceComm's INSTALL is very simple and straight forward. You will be presented with a default directory for the install. C:\ACEWIN You can accept the default directory or specify another directory for the install. You can cancel INSTALL at any time along the way. INSTALL does NOT copy or alter any files on your hard drive out side of the target directory. AceComm's INSTALL provides a CLEAN install. INSTALL will initially add a new group to Program Manager. You can access the AceComm program by double clicking on the AceComm ICON. That's all there is installing AceComm. When AceComm is activated for the first time, a few one-time only dialog boxes are displayed. AceComm initializes it's configuration files, and prompts you for a default serial port and modem. >>> New Users: Please select "Brief Tutorial" <<< >>> from the AceComm "Help" pull-down menu. <<< *** Requirements *** This program requires Windows 3.1, 3.11 or Windows for Workgroups. Some optional features require external programs. See the documentation for details. *** Documentation *** On line documentation is available including context sensitive help, from the main program.