FAST installation: (assuming 4DOS is installed ) 1) Put 4DIZ.EXE, 4DHELP.TXT and 4DIZ.INI in a directory. I'll assume here you call it C:\4DIZ\, but you may substitute this by any directory you'd like. 2) Add SET 4DIZ_PATH=C:\4DIZ to your AUTOEXEC.BAT. 3) Do one of the following: 1) make an alias 4DIZ=C:\4DIZ\4DIZ a) by adding "4DIZ C:\4DIZ\4DIZ" to your ALIAS.LST b) by adding "ALIAS 4DIZ=C:\4DIZ\4DIZ" to your AUTOEXEC.BAT 2) add C:\4DIZ to your PATH statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT 4) Edit 4DIZ.INI and change the options to your needs. You should at least change the "prog" settings. (The paths of these archivers probably aren't correct.) 5) Reboot.