This program has been created for people who are tired of the same old gray DOS prompt. Doscolor is very easy to use and uses no memory because it uses the dos ANSI codes to change screen colors (Look it up in your dos manual) ;-) Doscolor does however require the ANSI.SYS driver to be loaded in your config.sys file like this DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS It's that easy just make sure it's after the DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS line. If DOS gives an error message like "Out of enviorment space" Then add this line to you config.sys file at the begining SHELL C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /P /E:640 or run the included program "morspace.bat" once every time you use doscolor This increases your "enviroment size" I thank Sulfer springs software for the compiling program BatMan which converts .bat files to .com files. Disclaimer>>>> I Matt Hallacy take no responsibility for any problems or damage that doscolor might create (which it won't if you follow these directions or even if you don't) Or loss of buisness or whatever else you can come up with.