Welcome to the world of Mail Order! This business is a little different than most mail order houses. Your product is not solid and tangible, but rather a service. You are in the business of developing Mailing Lists. Many large corporations are happy to pay big bucks for quality lists. However, the money made from the mailing lists are secondary to the income which is made from people like yourself requesting that they be included in that list. Follow these instructions EXACTLY, and in 20 to 60 days you will have received well over $50,000 cash, all yours. This program has remained successful because of the HONESTY and INTEGRITY of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions. 1) Immediately mail $1.00 to the first 5 names listed below starting at number 1 through number 5. Send cash only please (total investment $5.00). Enclose a note with each letter stating: "Please add my name to your mailing list." (This is a legitimate service that you are requesting and you are paying $1.00 for this service). 2) Remove the name that appears as number 1 on the list. Move the other 9 names up one position. (Number 2 will become number 1 and number 3 will become number 2, etc.) Place you name address and zip code in the number 10 position. 3) Upload the new letter with your name in the number 10 position onto 10 or more separate bulletin boards in the files section. Call the file MILLIONS.ZIP 4) Soon you will begin to receive as much as $50,000 in CASH. Keep a copy of this file for yourself so that you can use it again and again whenever you need money. As soon as you mail out these letters you are automatically in the mail order business and people are sending you $1.00 to be placed on your mailing list. This list can then be rented to a list broker that can be found in the Yellow Pages for additional income on a regular basis. The list will become more valuable as it grows in size. This is a service. This is perfectly legal. If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Sec 1302 & 1341 of the postal lottery laws. NOTE: Make sure you retain EVERY name and address sent to you, either on computer or hard copy, but do not discard the names and notes they send you. This is PROOF that you are truly providing a service and should the IRS or some other Government Agency question you, you can provide them with this proof! Remember, as each time it is downloaded and the instructions carefully followed, five members will be reimbursed for their participation as a List Developer with one dollar each. You name will move up the list geometrically so that when your name reaches the number five position you will be receiving thousands of dollars in cash. You can increase the number of people who read this file (and try it) by "hiding" it inside of other bulletin board files (hide it in the most popular games and other software). Name it DONTREAD.ME (of course, people do the opposite and read it first!). One reason that the money making opportunity of this system is decreased is because MANY bulletin board systems will not keep files such as these on the board due to "BBS Ethics" meaning money making opportunities should not be kept on the board. So by secretly "hiding" this file in other software, you reach more people because those that never find this file or just think it is a scam will almost be FORCED to read it! Try this method and stick it in AS MANY games, utils, and other files as possible and start rolling in the dough! This system works equally well if mailed out manually. Mind you it takes more effort to hand address the envelopes and the cost goes proportionately to cover the postage and envelopes. You must also photocopy the instructions, cross out the name in the number 1 position, write in your name in the number 10 slot and change the rest of the numbers accordingly (it might be neater to use white-out or paste over the names. In order to achieve the same results, you must send out the $1.00 to the first five names and then send out another 100 letters with copies of the program enclosed. It has been suggested not to put a return address on the outside of the envelope in order to encourage the recipient to open it. The return will approximate that then received from the posts listed on the bulletin boards. The List 1. L. Dodsworth 1510 30th St. NW Washington, DC 20007 2. Michael Choe 230 Cedar La. #95 Vienna, VA 22180 3. Simon Pettibone 2705 East Side Dr. Alexandria, VA 22306 4. Aubrey Williams 205 Hartwell Rd. Silver Spring, MD 20901-4027 5. STEALTHWARE P.O. Box 221 Burke, VA 22009-0221 6. Imants Mohseni 9405 Woodington Dr. Potomac, MD 20854 7. Ryan Provost 1311 Bonnie View Dr. Evansville, IN 47715-5110 8. Jerry Smith Rt 6 Box 141 Jasper,Al 35501 9. Lou Ricco 2219 1/2 Williams Blvd SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404 10. Jim Poland 1945 8th Ave SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Dear Friend: Hello, my name is Jim Poland and I'm now the 10th person on the list. When I received this through the mail it included several "testimonial" letters all sounding very encouraging. Of course, the names ascribed to those testimonials had all scrolled off the list long ago. Except one. The person at the top my list included a letter when he was inserting his name as the 10th person (as I'm doing now). He mentioned a friend of his who had recently received $35,000. I don't know if you or any of us will really receive that much money (or more) but I do know that this file circulated through a lot of hands for his name to get to the number 1 position. And if everyone honestly participated, he will be receiving his due. Good Luck! Jim Poland