Welcome to the One_Net Christian Network. Where Christians gather to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. ΙΝ» ΙΝΌ ΘΝ» ΘΝ» ΙΝΌ Ί Ί (Network Conferences) Updated: 12/08/95 ΝΝΝΌ ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ There are 3 required conferences that must be carried by any Node of One_Net. They are: One_Net Admin, Open Forum, and Praise/Prayer. Only the One_Net Sysop and Conference Host/Hostess are allowed in the One_Net ADMIN conference area. All other users must be restricted from this conference. It is for network administration purposes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE FOLLOWING RULES APPLY TO EVERY AND EACH CONFERENCE AREA IN THE NET: 1. We are in the presence of the Lord. Be accountable in your posts. Be clear and concise, and post with gentleness and reverence: 1 Peter 3:15-16 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always {being} ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. (NAS) This, obviously, means that there will be NO FLAME-MAIL. No personal insults, slander, or attacks on character. 2) Over quoting is to be avoided. Don't quote the entire post. Keep messages short, clear and concise! 3) All messages are to remain on topic. If the thread changes, move the conversation to the appropriate conference area. 4) One_Net, the administrators, nor any Hub or Node shall ever be liable for any claims from the participation of the network. 5) Messages that do not glorify Christ or have gone off topic can be terminated by the administrators or conference host/hostess, at their discretion. We reserve these rights for the welfare of the network. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conference: One_Net ADMIN Description: The network communication forum for administration of the One_Net Christian Network, it's conferences, Hubs, Nodes, etc. This if for discussing the day to day operations of the net, to advise, announce, or present new information. This is a private forum. Host(s): Ted LaPoint (Kingdom Come! BBS) Jim Rooney (The Neighborhood BBS) Conference: Open Forum Description: This is the fellowship forum. A place to meet new people and form friendships. This conference area is for non-serious stuff. As the subjects change, so should the thread. Have fun here. More focused topics will be moved to an appropriate conference. Welcome to the Open Forum of One_Net Christian Network! This is the fellowship forum. A place to meet new people and form friendships. This conference area is for non-serious stuff. As the subjects change, so should the thread. Have fun here. You won't get mail if you don't let us know that you are there!!! More focused topics will be moved to an appropriate conference. Here are the rules that apply here and to every conference in One_Net: 1) NO ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES!!! You know what this means. If you are not sure if it is legal or illegal... DON'T DO IT OR USE IT! 2) NO ALIASES! An alias is defined as a name that the caller is using that prevents true identification. The reasons for this are simple. This reduces "flame-mail", and keeps the integrity of the network. When you have to put your name on something, you are more accountable for your actions. 3) NO ABUSIVE NET USERS! No offensive or abusive language is permitted in the network. The usage of any word, group of words, expression, suggestion, comment, that is obscene, indecent, profane, filthy, lewd, or that is ethnically or racially demeaning is absolutely prohibited. The local sysop is required to remove any user from any One_Net conferences that this is occurring in. 4) NO FLAME MAIL OR PERSONAL ATTACKS! This should be simple enough. No name calling, insults, slanderous statements or comments, arrogant, or posts designed to enrage, or any other obnoxious behavior or comments are allowed. This is an absolute must. It breaks down the integrity of the system and is harmful, not edifying. The One_Net Christian Network and its administrators assume no accountability or liability whatsoever for any violations of this policy by any and all users of this network. Network sysops can and will be held accountable for failure to remove access of any offending party to the network conferences that demonstrate a lack of compliance to any of the above. 5) Message Conferences: All messages posted in the One_Net conferences are considered PUBLIC and READABLE by ALL CALLERS. All messages are the property of One_Net and are not to be copied onto other message bases or to be echoed on other networks. Quote at an absolute minimum. 6) NOT ALLOWED! This net is for the glorification and exhalation of Jesus Christ. This network will not allow the promotions or proselytizing of views, opinions, or any organizations that are contrary to the purpose of this net. If there is any question to what that may be, consult the ONSOF.TXT for this network's statement of faith. 7) TELEPHONE NUMBERS or PRIVATE INFORMATION!!! No sysop is to give out any telephone numbers or private information about anyone in the network to anyone else without getting permission from who that information belongs to first - this includes Hubs, Nodes, users, etc. Hey, if someone asks... get permission first from the person whom that information belongs. This will prevent any misunderstandings and keep the high integrity that we strive for. 10) RESERVED RIGHTS! The system administrators reserve all rights to terminate ANY posts, discussions, or threads which are deemed contradictory to the well-being of the network and it's users. Hosts: Jim Rooney and Ted LaPoint Conference: Praise/Prayer Description: This is a very important conference area. This is where praise reports are given (for His glory, Amen!), replies to praise reports (let your voices be heard as you have been moved or touched), prayer requests (let your needs be know so that the body of Christ may pray for you and minister to your needs- you have not because you ask not), and responses to prayers (let your brothers and sisters in Christ know that you are there in support - show the light of Christ!). Praise the Lord everyone! And welcome to the Prayer and Praise Conference. The purpose of this conference is twofold: 1. To provide a place where we can bring our prayer needs and requests before our friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. (Mt. 18:18-20) 2. To provide a place where we can give praise to the Lord not only for the blessings He has bestowed upon us in our lives, but also just to praise Him for being Him! Now for a few ground rules: 1. First and foremost, no profanity, flaming, or personal attacks will be tolerated. This is a Christian conference and is carried on many Christian bulletin boards. Please remember that when you write a message, you are being invited into many people's homes, so please act accordingly. Thank you. 2. This is NOT a theology conference. There are other conferences in One_Net where the discussion of theology is appropriate. This conference is for praising the Lord and for prayer. Personal testimonies are allowable as they serve to Praise the Lord for His goodness to us. 3. Please keep quoting in replies to a minimum. Every extra byte in your messages is an extra byte that those who move the mail around have to pay to move. Thank you for your consideration! 4. Above all, have fun and don't forget to praise the Lord! Host(s): Robert Frey Conference: BioGenesis Description: This area is to discuss the beginnings life in the world in accordance to the Book of Genesis. Bio, meaning life; Genesis, meaning the beginning. Host(s): Open Conference: Apologetics Description: The defense of our faith. This conference is a place to challenge our thinking as we consider and discuss the depths of the faith that the Lord has called us to. APOLOGETICS CONFERENCE This conference is for the defense of the Christian faith. This forum is a place for thinking to be challenged and ideas about Christian theology to be examined, both internally and externally. God has given us substantial reasons for faith in Jesus Christ and his claims as outlined in the Bible, so this is the forum to dissect and debate these ideas. All topics concerning apologetics and ideas connected to this, are welcome. Please understand and follow the rules as outlined hereafter. 1) JESUS CHRIST IS LORD OF ALL We are in His presence in all we do, so let us live (and type) as such, believing that this is right in the sight of Christ. 2) NO FLAMING Flaming is defined as an attack on any ones character, or person. While you may disagree with some ones actions or ideas, do not attack or defame that person, in posts directed to them or anyone else. If you disagree with an idea or action, limit your discussion to the idea or the action, as opposed to the person to whom the idea or action is ascribed. This rule applies people on and off One_Net, including but not limited to politicians, celebrities or any other person. Bear in mind that the very nature of this forum, as it deals with exposing truth and error, with differing and often diametrically opposing viewpoints, can be a hotbed of emotion and frustration. Strive always to maintain an attitude of respect and humility (no matter how right you may or may not be) and we will all grow, learn and develop into more mature and better informed believers. 3) MAINTAIN CONSISTENT THREADS Please keep the thread consistent. If the thread is deemed off topic by the moderator it will be summarily moved to the appropriate forum, upon notice, by the moderator. 4) AVOID OVER-QUOTING Please refrain from over-quoting. Remember, the sysops are often-times footing the bill for long distance charges, so please be consistent. Do not, however, feel you must under-quote. Do what is necessary to maintain a coherent conversation, just use discretion. As a general rule of thumb, anything over ten (10) lines in any one block should be the maximum. 5)NO ALIASES 'Nuff said. Your Host, Phil Webb SysOp The Struggle Host: Phil Webb Conference: Teen Network Description: This conference is for teens only! This is an excellent place for teens to discuss the difficulties and struggles of their growing years. This is also a place for friendships to build. Users of the One_Net must follow these simple rules, to have access of the conferences. 1. No harrassing or misconduct towards other users on the NET. 2. No foul language, or any phrase that is displeasing to God. 3. No Aliases of any type. 4. Please use the conferences for what they are there for = "To Glorify The Lord" 5. And, since it is a teen conference, teens only, please. If there are any questions regarding what is allowed and what isn't, please ask your local SysOp or address a message to me - Brian Mansell One_Net Teen Network Host. Host(s): Brian Mansell Conference: Singles Description: This conference area is for those who find themselves single at this time in their lives. That means NOT MARRIED. Let's honor each other here as BROTHERS and SISTERS in the Lord. ONE_NET CHRISTIAN NETWORK CONFERENCE RULES: SINGLES Welcome to the Singles Conference of the One_Net Christian Network. This is the gathering place for single Christians, whether you've never been married, are divorced or widowed. Our Guidelines: 1. This conference is for the fellowship of single adults. 2. Remember who you're claiming to be a child of... This means ABSOLUTELY NO flaming, foul language, conveying of unkind thoughts, etc. The respect you give is proof of who you belong to... Offenders will be warned for the initial offense, a repeat gets you locked out of the conference. If you're locked out, I'll require a written request to consider reinstatement. 3. Enjoy this unique opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations with others in your "singular" situation! Share your experiences, testimonies (if you like), within the sphere of your "single" environment. We're here to learn from and encourage one another. 4. Out of respect for the SysOps who access this conference via long-distance communication, please strive to keep your quoting minimal. Two or three lines should serve to remind the recipient of the thought you're responding to. My name is Darnise Bailey and I'm your Conference Hostess. We'll have fun, counsel one another, and above all, share. Let me know if there are things of particular interest to Singles that you would like to discuss. Hostess(s): Darnise Bailey Conference: Marriage Description: This area is for the discussion of the topics of marriage. What brings them together and what pitfalls to avoid. Share ideas, problems and seek the experience of those that have been there. Host(s): Open Conference: Family Description: This area is more for those who have children, grand- children, etc. The subjects here are for moms and dads, home-schooling, secular schools, parental advise and so forth. Host(s): Open Conference: Theology Description: The Theology forum is for the discussion of many various ideas, beliefs and thoughts. Debate will happen here, but there are a few rules to follow in this forum: Agreement to disagree is okay on secondary items. Offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Maturity is a must here. Be respectful and tactful. No tantrums are allowed! AND NO FLAME-MAIL! Here are the rules of the Theology forum: 1. First and formost, we must all accept that this is and always will be a debate forum. The purpose is to discuss differences in theological beliefs. Please keep in mind that the key word here is DISCUSS! 2. As the NET rules state, there will be absolutely no flames, personal attacks or any other form of hostility allowed in this conference. We can talk about our differences without attacking each other. 3. Keep quotes to a minimum. There is hardly ever a need to quote more than 3-4 lines of a message in a response. In those rare occasions when it is necessary, please make note IN THE RESPONSE that you felt it was essential to use a longer quote. Since the moderator reads all messages, this is the best way to make sure he/she knows you felt God compelled you to use a LONG quote! . 4. The moderator/host reserves the right to remove a user from this conference at any time. This is a private net and forum, not public! 5. Keeping rule 4 in mind, the forum "user removal" policy is as follows... First offense: Warning Second offense: One week "vacation" from the forum. Third offense: One month "vacation" from the forum. Forth offense: Moderator will submit a request to the Overseers to remove the user from the entire net permanently. We certainly hope and pray that these rules will not have to be enforced... but they will if necessary. We would like this to be a place where we can all have informative and enlightening discussions about our difference theological viewpoints. Please brothers and sisters... let's try to write all messages with love and respect for others. God bless you all. Jim Rooney - Conference Host Host: Jim Rooney Conference: Another Gospel Description: This conference area is for the discussion of JW/LDS, cults, and various other subjects that would classify as "another gospel". As threads get more focused, new conferences will be established. ANOTHER GOSPEL Conference Statement: This conference is for the airing/debating of various theological opinions and beliefs which include orthodox Christian views, along with those that are considered by the orthodox Christian community as "another gospel". This area is for the discussion of these beliefs, and in doing so the following guidelines MUST be followed: 1. Understand the definition of "another gospel" is as such: a. Any gospel that denies the ESSENTIALS of the orthodox Christian faith (the Deity of Jesus Christ, His Death, Burial and Resurrection, the Trinity, Christ's Second Advent, and all other essentials. If you have any questions about this, please mail moderator, or download One_Net Statement of faith). 2. NO FLAME MAIL AT ALL! PERIOD! Knowing that this subject of exposing truth and error, with differing (and often opposing viewpoints) can cause very heated emotions, there is to be NO PERSONAL ATTACKS! This will not be tolerated by the moderator, nor any Sysop on the net. No foul, abusive, or derogatory remarks will be tolerated as well. Remember, arguements achieve nothing, and this forum is for debating opposing views. So, in keeping these things in mind, please be courteous. Beliefs may be challenged and confronted, but this is never to be a personal attack. NEVER! 3. Remember, others are using this system. Please do not say anything you would not want said to yourself. 4. Thread Please keep the thread consistent. If the moderator deems a topic to be "off subject" from the purpose of the forum, the thread will be moved to the appropriate forum upon notice from the moderator. 5. Over-Quoting Please refrain from over-quoting messages if possible. Remember, the sysops are often times footing the bills for the phone (LD), so please be considerate. Also, please don't feel you have to underquote something either. Please do what is necessary to answer a post, yet with personal discretion. 6. NO ALIASES! Host: Willam Woods Conference: Bible Study Description: This forum is for the subject of Bible Studies. Where to get materials, what research materials are good companions to have for studies, what bible programs are available, etc. Psalm 119:42 "So I shall have an answer for him who reproaches me, for I trust in Thy word." (NAS) These are the rules for the Bible Study conference. 1. Pray (I Thes. 5:17) 2. No Aliases/Handles 3. Message Posting / Quoting: Keep quoting to an absolute Minimum. 4. Glorify Christ in the message base with no foul, lewd, abusive, or otherwise unacceptable language (Eph 4:25,29,31; 5:4; I Pet 3:9) 5. No commenting just to stir-up trouble (Prov 6:18,19) 6. Keep comments on the thread of the study(ies). Off track threads should be moved to the appropriate conf. 7. Problems, if any, should first be directed to the Conference Host, and then, if necessary, to the Overseer. Psalm 119:60 "I hastened and did not delay to keep thy commandments." (NAS) Host(s): Open Conference: Bible Q & A Description: This conference focuses on Scripture interpretation. Direction in this conference should be focused at what does the Word say, what does it mean, who was it written to, etc. This is a good conference to get into if you like being in the Word (and we hope that you do!). Bible Questions and Answers Conference. Welcome to the One_Net Christian Network Q&A conference. Purpose: This conference is designed to assist brothers and sisters in understanding what God's Word has in store for them. It is primarily an open forum for airing various different questions about the Bible. Many brothers and sisters will undoubtedly respond with what the Lord has shown them about any particular questions. Psalms 119:89 Forever, O LORD, Thy word is settled in heaven. (NAS) 1 Pet 1:25 But the word of the Lord abides forever." And this is the word which was preached to you. (NAS) 2 Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. (NAS) Eph 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (NAS) 1 Tim 4:13 Until I come, give attention to the {public} reading {of Scripture,} to exhortation and teaching. (NAS) The sacred Book, or collection of books, accepted by the Christian church as uniquely inspired by God, and thus authoritative, providing guidelines for belief and behavior. Major Divisions. The Bible contains two major sections known as the Old Testament and the New Testament. The books of the Old Testament were written over a period of about 1,000 years in the Hebrew language, except for a few selected passages, which were written in Aramaic. The Old Testament tells of the preparation that was made for Christ's coming. The New Testament was written over a period of about 100 years. The original language in which it was written was Greek. This portion of the Bible tells of Christ's coming, His life and ministry, and the growth of the early church. Authority of the Bible. The authority of the Bible is implied by its title, "the Word of God." It is the written record of the Word of God which came to prophets, apostles, and other spokesmen, and which "became flesh" in Jesus Christ. Christians believe Jesus Christ was the Word of God in a unique sense. Through Jesus, God communicated the perfect revelation of Himself to mankind. For Christians the authority of the Bible is related to the authority of Christ. The Old Testament was the Bible that Jesus used-- the authority to which He made constant appeal and whose teachings He accepted and followed. When Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and led away to His execution, He submitted with the words, "The Scriptures must be fulfilled" . He saw His mission in the world as a fulfillment of the predictions of the Old Testament. The Canon of the Bible. The word canon means a "rod"-- specifically, a rod with graduated marks used for measuring length. This word refers to the list of individual books that were eventually judged as authoritative and included as a part of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Behind the Bible is a thrilling story of how God revealed Himself and His will to human spokesmen and then acted throughout history to preserve His Word and pass it along to future generations. In the words of the prophet Isaiah, "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever" . Since this conference is not designed for "theological" debates, but rather for the building up of one another in His Word, there shall be none of the following: 1) Flame mail. 2) Foul or abusive remarks. 3) Personal attacks. 4) Or any posts to prove something other than Orthodox Christianity. ie, John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. (NAS) AND: John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (NAS) 5) Keep posts on thread. If the subject becomes "off-thread", the conference moderator will ask you to move it to a more appropriate area. 6) No overquoting. Keep quoting to a minimum. A few lines are usually enough to get the idea across. 7) No Aliases. I pray that the Lord may use this conference to usher us all into a better understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His Grace, and our Christian walks with our Lord and Savior, through the cleansing of His Word. May the Lord bless us all, Your conference host, Ted LaPoint Host(s): Ted LaPoint Conference: His Coming... Description: This conference is focused at the "end times", were our hope is. We are told by Scripture that there will be signs. "His Coming..." is a conference for the discussion of things related to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We begin with two very important truths: * Jesus Christ >WILL< come again, as He promised, as it is revealed. ( Mark 14:62 Acts 1:11 Revelation 22:12 ) * No one knows when that will be. ( Matthew 24:36 Deuteronomy 29:29 ) From here, Christians have and will differ. No system of end-times belief is completely without problems. The guidelines for this conference should be simple. Seek a greater understanding of God and His Word. Seek a greater understanding and love for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Seek to apply the knowledge of His sure return to our daily walk as Christians. The glory is His. "Wherefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thess 4:18 Host(s): Open Conference: Jesus Only? Description: This conference is for those who may not know the Lord. Why Jesus? What about all the other "religions"? Let's win these brothers and sisters to the Lord. Host(s): Open (everyone, I hope) Conference: News/Events Description: This conference is for informing the church of news in the political, social, environmental areas. There is so much happening in our nation and world today that it is difficult to keep abreast of it all. Anything that is newsworthy should be posted in this conference. Christian events, such as Promise Keepers, Billy Graham, Harvest Crusades, etc. should also be posted in this conference. Often times, we don't act because we don't know. Let this not be the case any longer. Host(s): John Bozinny Conference: For Sale Description: Here is where you place things that you may have for sale. It is also a good place to ask if anyone has an item(s) that you may be looking for. 1. All For Sale items MUST be named. In other words, do not post a product for sale, telling what it does or is, but not disclosing the name. 2. All For Sale items MUST have a price posted in the ad. 3. Using this forum to solicit distrubuters for a product is STRICTLY forbidden. In other words, do not go on a distributer fishing trip for Amway, etc. This forum is for SELLING and BUYING... not for finding distributers! 4. Absolutely NO copyrighted material may be sold in this forum unless you own it! In other words, if you're selling software, you have to sell the whole package and keep NO copies for yourself. 5. BUSINESSES & INDIVIDUALS may sell ANYTHING as long as it does not violate any rules and it is not illegal. 6. Absolutely NO foul language or rudeness will be tolerated. 7. This network will NOT be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use of any product, service, or advice sold in this forum. 8. ALL sellers must agree that what they are selling will not be DOA (dead on arrival) and that the item will perform as advertised. In other words, if you're selling a toaster, then it should make toast. If you claim that a monitor is in "like new condition", then it should be exactly that. I guess the whole idea here is complete honesty. 9. Do not sell anything in this forum that you wouldn't be proud to own yourself. 10. ABSOLUTELY NO pornographic, adult, or non-Christian-like material (such as adult or demonic games or adult Gifs) shall be posted in this forum. Simple rule folks... if it isn't something Jesus would sell, then you shouldn't either. THIS rule includes a penalty... First offense will get you a simple warning... second offense will result in a 30 day suspension from the FORUM. Third time... well... THREE STRIKES AND YOU'RE OUT!! There are not necessarily any penalties for breaking any other rules... we will just kindly remind you of them. The penalty is for THIS RULE ONLY and the "you're out" means out of the For Sale conference... not the entire net! 11. Firearm (gun) sales are strictly forbidden on the net. 12. Above all, BUYER BEWARE! You need to know who you are dealing with here. I would suggest looking for a pattern of sales or messages from an individual before sending them a check or money order. Always use a credit card when possible as your credit card company will always go to bat for you when there are problems. Sellers must keep in mind that if they sell something and cash a check, that constitutes a legal contract and they are legally obligated to send the item. If an item is purchased and a check or money order is cashed but the item is not sent within 2 weeks of the transaction, the police department in the sellers city will be notified of the fraudulant act and they will follow through with a complete investigation. Also, providing a false credit card number to a seller constitutes a federal offense and any such activity will be fully investigated by the FBI. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. I certainly and sincerely hope and pray that there is no need to enforce any rules here. Please feel free to sell whatever you like within the guidelines and may the Lord bless you and keep you. Please feel free to leave me a message at any time with any questions about the forum. God Bless you all... Jim Rooney - For Sale Forum Host Host(s): Jim Rooney - The Neighborhood BBS Conference: Music Description: This conference is dedicated for the discussion of music, lyrics, etc. Although not totally dedicated to Christian music alone, this conference area is not provided for music which is directly against God or the teachings of the Bible. Here's the rules for the Music Forum on One_Net 1. The purpose of this forum is the discussion of all types of music and any and all tools that music entails, including, but not limited to musical instruments, MIDI devices and/or computer programs. 2. There shall be no vulgar or non-Christian-like language in this forum. If any thread leads to the discussion of vulgar lyrics in music, those lyrics SHALL NOT BE POSTED. Please talk around them. 3. This is not a For Sale forum. Do not post musical items for sale. 4. Most of all, let's all have informative and enlightening threads concerning this subject. 5. The forum host and the net administrators reserve the right to discontinue threads if, in their opinion, they are not appropriate to a Christian Network. In Christ Jim Rooney - Music Forum Host Host(s): Jim Rooney Conference: Veterans Description: This conference is dedicated to those who have served our country. This area is provided for veterans of WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and those who have served but were not involved with any conflicts. What isn't allowed it paramilitary or militias. Host(s): Buggs Bugnon Conference: Men to Men Description: This is a men only conference. It is provided for men to encourage other men in thier walks, singleness, marriages, familiy, service to the Lord, etc. This is the place where men can be exhorted to fulfill the postition of leadership that God has appointed. Women are not allowed to post in this conference. Welcome to the One_Net Christian Network's "Men to Men" conference. It is our desire to provide a place for men to share with other men their joy and praise, as well as their tears and their burdens. Women are welcome to read this conference, but we would ask them to respect the intent and refrain from posting here (thank you ladies!). The usual net guidelines apply here too. Scripture tells us David was a man after God's own heart... and what higher goal can any of us pursue? It is my prayer that such will be the goal for all of us, and this conference is offered with the hope of serving that focus. Ps 1:1-3 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers. (NAS) We've all read the poem "Footsteps", and we've all been touched by it. But you know guys, when I turn around and look at the footsteps in the sand of my life, I want to see in the hard times, the footprints of my Savior carrying me, surrounded by the footsteps of my brothers walking together... what do you say? Join us, won't you? Host(s): Buggs Bugnon Conference: Women to Women Description: This is a women only conference. It is provided for women to encourage other women in thier walks, singleness, marriages, familiy, service to the Lord, etc. It is time for us as women to rise up to the level of Godly living we were created to enjoy. We were created to know and serve God and enjoy Him forever. We were created to be the support for men that God intended. We can only rise up to that level when we're on our knees. Our men and children need our prayers and loving support. It's time to stop listening to the world and start listening to the Creator of the world. Hostess: Darnise Bailey Conference: Survivors Description: Survivors of abuse. This conferece is designed to be a "safe-place" for brothers and sisters in the Lord to comfort one another. To reach out and minister and be ministered to. Hosts: Open Conference: Missions Description: Let's talk about missions! What missions are happening, where to go, and what to do to further the Kingdom of God. Let's encourage one another for the Great Commission. Host: Buggs Bugnon Conference: Technical Stuff Description: This conference is for gaining the benefits of others who may know what is going on with our computers, gadget, whatchamacallits, etc. As things are getting more and more complicated, it's nice to be able to draw on the knowledge of others who just may know the answer. Host: Open Conference: Hobbies & Sports Description: This is a very important conference area. This is where All manner of frivolity is permitted, as long as it's not a bad witness to the name of Christ. The purpose of this conference area is to have fun. This conference area is topic specific to All Hobbies and sports. These are the rules and regulations for the ONE-NET Hobbies & Sports conference. 1. We are in the presence of the Lord. Be accountable in your posts. Be clear and concise, but remember that you're to have fun here. 1 Peter 3:15-16 but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always {being} ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. (NAS) This, obviously, means that there will be NO FLAME-MAIL. 1) First and foremost, no profanity, flaming, or personal attacks will be tolerated. This is a Christian conference and is carried on many Christian bulletin boards. Please remember that when you write a message, you are being invited into many people's homes, so please act accordingly. 2) Over quoting is to be avoided. Don't quote the entire post. Keep messages short, clear and concise! 3) All messages are to remain on topic. If the thread changes, move the conversation to the appropriate conference area. 4) One_Net, the administrators, nor any Hub or Node shall ever be liable for any claims from the participation of the network. 5) Messages that do not glorify Christ or have gone off topic can be terminated by the administrators or conference host/hostess, at their discretion. We reserve these rights for the welfare of the network. 6) Items can be posted for sale here as long as it relates to hobbies and sports. If you have an item(s) for sale that cannot be put on the FOR SALE conference.....ie....firearms; you can trade land line phone numbers and then discuss about it privately. 7) Above all, have fun and don't forget to praise the Lord! Thank you, Robert Frey Conference Host ONE-NET Hobbies & Sports Conference Host: Robert Frey Conference: Culinary Arts Description: Food, food, and more food! This conference is dedicated to our stomachs (one of our favorite things). So, recipes, new discoveries or adventures in the kitchen are welcome here. Host: Open Conference: One_Net Precinct Description: Listen up, People! Attention to roll call! When your name is called, answer "HERE." I will pray that your name is called. This Conference is about cops and cop stuff. Anything pertaining to police work is the topic, however, since police work encompasses the entire human condition much latitude is given within reason....just tie it in to cop involvement. Keep in mind that our Chief of Police here is also our Lord and Master and He attends EVERY roll call! If you wouldn't say it in His presence, don't say it to a brother or sister. He is always present! If you worry about offending the Chief or your personal worldy boss, keep in mind he can only mess up your life. Considering the authority our Lord has should you not worry more about offending Him? Our text of the day....every day, is Romans 13. Co-moderator: Lloyd Davidson. Host: Lloyd Davidson