INFORMATION ON DOWNLOADING/UPLOADING files: {NOTE: I strongly recommend that you save this info for later reference via screen capture, print screen, or other available means to save this information. It will come in handy later. You will see reference to the programs PANTHER and SILLY LITTLE MAIL READER. They are FREE programs offered to you on many BBS's and can be obtained here on The Shepherd's Flock in the file CALVMAIL.ZIP. The is a CALVARYNET installation program that automatically installs the necessary communications and off-line mail reading software to your drive C: {you need approximately 2 megabytes free on drive C: to check it out}. If the above software is what you would like to have, here is the process for installing it on your system. 1. Download the file PKZ204G.EXE if you do not already have current UNZIPPING software (software that unzipps ZIPed compressed files). NOTE!! You can read through with this document to see how to download. Reference will be made to your downloading files, which assumes that you have already read this document in full and are aware of HOW to DOWNLOAD as later described in this text. 2. Make a directory on your hard drive called PKZIP. The process for creating a directory on your hard drive is as follows (for DOS systems): a. Type: C: [Hit ENTER key} b. Type: md utility [Tap your ENTER Key] 3. Copy the file PKZ204g.EXE into that C:\utility directory a. access the directory where your communications program puts your downloads. You can usually find this information under SETINGS or PREFERENCES fields listed in your commuications program. Or... if your comm program has a SETUP option, access that option to see what your DOWNLOAD Path is. b. to access the download directory, type c: {or whatever drive you have it on} [Hit ENTER KEY] cd\{directoryname} [ENTER]. From that Directory, type: copy pkz204g.exe c:\utility [ENTER] 4. Execute the pkz204g program by going into the c:\utility directory {cd\utility} and then typing: pkz204g [ENTER] The program will automatically unpack and give you the pkunzip.exe file as well as other important files needed. 5. Download the CALVMAIL.ZIP file as you did when you downloaded the file. SEE LATER IN THIS FILE ON HOW TO DOWNLOAD. 6. GET A FORMATTED 1.44 mb 3.5 diskette and put it in DRIVE A: 7. Access the directory where the CALVMAIL.ZIP file was downloaded to {your download directory}. Then, copy the CALVMAIL.ZIP file into the UTILITY directory that you created earlier. UNZIP the CALVMAIL.ZIP file ONTO DRIVE A: as follows: a. Type: pkunzip calvmail a:\ 8. GET READY TO INSTALL the Communications and MAIL READING software by typing INSTALL from the A: prompt. 9. Read further in this document to obtain line by line instructions on HOW TO DOWNLOAD FILES. Welcome to the wonderful world of OFF-LINE MAIL READING!!! This text assumes that you have INSTALLED the CALVMAIL file onto your DRIVE A: as previously described. IF NOT, please read on.. and.. although there is reference to having already obtained the files, you can get important information on how to download/upload files to and from a bbs. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A GOOD COMMUNICATIONS or MAIL READING PROGRAM, SKIP TO STEP 5. Here are the steps to efficiently grab mail from your favorite BBS (a Calvary Chapel BBS of Course! GRIN!), and then answer mail/write mail.. while you are OFF LINE.. or... DISCONNECTED from that BBS. You can see how this would save ya a lot of time. AND... it is a lot easier to manipulate through the CalvaryNet Conferences with this utility. Here are a few steps to take.. and.. if you print out this message.. or save it to a file.. you will have this information as a handy reference. 1. Use the Panther Communications Program you have located in your C:\CC-NET\CONNECT directory by accessing that directory and typing CALLCC. You will then enter the Communications program, which is already set up for you to dial one of the Calvary Chapel Bulletin Board Systems (BBS's). 2. IF your modem uses COM 2 (instead of COM 1), and if your modem BAUD is greater than 2400 BAUD. Follow these STEPS. Otherwise, continue on with STEP 3. Thus, use STEP 2 receive LINE BY LINE instructions to: NOTE: If you are using COM 1, and your modem is 2400 baud, you can skip to step 3. a. Change the DEFAULT use of COM 1 to COM 2 is your modem is on COM 2. b. Change the DEFAULT MODEM SPEED {BAUD} if your modem is faster than 2400 Baud (most are these days). NOTE: If you have not saved this Document to a FILE yet, I highly suggest you DO SO NOW. It will come in handy as a reference tool. (a) Access the C:\CC-NET\CONNECT directory on your hard drive (usually by typing "cd\cc-net\connect" without the "'s while on drive C:). (b) From the C:\CC-NET\CONNECT directory DOS prompt, type CALLCC.BAT. This will start the Panther Communications Program. (c) HIT your F2 key, or use your ARROW key to go to where it says "Configuration" and then press ENTER. (You CAN USE YOU MOUSE). (d) SELECT F1, OR highlight "Select Serial Port" and Press Enter. (e) Choose the COM PORT and Press ENTER. This brings you back to the Congifuration Menu. Now Hit the F7 key, OR highlight "Directory Defaults" and hit ENTER. (f) USE YOU LEFT AND RIGHT ARROW KEYS while the BAUD option is highlighted. You will see the cursor at the bottom of the screen highlight the different baud rates. Choose the BAUD rate {speed} that your modem is capable of (the highest rate) and then hit ENTER. (g) HIT your ESC (escape) KEY and then choose Y when asked to "Accept these defaults?". (h) HIT F10 to exit from the Configuration screen and WA-LA! You are ready for Communicating. I suggest that you totally EXIT the Panther Communications program (by hitting F10 once more) and then RESTARTING Panther by typing CALLCC.BAT (i) Start up Panther, and choose the Dialing Directory. Choose a Calvary Chapel BBS in your area... or.. one that is closest. REMEMBER TO CHANGE THE BAUD SETTING in the DIALING DIRECTORY by hitting "E" on the proper highlighted BBS you want to dial. Then simply hit ENTER until you are on the BAUD RATE Field, and use the arrow keys to change it to a Faster Rate if your modem is capable of faster than 2400. I have pre-set in 2400 baud because I was not sure what Baud rate your modem may support. Then Hit ESC, and choose Yes. You are all set! STEP 3 3. Changing your Name. I have pre-set in the Name "NEW USER" because I had no way of knowing what your name is. So.. at the Panther Main Menu, Hit the F2 key {configuration}, then the F6 key {program settings}, then the F6 key again {Users Name}.... and enter in YOUR NAME. HIT Enter after entering your name.. and then Hit F10 and answer Y to accept the changes. Hit F10 again to get back to the Panther Main Menu. You are all set!!! 4. Choose option F1 or DIALING DIRECTORY.. and choose one of your favorite Calvary Chapel BBS. Once you have connected to that BBS, answer the REGISTRATION questions that you are presented. {Don't worry.. it is FREE! YA HOO!}. =============================================== OK.... NOW YOU ARE ON THE BBS YOU CALLED... The following instructions may differ slightly from one BBS to another, but there is always a menu on the BBS that will assist you in what to do. Look for the MAIL door options or even DOORS options to see how to get to their Mail Door respectively. =============================================== 5. IMPORTANT: During the Registration, you will be asked "What Transfer Protocol to use"... SELECT ZMODEM. Remember.. Choose the Option ZMODEM Protocol if you are ever asked "what transfer protocol do you want to use". You want.... {you got it}..... ZMODEM. 6. After you have been "registered", access that systems MAIL DOOR. On The Shepherd's Flock BBS (619-630-7437) you simply type MAIL at the Main Menu Command. Some BBS systems will have you access their DOORS section before the option to access the Mail Door is found. Other BBS systems have you access their MESSAGE section and then provide a means for entering their MAIL door. CHECK the Menu's carefully for a means to enter that systems Mail Door. If you have any problems, you can usually type "C" to Comment {leave a message} for the System Operator (Sysop) of that system. They will usually contact you regarding any difficulties you may encounter on their system. It things REALLY look confusing on their BBS, call The Shepherd's Flock and try it out over there... also leaving a COMMENT for the Sysop (me) by typing C, and I will get back to ya regarding the original BBS you tried to navigate on. Operator 7. After ENTERING THE MAIL DOOR on the BBS you chose to call, you now CONFIGURE the mail door. This allows you to choose the Conferences on that system you want to receive mail in. You will also be given an option to choose to gather your mail only.. or.. all the mail in any specific conference. I SUGGEST CHOOSING ALL THE CALVARYNET CONFERENCES for now. Usually, the MAIL door will have a MENU that allows for CONFIGURATION. After you have chosen that option, choose ADDING CONFERENCES or... SELECTING CONFERENCES. Follow the instructions for adding conferences, and then exit to the Main Menu of the MAIL DOOR. (Note: Many Mail doors offer excellent help for navigating around and setting up your options. You can leave a message for the SYSOP if you run into any difficulty). 8. DOWNLOADING UPLOADING MAIL: This is the FUN part!! YA HOO! After you have selected the conferences you want to receive mail from, choose D for DOWNLOAD. The system will zip up your mail and then prompt you for download. When you are prompted to INITIATE DOWNLOAD, hit the PAGE DOWN on the Panther Communications program and then hit enter... your MAIL PACKET will be automatically placed in the C:\CC-NET\CONNECT\DOWNLOAD directory on your drive C: The Mail Packet downloaded will have a QWK extension. For instance, on the Shepherd's Flock, the Mail Packet is named SHEPHERD.QWK. This is not something you have to be too concerned with right now, because SILLY LITTLE MAIL READER is already configured for you to AUTOMATICALLY grab this mail packet for your use. After you have had a "successful" mail download, you can exit the mail door.. and play around with other features on that BBS, or.. you can LOG OFF. The Command to LOG OFF is almost ALWAYS "G". Just type G and you are outta there. If you are calling long distance, you can see the benefits of using the MAIL DOOR. NOTE: Since this is your first time on the BBS system, you won't have any mail to UPLOAD through the Mail Door Yet. However, if you had already read and answered the Mail in the MAIL Packet you downloaded, you would UPLOAD those REPLIES while in the MAIL DOOR much the same way you Downloaded mail.. except,... instead of Choosing "D" for DOWNLOAD.. you will choose {you guessed it}.. "U" for UPLOAD. When prompted to UPLOAD YOUR MAIL, instead of HITTING the PAGE DOWN KEY.... {you guessed it again!!}.. YOU WILL HIT THE PAGE UP Key. That is when you will instruct the Panther Communications program to UPLOAD the REP file that Silly Little Mail Reader automatically placed in your C:\CC-NET\CONNECT\UPLOAD directory on Drive C:. 9. UPLOADING MAIL: From within the MAIL DOOR, type U to upload your Mail Responses. When Prompted to UPLOAD MAIL (and you will see a few funny characters on the lower portion of the screen... this is normal), hit the PAGE UP Key. Then Hit Enter again (you want Zmodem, which should already be highlighted just as it was when you did your download). You will then receive a screen that automatically Lists the file with an REP Extension if indeed YOU ANSWERED MAIL while in the Silly Little Mail Reader. NOTE: The WELCOME.QWK file that you are playing around with in Silly Little Mail Reader is for instruction purposes only. So don't upload any file with the name WELCOME.REP.. it is for "show". You want the filename of the original MAIL Packet you DOWNLOADED. For instance, if I download SHEPHERD.QWK... and then access Silly Little Mail Reader.. and read/write mail responses... the RESULTANT REPLY File will be SHEPHERD.REP... which is the file that I want to Upload to the BBS through the Mail Door. READING MAIL! YA HOO! 10. READING MAIL: Using The Silly Little Mail Reader {SLMR}... FREE! Access the SLMR program by typing READMAIL.BAT from the C:\CC-NET\MAILREAD directory... or... since a copy of the READMAIL.BAT file was copied to your ROOT Directory {C:\}, you can stat the SLMR program from anywhere by typing READMAIL if your ROOT directory is in your DOS path. 11. The program will spring to life, showing you the latest QWK packet that you obtained. You simply press ENTER on that QWK packet.. and WA LA!!! You are reading and responding to mail from that Calvary Chapel Bulletin System! You can take your time.. get involved in presenting a Bible study to a brother or sister.. and.. if you are a PASTOR,.. you will be able to communicate with other Pastors on CalvaryNet!!! 12. After you have completed writing and browsing through the Mail Packet, you can exit the Silly Little Mail Reader program. The program will ZIP up your REPLIES and make a file with an REP extension.. like for The Shepherd's Flock, it makes an SHEPHERD.REP file! YA HOO! 13. Then.. at your leisure, you again access the COMM Program in the C:\CC-NET\CONNECT directory on your hard drive... type CALLCC.. {or... since a copy of CALLCC.BAT was placed in your ROOT directory, you can start the Panther Communications program from any directory if your C: Root Directory is in your DOS Path Statement. If you don't know anything about the DOS Path statement, no problem... and no need to concern yourself with that at this point}. Once the Panther Communications program has started up... you are once again ready to Call the Calvary Chapel BBS you previously downloaded a Mail Packet from. You can ONLY upload REP files to the BBS they originated from. Enter the MAIL door.. and UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD mail as previously described. THUS: 14. After you have again connected to that BBS, you once again GO INTO the MAIL DOOR.. and Type U for UPLOAD. The system will prompt you to upload a REP file... which you will see that the COMM program already has listed for you when you attempt the upload (cause the SILLY LITTLE Mail reader program automatically dumped the REP file into your UPLOAD directory! YA HOO!). 15. You can then DOWNLOAD again with the D command.. and start all over!.. all in a fraction of the time that browsing the mail while ON-Line! WHILE IN THE SILLY LITTLE MAIL READER PROGRAM... Here are a few hints for managing the mail once you are in the Silly Little Mail Reader (the program you are now in). TYPE "E" to "E"nter a message to someone from scratch, and "R" to "RE"spond to them. This is a NEAT editor!!! You can press F1 at any time to get help... or.. you can scream at the top of your lungs for help (I personally have found the F1 key to be a lot faster). Well... that's it for now. You can always ask ANYONE on CalvaryNet for help if you get confused or don't understand any process along the way. This can all seem overwhelming at first.. but.. as you start to "get the hang of it", you will become more relaxed. God bless you.. your families.. and all you do in the Name of Christ! Take care my dear friend. With love in Him.. John Scudder RN Calvary Chapel Computer Ministry Internet: CalvaryNet Information WorldWide: 1-800-280-9995 BBS: 619-630-7437 VOICE (24 hr info): 619-630-0340