Being a Hub: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to act as a Hub for DiàmondNît for someone in your calling area then all I ask is that you let me know before start polling from you. You are encouraged to act as a Hub for people in your area, this way the Net picks up its pace. Just send me NetMail via DiàmondNît with a little info about who will be polling and everything should be fine.. Hub Requirments: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ o Must be open 24hrs 7 days/wk o Must carry all echos o Must follow guidlines If you don't meet one of the these requirments then you may NOT act as a hub in your area. This means you must carry all echos with the exception of the áeta echo. If you have access to the áeta echo your are NOT allowed to give ANYONE access to that echo, anyone polling from you SHOULD NOT have access to the áeta echo unless I have written a message to you telling you to give them access. Rules for DiàmondNît: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rules are simple, there arn't many so we expect everyone to follow them. We ask that you follow them to the best of you knowledge. You will only be warned once, if its something major then you will be restricted from the net. 1) Stay On-topic 2) No profanity, AT ALL! (includes blankin* wo*ds out) 3) No Flamming. 4) No PGP! UUEncoding is Allowed.. 5) Treat others as you yourself wish to be treated. These are very simple rules, if you have questions then NetMail me at Sysop@DARKDIM.... Kicking Someone Off The Net: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If for some reason you want to kick someone off DiàmondNît who is on YOUR BBS then go ahead, make sure you let them know that it was not my decission. If I (Network Admin) ask that a user on your BBS be restricted from the net then you are to do so, if you don't I will cut your feed to DiàmondNît. I will send the user NetMail and then send you NetMail to follow up the access change. I gave an example on how to do this in DIAMOND.NET. Setup a Flag for this Net and take it off if you want to restrict them. I HIGHLY recommend this incase I ever have to resctrict anyone from your BBS. If for some reason you (sysop) see something that I don't and think someone should be kicked off then NetMail me. If they are on your BBS then you may restrict them whenever you want. You MUST however report to me on what I may have missed so I can delete whatever it was so other BBSs won't get it.