±±±±Ü ±±±±Ü ±±±±Ü The Intuitive Vision Network (tm) ±±±±Û ±±±±Û ±±±±Û ßßßß ±±±±Û ±±±±Û ±±±±Ü ±±±±Û±±±±Û ±±±±Û ±±±±±±±±Û ±±±±Û ±±±±±±±Û net ±±±±Û ±±±±±Ûß ßßßß ßßßßß (tm) Last Modification: 21 June 1995 What is Intuitive Vision Software? Intuitive Vision Software is a software company based in Chicago, IL that develops DOS and Windows-based applications. Intuitive Vision Software has been in business for 4 years. In 1995, Intuitive Vision Software merged with JTsoft Software, another Chicago-based software company. This placed Intuitive Vision Software in a position to develop many new applications related to the online industry and more! How is Intuitive Vision Software related to IVnet? The Intuitive Vision Network, or IVnet, is the official support network of Intuitive Vision Software and its products. The members of IVnet who are knowledgeable regarding IVsoft products help others on a volunteer basis only, and are NOT paid employees of Intuitive Vision Software. IVnet is also the place where you can receive up-to-date information regarding the release and features of Intuitive Vision Software. What echos are there for IVsoft support? Currently there are two echos that are set up for Intuitive Vision software support: IVN_NEXUS and IVN_IVSOFT. The IVN_NEXUS echo is an echo dedicated to the support of Intuitive Vision Software's upcoming release Next Epoch matriX User System (tm) bulletin board software, otherwise known as Nexus (tm). This echo is where you can receive help and guidance once the final version is released to the public. You can also receive information regarding future releases, utility programs, and the like. Questions and comments regarding utility software for Nexus IS on-topic. The IVN_IVSOFT echo is an echo dedicated to the support of ALL Intuitive Vision Software products. This is where you can receive help and support regarding any of IVsoft's releases. You can report bugs, give suggestions, and make comments regarding this software. You will also receive information regarding release dates, bug fixes, and the like. Do I have to run IVsoft programs to be in IVnet? The answer to this question is a definite: NO! IVnet is not there for Intuitive Vision Software. It is a convenient way for us to support our software in an efficient manner. However, you are NOT required to carry either of the above echos. They are simply provided as a way for SysOps to offer support of IVsoft products if they wish. IVnet, The Intuitive Vision Network, Nexus and Next Epoch matriX User System are Trademarks of Intuitive Vision Software.