An Associated Press story released STATEWIDE On Wednesday May 4th, 1994! Headline in The State on May 5th (Pg. B7): "Can we talk? SCNET logs on" (Subhead: Bulletin boards linked by service) ** The Associated Press! ** CHARLESTON - It's the modern equivalent of chatting over the backyard fence - computer bulletin boards allowing anyone with a computer and a modem to talk to anyone else with a computer and a modem. Now there's a statewide backyard fence over which South Carolinians are discussing everything from gun control to the Confederate battle flag. It's called SCNET, it links computer bulletin boards statewide, and it's free. Bulletin boards are generally free computer services, many run by hobbyists, sharing information on whatever subject - be it sports, sewing or science - with others who have the same interests. In SCNET, messages are transmitted on local bulletin boards move into hubs, also run by hobbyists, which then share the information across South Carolina. So, if you have a computer, you can talk to anyone else in the state with a computer for free - if you don't mind waiting a day or so for a reply and don't mind everyone else reading your message. Messages are generally are shared daily, although sometimes there's a delay. The hub operators pay a few dollars a month for the phone calls to exchange the messages. Most of the talk on SCNET is political, with people exchanging views on everything from gun control and the Confederate flag to candidates for governor. Whether such networks will change politics in the state remains to be seen, said Frank Petrusak, a political science professor at the College of Charleston. "A lot of these people are the same people. They seem to be professionals who are into computers and well-trained," and many are already involved in politics, he said. But if such technology or others, like interactive television, become widely used, it could affect the system. (Bold Type) "People would be able to participate in a more sophisticated way than talk radio. Hopefully, it would plug them into the system and they would be more active and vote." (Quote repeated in smaller type..) SCNET is available on 40 bulletin boards in Charleston and 19 in Columbia. It recently added bulletin boards in Greenville and Spartanburg. Bulletin boards in Aiken, Greenwood, Sumter and North Augusta are also hooked up. (Note: Anderson was inadvertently omitted.) More than 1,000 messages crossed the state on SCNET during the last two months. "In the past few months it's reached critical mass." said Bob Chapman, whose North Charleston wildlife art gallery has a bulletin board that allows SCNET access. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to Bruce Smith of The Associated Press for writing an excellent article! This topic is very difficult to explain succinctly.