ששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששששש The ScreamNet Network Rules and Regulations ............................................. -*‏ General Rules ‏*- This Net is not established to undermine the rights of SysOps, who may be using other sets of rules on their BBS systems, however, certain conditions must be met in order to continue to be a node/hub of ScreamNet. No abusive/racist/slanderous or otherwise offensive posts shall be made in any conference, nor included in off-line mail reader taglines. Hub SysOps will have the last decision as to what is offensive, and node feeds may be cut due to abusive posts. Messages are to be posted in their proper conferences. If a conference cannot be found for a particular post, a general conference has been established for such posts, it's SCR_CHAT (General Chat). Non conference-specific posts shall be left off the network. Discussions of illegal activities are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, hacking, carding, phreaking, pirating, boot-legging, virus coding, and many other illegal activities. Aliases are allowed in all of the ScreamNet conferences EXCEPT the SCR_SYSOP (ScreamNet SysOps ONLY) conference where REAL NAMES are required. REAL names please! Adult areas are to be accessible by ADULTS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER It is the resposibility of YOU (the Sysop) to make sure your users with adult access are in fact 18 years or older. ScreamNet messages are not allowed to be gated to non-members of ScreamNet. SysOps who want mail gated to them MUST apply for node status. ANSI codes, BBS macros, and BBS Color codes (such as the codes used by Renegade, PCBoard and Wildcat) are not permitted in any ScreamNet conference except the SCR_ANSI (ANSI Art) and SCR_ADS (BBS Ads) conferences. Posting of BBS advertisements is to be made in the SCR_ADS (BBS Ads) conference ONLY. Posts advertising money-making schemes and other such posts soliciting consumers is also prohibited. Taglines and signatures of moderators from other nets are required. This helps everyone know where their messages are going and helps to find where messages are comming from if we have to find a user's location! Please! Limit taglines/signatures to 4 lines or less. What is permitted is free, on-topic discussion of the conference subject, barring anything described in the paragraphs preceding this one. -*‏ SysOp-Specific Rules ‏*- Node SysOps are asked to monitor the message traffic through their BBS. Continuous offensive posts, as deemed such by either the Net Administrator, or a Coordinator, will result in the node in which the messages are being posted be asked to either remove the offensive user from his/her BBS, or to lock him/her out of the ScreamNet conferences. In extreme cases, or if the SysOp refuses to cooperate, the node feed will be cut off. Also make note that the ScreamNet does not provide users with the means to exchange private messages with users of other BBS systems. Private messages are allowed, but it is up to the individual SysOp whether or not to review private network mail. There are no private-message-specific areas, although there is a SysOp-only conference, in which regular users should NOT have access. Only the SysOp(s) of that specific BBS will have access to the SysOp-only conference on each BBS. ScreamNet nodes will always report to their hubs to report any problems, otherwise they may report directly to the Net Administrator or the Net Coordinator. ScreamNet SysOps are not allowed to edit any message sent or received via ScreamNet. ScreamNet Nodes are required to retrieve mail AT LEAST 3 times a week. Preferably daily if you can! HUBS are required to poll on a daily basis so as to keep all new mail readily available for your nodes. If you have any questions at all please contact: Maria Forshaw (ScreamNet Net Administrator) at ScreamNet 96:617/0 FIDO 1:101/195 RGSNet 50:580/103 -*OR*- George Scarfo (ScreamNet Net Coordinator) at ScreamNet 96:617/1 FIDO 1:101/715 RGSnet 50:580/100 RCnet 66:1200/0 eof