Hi Craig, Looking at the S/W vers of CFIND20, it is obvious you are mind reader as well as a talented programmer. The program has the '/F' option, which I requested; and also outputs fully pathed filenames, which I didn't request, but thought would be a neat feature ! Anyway, I did some quick & dirty benchmark tests on v 1.7 and v 2.0. The results, given below, may be used for advertising if you wish: ********************************************************************* Test bed: Gateway 486 DX-2 50 with 16 Mb QEMMed RAM Drive used: I:\ partition (250 Mb) containing 1,753 files in 12 directories and many nested sub-dirs, using 63.2 Mb Command line: CFIND *.* "telesystem" /s /n [/f] > telesys.hit (Note: There were 102 hits in 35 files) TEST RESULTS Run # CFIND vers Options Execution Time (sec)** Comments 1 1.7 /s /n 535 2 2.0 /s /n 211 WOW ! 3 2.0 /s /n /f 206 HUH ? ** Execution time after initial nag delay ********************************************************************** Upon reflection, I realize the small time difference between Runs 2 and 3 is expected, since CFIND had to look all the way through all files having no hits in both cases; time is saved in Run 3 only for the 35 files with hits. However, the time difference between v 1.7 and 2.0 is impressive. New subject -- if ther are specific files, or types of files, you would like for your system, please let me know. Regards, Paul