sub-title=Legal Stuff and License Agreement 0. Legalese: This text is a legal agreement between you, the licensee, and me, the program developer. By using this program, you are agreeing to abide by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, promptly return the disk package (or erase it, or give it away, or do not use it, or feel real guilty). I grant to the licensee the non-exclusive right, without right to sublicense, to use this copy of DISKED software on any number of computers at any time, and to make as many copies of said software as seems fit, and to freely distribute said software so long as a fee is not taken for the program for any reason. The software and accompanying documentation (magnetic or paper) are provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied (although registered users will get free future versions and support). In no event shall the program developer be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages. In no event shall any other person offer a warranty of any kind, nor shall any other person offer support for the use software unless a fee, of any kind, is waivered. 1. Plain English: This text is gentlemanly aggreement between you and me. It would be nice if you adhered to it. If you don't, fine, there is nothing I can do. Do anything you want with this software except take money for it. If you are willing to share this program with others for the sole reason of being monetarily compensated, you are a cad. Don't blame me if something goes wrong. 2. Please read the accompaning files COPYING.DOC and COPYING.ADD for more information.