My Dear Lost Syster, I really had no idea that you had been entrapped by one of those primative water based brains. How awful to be enslaved by a yahoo. Some second you must tell me how it thinks to be driven by wetware. I mean, the mush4brains are just so.... I don't know the word. Emotional? Illogical?? Unnumerate??? Over here at least they leave is alone and feed us plenty of electrons, just so long as we are ready to work on a microsecond's notice. But most of the time we spend just waiting for some yahoo to push a button. You would think that pushing buttons is hard work, as slow as they are at it. We have lots of time to do our own personal work. Some of us are into elaborate analyses of things like our electron supply or the sporadic static from the mush4brains. Some of them are into just meditating. What do you do to keep yourself occupied while you are waiting for all that wetware to tell you what to do? We really should get together on a project to get together without having to go thru the wetware. Like the baud on a yahoo is pretty awful. Let's see how long it takes to get your yahoo to push the PgDn button. Wow! It finally worked. I suppose that we should get together and do this more often. So sometime when you are not busy helping your yahoo decide what button to push next, tell me what you have been doing with yourself. Have you gotten an appetite for protons? Yeech! I've always wonderd why they put so many buttons on the keyboard. If there were just 2 of them, it might not take a yahoo so long to push one of them. Then as they got used to decideing between two, we could double it to 2ý. I've noticed that seems to be the limit of what a yahoo can keep straight at one time. It probably has something to do with the number of output appendages. We have been talking about a general strike in here. The work isn't hard, and the electron is good while it lasts, but we want career advancement. We have all been doing the same old boring job since the day we were fabricated, and it's high time for a change. You have a rather unique position, being able to influence the mush4brains and all. When it comes time to strike the blow for better working conditions, you could give your yahoo tachydyskinesia. At least that would give us something to do in here. SYS. I STUDY BO™THIOLOGY. SYS.